Technohol 13: Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game Material

Saturday, September 14, 2024

(posted on June 27th, 2024)

Welcome to Technohol 13!

Apologies for the utter lack of progress on the many and various projects that I'm trying to wrap up here on the 13. Building the house bus is sort of a full time job, and I also need to procure another full time job to actually pay for the thing. It hasn't left a lot of time for working on my writing, one way or another. But it's been a few months, so I figured I should update all y'all.

As you are probably aware, the certificate for the 13 has expired, and there's apparently no mechanism in the universe that will stop GoDaddy from just removing it. Because GoDaddy is one of the worst web hosts in the known universe. Sadly, I haven't found good hosting for my peculiar brand of .asp code, so here it rests. Not that I could afford new hosting right now as it is.

So you may get regular error messages when viewing this site. Note that I only got a certificate for the 13 proper, not all its sub-sites. So if you're looking for some flavor of my rules business, you can skip the security nags by bookmarking the variation of those you want, and avoid the consequences of GoDaddy's sullen incompetence. Something to that effect.

In other news, the goal is to resume development on the Work of the Ages, the Costumed Adventurer Simulation Engine, somewhat soon. I had paused work on it (above and beyond that caused by work on the house bus) because for a fleeting moment, it seemed like I might have come up with a collaborator for the work. Sadly, I was just reminded why I don't bother working with other people ever.

Actually, half the time I wonder if I should even bother continuing. After all, I apparently don't even need to host my character work any longer, because every year someone comes along, lifts x amount of it for their 'own' project, and claim it as their own. As you can guess, this just happened again, so we'll see if the usual cycle of this turn of events follows historical precedent.

Basically, the song goes like this. I randomly stumble into someone bragging about their big new thing, I find out they're lifting my material with little to no editing, I call them out for it in the public place they're bragging, they whine about me calling them out for stealing my material without asking or attribution, and then their project slowly fades away.

It's one of those things. Why would I go to the site where some guy is just lifting everyone else's efforts, when every single thing on said site already exists somewhere else? That's why I write about obscure nonsense: because nobody else has covered it! And, finally, that's why all three of you drop in to keep up with my work. Thanks, all three of you!

Anyhow, If you're looking for more, you can find a link to our Skoolie's Patreon, which my wonderful wife has been busy assembling via all the terrible photos and videos I've taken. Furthermore, you can donate to the site itself (which is still live, if barely) at my Paypal thingus, and if you're bored, check out Gaming Nerds ᴙ Us (once I finally get it working) to come chat with us about gaming!

But thanks again for dropping by, hope to see you back here again soon!

Antisocial Media!

Despite the overt criminal nature of that corporation, Technohol 13 still has a Facebook page, which you can find here. I tend to make announcements there when I reach a major milestone on the site, in case you're one of those folks who doesn't like to watch my work in progress, and prefers to catch it all at once. Or if you just want to 'like' us. You're here, after all, so you must like us, at least a little bit!

But What Have I Done For You Lately, You Ask?

I've added plenty to the 13 of late, including Camshaft, Zetar, Abzu, Sergeant Smasher, Stiletto, Air Raid, Agent Helix, Sightline, Freestyle, Ashiko, Ice Storm, the Blackstars, Gristle, Red Ninjas, Night Creeper Leaders, Headhunter Stormtroopers, Nitro-Vipers, Monstro-Vipers, Steel Brigade Deltas, Bio-Vipers, the Scorpion, Tomahawk, Mega-Vipers, the Cycle Armor, Night Fox, Cyber-Vipers, Kickstart, and Wong!

Technoholic Content

In the event that those expressive icons at the top (and bottom) of the page don't tell enough of the story for you to see what lies beyond them, here is a quick summary of just about everything on the site. I even added one or two pages that I didn't have room for in the navigation bar above (well it looks like I do, but there's more coming... oh yes).

The New Universe: It was the world outside your window - at least, until the so-called White Event rippled across the face of the earth, leaving approximately two in every million people forever changed. With the dawn of the paranormal, the world would be forever changed - and for the worse - as various governments scrambled to master this new, uncontrollable power.

GI Joe: a Real American Hero: Assembled from the very best members of the various armed forces, Special Counter-Terrorist Group Delta is also known by its nickname, GI Joe. This group was created to handle all kinds of threats to democracy, but was forced to focus its efforts on Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world! Only GI Joe stands between Cobra and its nefarious goal!

Timely Heroes: The dawn of the heroic age, the 1940s were an era fraught with peril, both in the form of rampant fascism as well as villainous individuals of great personal power. The only thing standing in the way of their conquering the world were a loose band of stubborn, individualistic super heroes determined to protect freedom at all costs!

Transformers: hailing from a strange world and unknown and variable distance from our own, the Transformers are a race of mechanoid aliens who ceaselessly vie for control of their native Cybertron... and the universe beyond! Their misadventures described in countless variations, across television and comics and even live action film, the Transformers' battle is never-ending!

Variant Earth 13: Superficially reflecting the 'real' world, Variant Earth 13 is a nexus of sorts, a place that has an analogue of events in a multitude of other timelines. While the Powers That Be try to keep a lid on things and preserve the status quo, all manner of ascendant beings are quite active in the pursuit of their goals, and events are quickly spiraling out of control.

MSH Infinity: Built for adventures throughout a multiverse of possibility, the Planescape campaign setting featured a battle of ideas amidst incredible locations. The MSH Infinity reference will be an eventual translation of this incredible material into MSH RPG terms, allowing you to take your heroes on an adventure they won't soon forget - if they don't simply move in!

Myths and Legends: Something of a new project I'm working on, Myths and Legends is an attempt to document, in RPG terms, a variety of obscure deities that most of you have never even heard of. Most of them will be from the land of Babylon, but others will be from additional places. Drop by and check out the divine when you've got the time!

Marvel Universe Miscellany: A place for those folks that don't quite fit into the sections above, the Marvel Universe Miscellany is a sort of repository for odds and ends that I've perpetrated over the years in statistical form, folks I don't want to build a whole reference for yet I wouldn't mind featuring on the site - since I did make them playable, after all.

Custom Rules: This is a compendium of the custom-built rules systems I have created for use by the general public. Currently, these rules are for the Universal Heroes Role Playing Game ('Classic' MSH RPG) as well as the 4C System: Edition 13 rules. I intend to eventually add Saga versions of all this material, as well as rules for one more game - but that's down the road some.

The Technohol 13 Master Roster: In the event that you are looking for a character you think I've covered in the past but don't want to leaf through the above sections to find him or her (or it), you can't do wrong to look here. This is a compendium of links to everyone I'm currently featuring on the site, in both their MSH Classic and Saga versions. It's huge but comprehensive!

Technoholic Updates: While I try to update the 'news' section above on a weekly schedule, more or less, I usually update the Updates page as soon as I've added something to the 13. Sometimes I'm working 'ahead' and sometimes I'm not, but that'll show you just what it is I'm up to at any given point in time, in the event that you're looking for the newest in Technoholic goods.

The Atomic Links: This is a collection of MSH RPG links I have assembled for you, either in a Classic or Saga flavor. The list seems to be dwindling rapidly of late, as AOL and now Geocities seems to be removing all their hosting services (or going under, as it may be). But these links nonetheless lead to additional MSH RPG material for your gaming use, so check them out when you're done here.

Technoholic Basics: This is a quick bit of information about the site itself, going a bit above and beyond what you see here on the 'main' page, and goes into my motivations for the site and so on. It's also where I've placed the Technoholic Color Changing Mechanism, in the event that you would rather pick your own color than go with the quasi-random Color Rotating Thingus I built a bit back.

Author Information: In the event that you'd like to know a little bit more about the author of this here web site (everything on is written by me unless specifically noted otherwise), this is the link for you. Feel free to read about my sad little life and get to know me some, and if you have a burning need for even more Firebomb dirt, a link is provided therein.

A Must-See RPG Site!

Effie Rover's RPG Library Gold Wyrm Award

Effie Rover's RPG Gateway has fallen, after an impressive eighteen year run. I was very happy to receive this award from them, since I think I had the only MSH RPG site that earned one, so I'm keeping it here for posterity.

Support Technohol 13!

(What's this?)

Send Firebomb An E Mail Message

Got something to say to Firebomb? Sure, I used to have a Guest Book here that people would love to deface, but I had to take that down and haven't bothered putting up a new one yet. Or a forum or anything snazzy like that. So, since I don't have one of those any more, feel free to drop me an e mail message any time, utilizing this address here:

This site was born on April 9th, 1998, and last modified on July 30th, 2024!

Interested in using Technoholic content in your own project? Please read this beforehand!