MAX Armor, Mark 4 Unlike the previous forms of Man-Amplified Experimental (MAX) armors, the Mark 4 was a highly specialized, pared down piece of equipment designed for espionage work. Furthermore, it wasn't built by either of the Swensens, but instead by government operative Willy Deere. Lightly armed and armored, the Mark 4 suit excels in secrecy more than anything else - despite its bright red coloration. About human-sized, it is highly maneuverable, and can almost match up with previous MAX suits despite having fewer combat options or a lack of add-ons. Since it was only used on one mission, the Mark 4 may have been viewed as a failure. Or, alternately, it may simply be held in reserve for operations more suited for its specific design - within, say, foreign territory. Either way, the Mark 4 MAX suit has these capabilities: Trait Enhancement: its primary purpose, the MAX armor greatly expands the physical capabilities of its operator. While occupying the Mark 4 suit, its pilot benefits from the following, considerable trait enhancements: Melee: +1 RS (RV 30) Coordination: +3 RS (RV 40) Brawn: +3 RS (RV 33) Fortitude: +3 RS (RV 50) Intellect: n/a Awareness: +1 RS Willpower: n/a Armor Endurance: designed for stealth work more than direct combat, the Mark 4 MAX suit doesn't have quite the Endurance of its predecessor. As is the case with previous iterations of MAX technology, it is equal to its Body Armor rating - rank value 20. If the armor takes damage, it must pass an Endurance ACT roll versus the intensity of the damage taken, or some of its systems may be compromised. If so, attempt another ACT for each system affected by the specific attack to see what keeps working... and what fails. Body Armor: though not quite as tank-like as its predecessor, the Mark 4 MAX armor nonetheless provides its current occupant considerable protection from injury. The rank value 20 body armor it offers its pilot grants the following resistance to the various attack forms: RV 20 / RV 6 / RV 2 / RV 0 / RV 0 Energy Absorption / Electricity: thanks to various storage batteries scattered throughout its structure, the Mark 4 MAX suit can absorb electrical attacks directed at it. It thus has the energy absorption power, where electricity is concerned, at rank value 40. Purloined energy can be used to power the Mark 4's various systems if necessary, or it can be wielded in an electrical attack through the armor's gauntlets, an assault that can have up to 40 points of absorbed energy behind it (inflicting like Stunning Energy damage). Environmental Independence: the MAX armor is equipped with at least an eight hour, rank value 10 air supply for the pilot, since it has been designed to work in any terrestrial environment, such as underwater, high up in the atmosphere, or possibly even underground. Flashlight: a light source is mounted inside the Mark 4 MAX helmet, which projects illumination through the hardened face shield. It emits light of rank value 10 intensity, and can illuminate anything within the sector its pilot currently occupies. Jet Thrusters: this back-mounted rocket allow the MAX armor to fly at rank value 30 speeds, or about 204.55 miles per hour. It does have lots of fiery exhaust, though, and can inflict rank value 10 SD Energy damage to anyone within ten feet of it when it ignites. Laser Beams: mounted in the MAX armor's wrists, these cutting beams can be used to inflict rank value 30 Armor Piercing Energy damage per strike. This can be used against living people, but are much more useful for breaking into buildings and such. Onboard Computer: this voice activated computer system has the ability to monitor the MAX armor's systems to ensure peak performance, and it can also automate the Sensor Suite to save the pilot lots of time looking for things manually. Radio Transceiver: the Mark 4 MAX suit can communicate with a control center with significant range. While its exact limits are unknown, the MAX suit can transmit and receive radio signals halfway around the globe; consider this rank value 50 in scope. Sensor Suite: greatly augmenting the situational awareness of the MAX armor's pilot, this suite of sensors provides him or her numerous additional capabilities to perceive their environment. MAX's sensor suite has the following, rank value 30 sensors: * Image Recognition Technology: incredibly powerful for their time, the computers within the Mark 4 MAX suit have the ability to identify specific targets based on their appearance alone, doing so as long as they're within one mile of the armor. * RADAR System: this unit can tie into government tracking systems to follow a target with seemingly unlimited range, or it can simply work alone, spotting significant airborne targets within a fifty mile range (rank value 10). * Thermal Scans: the Mark 4 MAX armor doesn't allow the pilot to actually see infrared heat sources, but it does have the ability to track them. It can detect infrared signatures within one mile of its location, and display them via false-color imagery. * Transparent Vision: the Mark 4 MAX armor uses an x-ray system to peer right through solid materials, showing what lies beyond as a computerized, false-color image. Using the MAX suit's transparent vision, its pilot may peer through up to thirty yards of opaque matter. * Voice Print Identification: the MAX armor can track a target by his or her voice print, doing so within an approximate ten mile range (it has tracked a single target through the city of Vancouver). This system works with rank value 150 effectiveness.