Silver Scorpion Strength Agility Intellect Willpower 5d 5d 4d 6x Hand Size: 3 (17) Edge: 1 Origin: Betty has no super-human powers at all, originally fighting crime with naught to back her up but her martial arts training. For a while, she also had access to a very advanced (for its time) suit of combat armor as well. Powers: (none) Hindrances / Augmentations: Physically Disabled - Alzheimer's Disease: Betty has been diagnosed with this ailment, though she's at an early stage. Regardless, she is at an Intellect score of zero (0) for the purposes of remembering things while under pressure. Equipment: Silver Scorpion Armor (i): designed to give U.S. Army troops some protection on the front lines, this experimental armor was nonetheless modeled in prototype for Betty Barstow's body. In addition to offering her intensity 12 (+3) protection from harm, it also has these weapons: * Scorpion Stingers (a): these devices, mounted on each wrist of the Silver Scorpion armor, project a sort of pinkish energy of an unspecified type. These Stingers work at intensity 12, inflicting like damage against Betty's foes with each potent attack. Skills: Detective / Espionage (i): the secretary of a Private Dick, Betty has sort of picked up this skill by osmosis. This allows her to successfully find clues at a crime scene, operate surveillance equipment, and determine whether or not she's being followed by some interested party or another. Martial Arts (a): well trained in the arts of jiu jitsu, Betty has several advantages in a fight. Thanks to this training, she can reduce the difficulty of actions to strike in unarmed melee combat, dodge incoming attacks, or catch thrown weapons. Wrestling (s): furthermore, if she damages a foe, Betty may attempt an average difficulty Strength (strength) action to grapple them as a contingent action. If successful, she can inflict the same damage every subsequent turn she can succeed in this action. Contacts: A founding member of the V-Battalion, Betty can readily rely upon that organization for assistance in almost any endeavor she should undertake. She was also on good terms with the Invaders of World War II, and surviving members of that group liked her as well. Calling: Protector, occasionally Vengeance: when she first got into heroics, Betty was in it simply to protect innocents from harm - particularly the harm caused by criminals. However, after her boyfriend was slain by the Battle-Axis, Betty was consumed with 'getting' them - at all costs. Now that those traitorous fiends have been dealt with, it is assumed that Betty has returned to her natural Protector calling. Costume: Betty's primary costume consisted of a tight yellow shirt, skin-tight yellow trousers beneath blue trunks, blue gloves, blue boots, a black and yellow half-mask, a black belt with a silver scorpion on the buckle, and a flowing red cape. For a time, she wore a silvery, mechanized suit of armor when fighting crime. A form-fitting suit actually built using her body as a model, it fits her remarkably well, and was almost entirely 'chromed' save for black diamond emblems on the arms and legs. Once she joined the V-Battalion and retired from perpetual action, Betty used two different costumes. The first included an ankle-length purple overcoat with red cuffs under a black leather belt and a large, red 'V' shaped collar, and red leather boots. When not operating 'outside', she wore a primarily dark blue spandex body suit, which was accessorized with red buccaneer boots, red and blue gloves, red and blue boots, a red 'V' shaped belt, and a red and white 'V' shaped collar with a blue and white cape attached. Personality: Betty is a true hero at heart, willing to fight what she believes in regardless of how great the risks to her person may be. While she does seem to show the weight of her crime fighting decades, she's nonetheless a voice of reason and calming influence among her teammates. Real Name: Betty Barstow Occupation: adventurer, former secretary Legal Status: American citizen with no known criminal record Marital Status: single Alias(es), if any: none Group Affiliation: the V-Battalion Height: 5' 7" Hair: blond, later gray Eyes: blue Weight: 135 lbs Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none Story: The secretary and girlfriend of Dan Hurley, Private Eye, Betty Barstow went to a costume ball one night as a super-heroine, in a costume she made herself. As chance would have it, she wound up fighting crime for a time in the costume, having a sort of itch to battle the forces of evil. After a few adventures as the Silver Scorpion, Betty returned to her old job as a secretary. Soon after, her boyfriend Dan was hired to protect the laboratory of Professor Carson, a UCLA scientist that worked on various projects for the United States government. One of the projects that Carson was working on was a suit of armor that soldiers could use in battle. This armor, which Carson named the Silver Scorpion armor after Betty's adventuring alias, was even molded to fit her in the prototype stage - which was rather unusual, to say the least. At any rate, Betty eventually received a phone call from the Thin Man, asking her to help the Invaders defeat a plot against America. Still heroic at heart, Betty went to UCLA, where Captain America and Miss America were looking for some Nazi villains, and she got KO'd by the Spider Queen. When she came to, she found out that the super-humans that knocked her out had killed Professor Carson and her boyfriend Dan, and were in the process of doing the same to the two super heroes she was supposed to meet. Red with rage, she donned the Silver Scorpion armor! She used it to confront the Battle-Axis, the traitorous American 'heroes' that were the source of her woe, and distracted them long enough to allow Captain America and Miss America to get the drop on them. The Battle-Axis then fled, and the three heroes followed right after. As the Silver Scorpion, Betty accompanied Captain America, the Sub-Mariner, Miss America, and the Blazing Skull to the secret facility the Germans were using to do their evil deeds, found by following clues the Battle-Axis left while Betty was supposedly 'dead'. They tore into the place, but were defeated by the Battle-Axis and their unwilling allies, the Golem and the Vision. The heroes eventually escaped, and ultimately derailed their foes' nefarious plot to destroy America's west coast with a combination of an earthquake device and poison gas. At some point after this, Betty turned her armor over to the American government, but the exact time this occurred is unknown. She presumably fought crime (either with or without it) for the duration of World War II, what with the conflict having become so... personal for her. A few years after the war, Betty was recruited by the Mighty Destroyer into the V-Battalion, a group he originally formed to hunt down escaped Nazi war criminals. She joined, though over the years the group's scope grew to handle all kinds of covert threats to mankind. Though thick and thin, she's stuck with her compatriots in the V-Battalion for all these years. Almost the last surviving founder left in the organization, she's possibly in a better position to guide the group in less... risky directions than the Destroyer has in the last few years.