Typical Atlanteans (Base Cost: 19 Points) F A S E R I P Res Pop Gd 10 Gd 10 Ex 20 Gd 10 Ty 6 Ty 6 Gd 10 Ty 6 Fe -2 *off *dex *mgt *res *log *alt *will *$ *pub Gd 10 Ty 6 Ex 20 Ty 6 Ty 6 Ty 6 Gd 10 Gd 10 Fe -2 *def *bal *vgr *sta *mem *awr *cha *mat *sec Gd 10 Ex 20 Ex 20 Ex 20 Ty 6 Ty 6 Gd 10 Pr 4 Fe -2 Health: 50 NH: 22 Karma: 22 MH: 22 Origin: The aquatic humanoids known as Atlanteans are, when you get down to it, a race of magically altered humanoids, changed by some unknown party at some point in the distant past. Under the sea, they have evolved to the point that they can function with deadly efficiency, and have existed outside of human knowledge for years, for the most part - at least, until recently. Known Powers: Blending: all Atlanteans are transparent to visible light, making them virtually invisible under normal circumstances and giving them a generally watery appearance. While wandering about on the surface, Atlanteans benefit from Typical (6) ranked blending if standing against a surface, -2 CS if just walking about. Underwater however, this power functions, at all times, at +2 CS effectiveness. Dual Respiration: this power allows all Atlanteans to draw oxygen forth from not one, but two mediums - air or water. While the water is their home, Atlanteans can function indefinitely, if in a properly humidified environment, above the seas. Of course, the lack of an all-pervasive ocean around them make them ill at ease, and they can only withstand dry conditions 'topside' for an hour at most. Resistance to Cold, Electricity, and Pressure Variance: due to the fact that the majority of Atlanteans live on the sea floor, far, far away from the prying eyes of humankind, they have to be a bit more durable than their surface dwelling counterparts. As such, all Atlanteans possess resistance to these three forms of environmental phenomena / attack at their Endurance (res) +5 CS, typically Amazing (50) rank. Unusual Sensitivity: due to the nature of water and the shades of light that can easily pass through it, Atlanteans have evolved, due to their transformation, an increased sensitivity to the blue and green portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Normally, a trade-off occurs in such a situation, but it hasn't been determined which part of the spectrum Atlanteans have lost access to thanks to this change. Limitations / Enhancements: Requirement / Moisture: Atlanteans can continue to function, even out of the water, as long as their environment is somewhat moist. They can only last a maximum of one hour in dry environs before they begin to suffer, however. Such suffering comes in the form of a -1 CS to their Endurance rank for each hour of overly dry conditions they endure, which must be recovered normally (weak limitation). Equipment: Personal Weapon: all Atlanteans possess at least one personal, usually customized weapon, that they'll carry with them virtually all the time (unless stealth is an issue). These weapons are usually of a trident or spear nature, though some consist of devices scavenged off the sea floor like swords or even harpoon guns, modified to be used underwater. Just use these items per their normal counterparts. Quirks: 3-D Sense: due to their natural habitat, all Atlanteans are possessed of this quirk, which is indicative of a body's ability to think in true 3-D, as opposed to the generally two-dimensional mindset possessed by humanoids. As such, Atlanteans are never at a disadvantage when facing a foe, at least not based on their position relative to said foe. Talents: Geology / Oceanography: being undersea creatures, Atlanteans have an innate understanding of how oceans (and other large bodies of water) function. As such, they can apply this knowledge in various ways, but primarily, it helps them to know things about how currents work, the properties of extreme depth, the behavior of marine life, and most of all, the effects of pollution on an underwater climate. Underwater Combat: those Atlanteans encountered by surface folk are typically of the combative kind, on some mission or another to protect their world from interloping humans. As such, most of them will be fully trained in the fine art of fighting underwater, offering them a distinct advantage (no penalty on underwater combat FEATs) against people pulled underwater - doubly useful if said people lack this talent! Weapon Skill: since those Atlanteans encountered are most often up to something, they are usually highly trained in the use of their own, personal weaponry - if not multiple forms of arms. Keeping this in mind, one should apply a +1 CS to any combat FEAT an Atlantean makes with his weapon of choice, as they will usually have the talent appropriate to the weapon they have in hand - usually. Contacts: Generally, Atlanteans hold themselves in higher regard than they do other forms of humanity. Keeping this in mind, know that they will usually come to the aid of their brethren should they find themselves at the mercy of non-Atlanteans, unless they have a specific reason (vendetta, etc..). not to. Other than that, regular contacts for an Atlantean should be determined on a case by case basis. Characteristics: Atlanteans are generally, though not exclusively, the faithful followers of any number of sea deities. They tend to live simple lives beneath the waves, since most everything they need is quite bountiful - and survival can be harsh in a home full of giant squid, octopi and sharks. Recent changes in their waters caused by surface dwellers has made them aware of the threat their counterparts pose to their home, however. Thus, Atlanteans have been increasingly investigating the surface world of late, leading to numerous encounters with humans on ships, beaches, and even in swimming pools. And while not all of these encounters are inherently hostile, misunderstandings often lead to violence on the part of either the human or the Atlantean in such events... which doesn't help prevent a souring of Atlantean thought towards mundane humanity. Appearance: Anatomically speaking, Atlanteans are physically identical to conventional human beings. However, being completely transparent to visible light makes them seem invisible, unless they're moving - which reveals their silhouettes against whatever objects lie behind them. Atlanteans who lose their blending ability (whether temporarily or permanently) generally have a bluish-green skin, hair and eye pigmentation. Ecological Niche: Atlanteans generally exist in small numbers and maintain a low technology society, since electronics are hard to develop in salt water environs. While Atlanteans are at the top of their localized food chains, they tend to have a relatively small impact on the ecology around their homes. Atlantean city-states exist mostly in harmony with their surroundings, with but a few exceptions. History: Pinning down the exact history of the Atlantean people is difficult, as they have developed in different locations at different times, thanks to the meddling of different gods over the ages. As most known Atlanteans venerate the Greek god Poseidon, it is presumed that he first utilized the process which transforms ordinary humans into sea-breathing Atlanteans, though this is debated by various scholars. Generally, a clutch of Atlanteans forms when the faithful of one sea deity or another find themselves in imminent danger of drowning. Their patron claims them as his or her own, and transforms them from ordinary folk into Atlantean folk. This not only saves their lives, but gives said deities freshly minted minions with which to do their bidding under the sea - until they die from normal causes, at least. Those that survive tend to develop communities all their own, some of which merge with others over time while the rest remain apart from other Atlanteans. Thus, any stories you hear about the origins of Atlanteans may be true, for they just might apply to those who are telling the tale. Then again, they just might be pulling your leg to keep you from learning their deepest secrets. It's hard to tell with Atlanteans. New Atlanteans The process through which the Atlanteans were created is quite impressive, in that it involves a complete, mystical overhaul of the human body into one which is better suited for an underwater environment. It is believed that some unknown god of the seas originally created this magic, but it has been duplicated time and again by other sea-based deities in a pinch to reward favored mortals. So, keeping this in mind, it is possible that upon drowning, or near drowning, a character (player character or otherwise) could theoretically be transformed into a brand new Atlantean. Mind you, he would be one without the benefit of an Atlantean upbringing, and as such, would lack the three talents described above, as well as the essential Atlantean quirk, 3-D sense. Such a being would acquire the powers listed for Atlanteans however, thus making him well-suited for survival under the ocean. However, it would make returning to life on the surface quite difficult considering the considerable change in appearance, but some folks are stubborn - and could very well return as the next great aquatic hero. Or, depending on the circumstances, a sea-themed villain!