Warrior Woman F A S E R I P Res Pop Ex 20 Gd 10 Am 50 In 40 Gd 10 Gd 10 Ex 20 Rm 30 Am -50 Health: 120 Karma: 40 Origin: Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer is a German spy who used an improvised Super-soldier Serum on herself. Astonishingly enough it worked, giving this already sadistic woman super-human strength and stamina - and as such, she should be considered an altered human. Known Powers: (none) Limitations / Enhancements: (none) Equipment: Whip: Julia can use this long leather whip to inflict Excellent (20) Edged Attack damage to anyone within about ten feet of her person. If she uses it in a grappling attack, she can suffocate her foe if she manages to wrap it around their neck. Quirks: Sadism 2: more than anything else, Julia enjoys inflicting pain and suffering upon others, particularly men. If given an opportunity to do so, she must pass a Psyche FEAT roll at -4 CS to resist the urge to either beat men unconscious and/or tie them up and 'go to work' on them. Talents: Detective / Espionage: Julia has been highly trained in Nazi techniques for surveillance, intelligence gathering, and torture. In these situations, she should make Reason and Intuition FEATs as though the applicable ability scores were +1 CS in rank. Hypnotism: Julia is also highly skilled at hypnotism. She can extract information and install post-hypnotic suggestions into a target's mind as if she had the Mind Control power at her Reason rank. Victims gain a Psyche FEAT roll to resist hostile hypnosis inflicted upon them. Languages / English, French, and German: a German native, Julia is naturally fluent in that land's tongue. However, as she has been forced to interrogate large numbers of Allied soldiers, it is assumed that she can speak French and English, as well. Military / Germany: as one of Hitler's elite interrogators, Julia is assumed to have been trained in proper, basic military techniques. Carrying significant rank as both an interrogator and as Warrior Woman, so she can lead groups of soldiers on various missions if necessary. Skill / Whip 2: Julia has mastered the use of this weapon and employes it often, either in battle or during her... personal exploits. She can use any whip as if her Fighting score was +2 CS in rank, which often makes its lesser damage (versus that of her fists) worthwhile. Contacts: As one of Hitler's main men (or women, really), Julia had several advantages over other Nazis of her day and age. She was able to hob nob with various costumed super Nazis and other German citizens of high standing during those dark times. Costume: Julia's Warrior Woman costume is basically a leather one-piece outfit, coupled with hip-hugger leather boots, gloves, and assorted straps on her arms, legs, and torso (for effect). She also bears a black choker collar and a red swastika arm band. Personality: Julia is a firm adherent to the Nazi cause, embracing it whole heartedly. She seems to enjoy the torture of those weaker than herself, more so now that she's been transformed into a veritable Amazon among men, flaunting her 'superiority' for the world to see. Real Name: Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer Occupation: Nazi agent Legal Status: German citizen wanted for the perpetration of war crimes in several nations Marital Status: married Alias(es), if any: Krieger Frau, Frieda Ratsel, Frau Ratsel (Madame Mystery), Agent Drei Group Affiliation: partner of the Master Man, member of the Super-Axis Height: 6' 5" (originally 5' 6") Hair: raven black Eyes: blue Weight: 250 lbs (originally 130 lbs) Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none Story: Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer first appeared as one of Hitler's personal interrogation officers, a woman who loved to torture men, and could invariably extract any information from them. On one particular assignment, she was to acquire certain information about the American Super-soldier Serum the Nazis lacked. Upon doing so, she used this information (along with that the Nazis already had) to empower herself. Injecting the compound into herself, she grew much taller, and more than doubled her own body mass with raw muscle. Dubbing herself the Warrior Woman, she teamed up with the oafish Master Man to defeat the Invaders team, who he'd defeated earlier (they were attempting to escape). Rejoicing at this, Hitler decided to have the two married, to create a race of super-Germans. Though she didn't like this, as she hated men in general (and Master Man in particular), Julia nonetheless went along with her leader's wishes, and went through with the marriage ceremony Hitler arranged. The Invaders attempted to escape yet again, however, and ready for the Super-soldier duo this time, the heroes managed to win out in the end. Despite their failure, Julia and Master Man were used again and again against the interloping Invaders, either by themselves or together. Things went a bit off the rails, though, when Julia was compelled, along with several other super-Nazis, to work together as the so-called Super-Axis by Lady Lotus. Though she would never do so normally, Lady Lotus' mind powers were too powerful to resist. Joining forces with a similarly coerced Human Torch, the Super-Axis went on a rampage, inflicting severe infrastructure damage on the United States until the Invaders could bring them to heel. With their defeat, Julia and company went their separate ways, though she continues to do her best to further the Axis cause at every possible opportunity - with or without her ersatz husband.