the Bridge Layer

The Bridge Layer (colloquially known as the Toss 'n Cross) carries an armored, vehicle-launched bridge. Built on a converted tank chassis, the Bridge Layer can drop said bridge to allow other vehicles to proceed over most any terrain, and has these characteristics:

Gd 10
Ty 6
In 40
Rm 30

105mm 'RAP' Cannons: The principal defense on the Bridge Layer, these cannons are mounted on each side of the vehicle - though not symmetrically. Armed with a laser designator for a +1 CS to hit, these guns inflict Remarkable (30) Shooting damage per deadly burst.

Armored Hull: the Bridge Layer's frame is built from a titanium alloy / micro-mesh bonded hull, giving it considerable durability. This provides the Body and Protection scores listed above, and make it very, very difficult to disable while being used as intended.

Communications Array: the Bridge Layer has a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system, allowing for constant team communications. This makes for Good (10) comm power (25 mile range) with Remarkable (30) signal encryption.

Reinforced Bridge: the primary function of the Bridge Layer is to drop this device over a bad span of terrain, whether it be a narrow cavern or deep stretch of water. Spanning twenty-three feet, this bridge is armored to the point that it has an Incredible (40) material strength.

Rocket Launchers: the Bridge Layer has a secondary defense in the form of these launchers, which can fire anti-tank or anti-personnel missiles. These launchers can be fired in tandem to inflict +1 CS damage, and have up to 40 rounds available, which have these features:

Gd 10
Am 50
Gd 10
Remarkable (30) Edged Attack

Extra Goodies:

Bridge Layer Universal Heroes Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Bridge Layer:


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