Grunt Strength Agility Intellect Willpower 6d 4c * 4x * 4d Hand Size: 4 (25) Edge: 2 * Each of these ability scores improved by one letter code over time, thanks to Grunt having acquired his Aerial Combat and Engineering skills after he first joined up with the GI Joe team. Origin: Robert W. Graves, or Grunt as he is known to his fellow GI Joes, lacks special powers of any variety. However, he's received extensive training in the fine art of infantry combat, which combines with an enthusiasm for the military lifestyle to help him excel at it! Powers: (none) Hindrances / Augmentations: (none) Equipment: Backpack (s): this pack is filled with all sorts of necessary, though indeterminate survival and combat gear. Grunt likely has flashlights, field rations, at least one survival knife, a compass, maps applicable to the mission he's on, and a whole lot more within. Fragmentary Grenades (i): Grunt usually carries several of these devices on his webbing or a bandolier. They can be thrown at a target to inflict intensity 10 slashing damage to every uncovered target within near missile distance of where they detonate. Helmet (s): if not otherwise replaced by some other device on a mission, Grunt usually wears a standard-issue Army helmet on the job. This item offers him intensity 4 (+1) protection against any attack that strikes him on the cranium - extended to his face if it includes a visor. Knife (s): should he run out of ammunition, or simply need to cut something in a jiffy, Grunt carries a blade on him at all times. In his hands, this knife, made from m.s. 12 materials, will inflict his Strength +2 in slashing damage on any opponent. M-16 Machine Gun (a): Grunt leans on this weapon rather heavily during missions for the most part - and has since he first joined GI Joe. It can inflict his Agility +4 damage when firing a single shot, raised to +5 when firing it semi-auto, or +6 if used fully automatic. Grunt's M-16s are often heavily customized, though. On some occasions, he has taken to hooking an under-slung M203 grenade launcher to his primary weapon. This thing is typically used to fire fragmentary grenades, per the above, at targets within far missile distance of Grunt's person. Alternately, Grunt will make use of an M26 MASS attachment. This under-barrel shotgun is normally fired to inflict his Agility +4 damage in a thirty degree arc (birdshot), raised to +5 when targeting adjacent opponents (buckshot), or +6 when targeting singular foes (slugs). Most importantly, however, is that these attachments give Grunt access to highly specialized payloads. The M203 can easily fire concussion grenades or tear gas, for example, while the M26 can fire incendiary or breaching rounds - or even more exotic ammunition! Colt 1911A1 Handgun (a): in the event that his M-16 fails him (it happens), Grunt can make use of a backup pistol, which he keeps in a shoulder holster just in case. This weapon can be fired to inflict his Agility +4 damage with one round, +5 when wielded semi-auto. Skills: Boxing (s): one aspect of Grunt's Army basic training involved mastering the ability to strike quickly. When engaging in unarmed melee, Grunt can divide his pre-card play action score between two attacks, the last of which occurs as a contingent action. Guns (a): a well-trained infantryman, Grunt has been schooled in the use of all kinds of assault rifles and pistols, whether they be standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic in nature. As such, he can resolve gun-based attacks at one difficulty level lower than is usually necessary. Martial Arts (a): Grunt's military training has provided him the basic tools of self-defense. Thanks to this training, he may lower the difficulty of any action to strike in unarmed combat, dodge incoming attacks, or catch thrown weaponry, by one difficulty level. Military / United States (w): having been in the Army for a while, Grunt knows military protocols like the back of his hand. Furthermore, he gains a reduced difficulty in all military matters, such as commanding troops, knowing rules and regulations, and gains the military as a free Contact. Contacts: A member of the GI Joe team since its inception, Grunt can always rely upon that organization for aid should he need it. Furthermore, since he's a military man, he can possibly rely upon the various American armed forces in a pinch on a mission, should they be available. Calling: Youthful Exuberance, later Soldier: when he first joined up with the Army, Robert did so simply for the fun and the adventure. After being involved in several real combat missions, however, this reckless enthusiasm quickly transformed into a more refined love of the military life. Costume: When he first joined the GI Joe team, Grunt wore a uniform that closely resembled standard Army wear. It includes a long-sleeved, olive drab shirt over a white T shirt, olive drab trousers, brown webbing, brown leather boots, belts, and holsters, and an olive drab helmet. Personality: Grunt's exuberant, can-do demeanor was apparent from the start, even before he was selected to be a member of the GI Joe team. He is always more than ready to do anything to help out his fellows, and usually forms the heart of any team he finds himself placed within. But don't let his happy-go-lucky attitude make you underestimate him. For under that youthful exterior lies an expert infantryman, one extremely well trained in the use of modern combat techniques, and he can likely deal with any threat easily... and with extreme prejudice. Real Name: Robert W. Graves, Grade E-4 (later E-6) Occupation: GI Joe infantryman, engineer Legal Status: American citizen with no known criminal record Marital Status: presumably single Alias(es), if any: none Group Affiliation: GI Joe Height: 5' 9" Hair: brown Eyes: blue Weight: 160 lbs Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none Story: Grunt was very young when he enlisted; sure, lots of other folks were, too, but they aren't as good as he is. You see, Grunt graduated near the top of his class in Advanced Infantry School, and not specializing like many military folks do, he simply got really good in his chosen area. This extensive infantry expertise got him a job on a nascent anti-terrorist strike force known as GI Joe. A member of the team from the start, Grunt happened to be on the team's very first mission, an operation to rescue George Strawhacker from several Middle Eastern terrorists. He also participated in several other major missions for the Joe team, including the rescue of Dr. Adele Burkhardt from Cobra forces and the invasion of the town of Springfield, which was being controlled and used as a headquarters by Cobra. Soon after this latter operation, however, Grunt left the Joe team to attend college, since it was full to bursting with infantry folks like himself. His thoughts occasionally returned to his fellow Joes, however, and he even re-upped for a time after earning his engineering degree. His time in college gave Grunt a head-start on many of his former team-mates, though, as the Joe team was dismantled in '94. (Historical Divergence) However, with a major resurgence in Cobra activities just a few years later, the team was reassembled once more. Missing his many pals on the team, Grunt went ahead and rejoined the team along with the rest of the original Joes! He remained with the Joes for the duration of their second, publicly active state, and was held in 'reserve' during its third, more covert incarnation - at least until Cobra instigated World War III, during which time the entire team was moved into active duty (yet again). Grunt helped the Joes fend off this final, immense push at world conquest by Cobra, at which time it seemed the group had been finally defeated 'for real'. Of course, Grunt remained to help maintain world peace while the earth's governments went about reconstruction. Someone had to hold the place together after all. * 1983 VARIATIONS * Additional / Substitute Equipment: Falcon Attack Glider (a): an unpowered aircraft, the Falcon Attack Glider nonetheless has two 30mm cannons mounted up front, allowing its pilot (most often Grunt) to serve as a scout or aerial combatant on the cheap. This item is detailed in its own equipment description. Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Costume: Grunt's second uniform was a recoloring of his first. It includes tan trousers and a tan long-sleeved, collared shirt over a white T shirt, a tan helmet, black and tan leather boots, a tan leather belt, and black webbing to hold his knife, grenade and other assorted gear. * 1991 VARIATIONS * Additional / Substitute Equipment: Rocket Launcher (i): after rejoining the Joe team for a time, Grunt began lugging around a heavy duty rocket launcher while serving as the Joes' infantry squad leader. This device fires rockets that inflict intensity 11 fragmentary damage to whatever they hit. Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Upon returning to the GI Joe team the first time, Grunt donned a third uniform. It consists of a brown collared shirt over a tan tank top, yellow-orange trousers, black leather boots, a green helmet with black weather goggles, and a drill sergeant's whistle he wore at all times. * 1997 VARIATIONS * Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Grunt's adopted his fourth uniform after the Joes reassembled at the end of the nineties. It includes a green and brown camouflage sweater, forest green trousers, black leather boots, a black belt, and black webbing with which to hold various implements of destruction. * 2003 VARIATIONS * Additional / Substitute Equipment: the Battle Blitz (v1, v3) (i): after he rejoined the GI Joe team again (in 2003 this time), Grunt made a rather large addition to his personal, military arsenal. The Battle Blitz is a powerful, yet small six-wheeled all-terrain vehicle, and is described in its own entry. Spy Troops Disguise (v2) (s): with its recent emphasis on espionage and other dirty tricks, a large portion of the GI Joe team has taken to using special infiltration disguises. Grunt's is a complete, fully functional Cobra CLAWS uniform, confiscated from a captured Cobra operative. This advanced armor is built from a classified, ionized fiber composite, and provides intensity 4 (+1) protection from attack. Furthermore, it includes a shield that can be used, with a specific shield maneuver, to increase this protection to intensity 8 (+2). Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: The third time Grunt rejoined the Joes, he adopted a new uniform altogether. It includes dark green trousers, a dark green tank top with a brown leather shoulder holster for his firearm, a brown leather, accessory-laden belt, brown leather arm straps (with pouches), and brown leather boots. He quickly amended this outfit slightly. His sixth uniform has light green trousers, a light green tank top with a brown leather shoulder holster for his firearm, a brown leather, accessory-laden belt, brown leather arm straps (with pouches), and brown leather boots. It should be noted at this time that Grunt's 'Spy Troops' gear included a full Cobra CLAWS uniform. This battle armor consists of a red, ionized fiber suit with black trim, black boots and gloves, brown belts, holsters, and webbing, a gold face mask, and a stylized Cobra shield. Grunt's seventh uniform is like his fifth and six - the only difference being the color. It includes greenish-gray trousers, a greenish-gray tank top with a black leather shoulder holster for his firearm, a black leather, accessory-laden belt, black leather arm straps, and brown leather boots. * 2004 VARIATIONS * Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Grunt's eighth, Night Force uniform is similar to his last three. It includes a grass green tank top, black and brown camouflage trousers, brown leather combat boots, brown, pouch-laden leather belts, a brown shoulder holster for his pistol and grenade, and green and black face paint. * 2007 VARIATIONS * Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Designed with colder climes in mind, Grunt's ninth uniform is reminiscent of Snow Job's. It includes a thick, padded olive drab jacket over a white T shirt, green and white camouflage trousers, brown leather boots, belts, holsters, and gloves, and an olive drab helmet. * 2013 VARIATIONS * Additional / Substitute Equipment: Mini-glider (a): though it's a bit smaller than his original, Falcon Attack Glider, this back-mounted device allows Grunt to descend rapidly, yet safely from an aircraft or great heights. In other words, it provides intensity 3 gliding, without the ability to ascend at all. Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Grunt's tenth GI Joe uniform is essentially identical to his second. It includes tan trousers and a tan long-sleeved, collared shirt over a white T shirt, a tan helmet, black and tan leather boots, a tan leather belt, and black webbing to hold his knife, grenade and other assorted gear. * 2015 VARIATIONS * Equipment: the Chimera (i): though he doesn't drive it, Grunt is nonetheless Steeler's gunner in the Chimera this year. A captured and modified Rail HISS, the Chimera is the first Joe vehicle to make use of that particular form of vehicle, which is described in its own entry. Skills: Aerial Combat (a): about a year after signing up with the Joes, Grunt received a basic crash course in aerial combat, enough to get him going with his Falcon Attack Glider. As such, he may attempt all combat actions while airborne at a reduced difficulty. Engineering (i): going to college after leaving the Joe team, Grunt became an engineer under the GI Bill. This allows him to reduce the difficulty of actions required necessary when building anything, no matter what it may be, by one difficulty level. Costume: Grunt's eleventh GI Joe uniform is similar to his first, yet different. It includes a green jacket with gray padding over a white T shirt, a green helmet, black leather boots and gloves, a green leather belt, and black webbing to hold his knife, grenade and other assorted gear. * Note: 2003 saw three versions of Grunt (Versions 5, 6 and 7).