the Devastator

A small, one-person vehicle, the Devastator features two guns, three treads, and four missiles. Something like a souped-up trike, it can traverse almost any terrain thanks to its hardened steel, dual-rotation tracks, and its capabilities are as follows:

RV 10
RV 10
RV 20
RV 0

Cobra-Band Radio: Cobra gear uses a communication system of its own, not beholden to conventional broadcast standards. The Devastator is no exception, having comm gear with rank value 6 range (25 miles), which benefits from rank value 20 signal encryption.

HOTS Missiles: the Devastator carries four of these surface-to-surface missiles: two flanking its front tread, and two mounted over its rear treads. These High Output Terrain Hugging projectiles inflict +1 RS damage for each doubling of such that hit, and have these capabilities:

RV 20
RV 50
RV 20
RV 30 Slashing (fragmentary)

Rear Passenger Platform: in addition to having room for its driver, the Devastator can haul along an additonal Cobra operative in a pinch. Sure, they have to hang on for dear life, and are easy pickings for enemy operatives, but it sure beats walking places.

Tandem Blaster: pointed wherever the driver is aiming the Devastator's handle bars, these twinned 50mm cannons can fire a short burst of ammunition to inflict rank value 30 Piercing damage, or be fired continuously to inflict rank value 40 Piercing damage.

Extra Goodies:

the Devastator 4C System: Edition 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of the Devastator:


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