Typical Elves
Base Cost: 11 points (standard), 10 (faerie-leaning)
Strength 5x * |
Agility 4x * |
Intellect 3d |
Willpower 4d |
Hand Size: Edge: |
2 (10) 0 |
* The ability code of an elf's Strength and/or Agility depends on the weapon skill(s) they choose.
Elves were originally the result of cross-breeding between fairies and humans, but have stabilized into their own, distinct species. They can range from seemingly human to supernatural in appearance and ability, depending on which 'side' of the family tree a given elf favors more.
Powers (standard):
Infravision (w): elves are often blessed with the power to peer into multiple portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This usually manifests as the ability to see by heat as well as light, an ability that is wielded at intensity 4 by its possessors.
Longevity (s): though not ageless like fairies, elves usually possess some manner of extended lifespan. This will often come in at least at intensity 2, which gives elves who have this ability a five hundred and sixty year eventual lifespan (assuming death by old age).
Known Powers (faerie variants):
Additional Limbs / Wings (a): those elves who are much, much closer to the faerie side of their heritage are often possessed of this anatomical feature. These extremities are magically empowered, dragonfly-like wings, and allow for intensity 2 flight (60 miles per hour).
Shrinking (a): some elves who reflect their faerie side more are naturally shorter than ordinary humans. Such elves may stand as short as eighteen inches tall (intensity 2), while most are instead three feet tall (intensity 1).
Hindrances / Augmentations (standard):
Hindrances / Augmentations (faerie variants):
Susceptibility to Iron: elves with a majority of faerie blood in their veins suffer from this limitation. Attacks delivered by this metal (say, with a sword) are always Armor Ignoring to such elves, and inflict at least a quarter of their total Health in damage (strong limitation).
Weakness to Iron and Silver: similarly, faerie-leaning elves are weakened by the touch of these metals. When in physical contact with either, their attributes drop to intensity 0, they cannot cast spells, and suffer from excruciating pain.
This is technically two strong limitations in one (effectively extreme).
Personal Weapon: while they are famous for the use of bows, at least mythologically speaking, there's nothing stopping an elf from taking up any kind of weapon he or she chooses - ranging from swords to firearms to whatever else that fits their background, really.
Stealth (i): something about elves allows them to move about relatively unnoticed - their appearance notwithstanding. When attempting to sneak around or even move inconspicuously, an elf inflicts an increased difficulty level on actions made to notice him or her.
Tracking (w): elves have an affinity for nature, and can readily detect when someone or something has disturbed it in their vicinity. This translates into an excellent tracking ability, and elves may automatically engage in such behavior at a reduced difficulty level.
Weapon Skill: finally, elves usually excel in the use of one weapon - something they'll work at above all others as a matter of pride. This can entail the possession of any one weapon skill, ranging from bows to guns to swords to, well, anything really.
The strange result of interactions between faerie and humans, elves tend to stick up for each other - they rarely fit into the worlds of either of their ancestors, after all. Other than that though, elves make their own friends (and enemies) in the world.
Elves, regardless of which 'side' of their ancestry they favor more, tend to bear a thoughtful demeanor. They're often rather long-lived, after all, and thus have plenty of time to think things through. Of course, this time also allows them a long, long memory.
Elves are close to ordinary humans in appearance, with two exceptions: their slight builds (which can usually be explained away easily enough) and their pointy ears (which usually cannot). Within these limitations, an elf can readily hide amongst the 'normals'.
This assumes an elf that doesn't take after one side of its heritage or the other. Elves who are closer to fairies genetically may wield additional powers and appear considerably different, as indicated above, and might find themselves more at home away from humans.
On the other hand, an elf who is decidedly more human in aspect might be indistinguishable from other such beings, perhaps developing slightly elfin characteristics upon reaching puberty... or perhaps possessing an unexplained knack for seeing in the dark.
Ecological Niche:
An elf can occupy any niche a normal human can. Of course, their natural skills and powers lend themselves to a successful life in a wilderness setting, whether living as hunters or gatherers. They can often do this without disturbing the land near their settlements in the slightest.
Elves did not come about due to natural selection. This species is a result of fairies and humans intermingling over untold millennia, most often with the aid of magic - this because the original donors of elfin genes evolved under dramatically different circumstances.
The initial offspring of humans and fairies possessed wildly differing appearances and abilities, though over thousands and thousands of years elfin genes eventually stabilized... mostly due to elves finally producing more of their own kind directly, without outside 'assistance'.
This process occurred simultaneously, more or less, in multiple planes of existence. This is why one can encounter elfin populations that possess startling differences from one plane to another, but overall function the same, mechanically speaking.
Elves have thus become, over time, ingrained in multiple mythologies.
Taking full advantage of their long life span and affinity for magic and nature, elves have demonstrated a tendency to stick with their own kind. This allows them to peacefully occupy a given space for extensive periods of time - with minimal impact on their environment.
Mind you, many elves find themselves possessed by a powerful wanderlust, and eschew their natural tendencies to roam far and wide - even crossing dimensional boundaries. Thus, one can often find examples of these beings almost anywhere in the multiverse!
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