Fast Draw
Melee RV 10 |
Coordination RV 20 |
Brawn RV 10 |
Fortitude RV 20 |
Intellect RV 10 |
Awareness RV 10 |
Willpower RV 10 |
Lifestyle RV 20 |
Repute RV 0 |
Health: Fortune: |
60 30 |
Eliot Brown is Fast Draw, the GI Joe team's FAFNIR operative. He lacks superhuman powers of any stripe, but is definitely a man you can consider a high tech hero, since he's literally wearing a high tech missile delivery system while on the job!
Known Powers:
Limitations / Enhancements:
FAFNIR Missile System: Fast Draw's primary claim to fame is that he's the GI Joe team's FAFNIR (Fire And Forget Non-tube-launched Infantry Rocket) operator. Which is all well and good, but just what on earth is the FAFNIR system, you ask?
FAFNIR consists of a heat-resistant, padded suit that the operator dons before strapping the missile launch system onto their back, and donning the high tech targeting helmet. The suit itself can resist Cold, Fire, and Heat at rank value 40, as it is highly insulative.
This insulation works both ways, however, and as a result Fast Draw must rest or engage in sparse activity while hauling his gear around lest he overheat. On the other hand, it allows him to function normally in extreme environments without any special considerations, as well.
The helmet projects a lock-on heads-up display onto Fast Draw's visor, giving him a +1 RS to hit his targets, as well as threat/malfunction indications. Furthermore, all of the target acquisition and homing circuitry is housed in the missiles themselves, allowing incredible safety.
In other words, Fast Draw can fire a missile and duck behind cover, the projectile continuing on after whatever he fired it at even while he's no longer maintaining line-of-sight with the target. The missiles are incredibly fast and ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure) resistant.
The helmet on Fast Draw's gear is also protective in the traditional sense, above and beyond its thermal properties. It offers him rank value 10 protection against conventional physical attacks, no matter where on the head they strike him - even in the reinforced visor.
Finally, the FAFNIR missiles themselves possess the following vehicular capabilities:
Handling RV 20 |
Velocity RV 150 |
Durability RV 20 |
Damage RV 30 Slashing (fragmentary) |
Sidearm: a handy backup should his FAFNIR system prove to be overkill, Fast Draw carries this small hand cannon on the job. It can discharge a single round to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage, or rank value 10 Piercing damage when firing a semi-automatic burst.
Guns: a skill everyone picks up in the military these days, Fast Draw can easily operate most conventional firearms. Whether he's handling a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Fast Draw may do so as though his Coordination was +1 RS higher.
Marksman: Fast Draw is well-versed in all line-of-sight weaponry, from mortars to light anti-tank weapons. Though his FAFNIR does most of the targeting work for him, Fast Draw has the skills to back it up, and fires all such weapons at his Coordination trait +1 RS.
Martial Arts style B: an ability that everyone learns in their Basic training, Fast Draw can easily defend himself should he find himself without weapons. He may attempt any unarmed attack (punch, kick, etc.) as though his Melee was +1 RS higher in value.
Military / United States: serving as an origin of sorts for Fast Draw, this talent is the source of almost all his other skills. It describes how he knows the SOP like the back of his hand, and how he can effortlessly function in a military environment.
Fast Draw can count the GI Joe team as a reliable contact - his gear allows him to perform incredible offensive feats in the field, which tends to back his attitude up some. He's on particularly good terms with Chuckles, Law and Order, and Lieutenant Falcon, his fellow 'fake' Joes.
Fast Draw's GI Joe field uniform is his protective FAFNIR suit. It mainly consists of an olive drab padded suit with layers of additional gray padding layered over the olive components on his upper and lower legs, as well as his torso (both front and back).
It's further accented by thick red gloves, thick red knee pads, cyan webbing and straps to hold his actual missile launcher on his back, a cyan belt, a gray thigh holster for his backup sidearm, and of course his large red helmet with its even larger red targeting visor.
Fast Draw has fun with his job, likening himself to an Old West gunslinger. He's a bit arrogant, but then he's got considerable firepower to back up his attitude at most times, so it's hard for his fellow Joes to think badly of him for this - especially when he produces results so readily.
Real Name: Eliot Brown, Grade E-4
Occupation: ordnance, artillery, typist
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe
Height: 6'
Hair: unrevealed
Eyes: light brown
Weight: 185 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none
Fast Draw is strong and tough, two qualities that point you towards heavier weaponry upon enlisting in the military. Sure, he could've been a mechanic or the like, but Fast Draw didn't have the temperament for that sort of thing. No, he gravitated towards explosions.
With his particular skill set and physical attributes, Fast Draw was chosen to be one of the first men in the armed forces to carry the new FAFNIR missile system, which includes a full body suit to protect oneself from the hot rocket exhaust the thing produces when fired while worn.
Fast Draw proved to be very good in handling his particular equipment, and was elated that his skill had seemingly got him noticed by GI Joe's recruiters. He was told that he'd been inducted onto the team, and was assigned to guard a top secret installation with several other new recruits.
The only problem was, his assignment was a sham. He and his fellow new 'Joes' figured this out quickly enough, and to bring their deceivers to justice, went about letting the actual Joes know about their situation - which kind of involved kidnapping their leader, Hawk.
They told him what had happened to them and what they knew about their 'Joe' commander, thanks to Chuckles' investigative work. When Cobra got wind of the installation they were guarding, which had a missile illegally aimed at Cobra Island, Fast Draw and company showed their mettle.
They stopped it from launching when their 'Joe' boss panicked, and as a result Hawk made them real Joes after all. Now on the team for real, Fast Draw has served with distinction for years, only stopping for a short period when the Joes were deactivated, from 1994 through 1997.
(Historical Divergence)
What he did in the mean time is unknown.
Perhaps Fast Draw continued testing new missile technology for the government, or instead retired to found his own plastics company. But eventually, when the Joes reassembled and requested his help anew in the fight against Cobra, he didn't hesitate.
Fast Draw came back as soon as he was called, and has assisted his fellow Joes in their fight against terrorism - whether that fostered by Cobra or by other villains - to this very day!
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of Fast Draw:
1987 |
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