
7x *
5b *

Hand Size:
2 (10)

* Note: Vapors may generally choose between Boxing and Martial Arts as a personal defense skill, the former raising their Strength's ability code to d, and the latter raising their Agility's ability code to a. A rare few will have trained hard to master both self-defense skills.


Vapors are Cobra pilots who have been cybernetically augmented to improve their combat abilities in the air. Supplementing their considerable ability and extensive training, they have a shunt from their optic nerves that can be wired directly into their Hurricanes!




Direct Neural Interface (i): thanks to having a shunt spliced into their optic nerves, Vapors can be plugged directly into their Hurricanes! This allows them a reduced difficulty on all card play attempted when either piloting that vehicle or utilizing its weaponry in battle.

Implant Psychosis Statistic: normally intensity 2, raised to intensity 10 when plugged into their Hurricanes.

Hindrances / Augmentations:

Implant Psychosis: their nervous systems augmented by Cobra, Vapors are forever changed. While they perform with atounding efficiency in the midst of combat, doing so without debilitating themselves requires them to pass a Willpower action against their IPS once per aura duration.

Failure of this action inflicts an increase in the difficulty on ALL card play a Vapor attempts, whether operating a fighter jet or attempting basic math, until they can rest overnight. Thus, they typically attempt to end any conflict, armed or otherwise, as soon as possible.


Helmet (s): like most Cobra pilots, Vapors generally wear helmets which completely obscure their features, and that have a practical benefit. Their chrome headgear provides them intensity 8, or +2, protection against physical attacks striking them anywhere in the head.

the Hurricane (i): their pride and joy, this VTOL ground assault jet is literally a part of its Vapor pilot. When plugged into their ride, which is described in its own vehicular entry, Vapors can perform various actions with but a word - or even a thought!

Knife (s): serving mostly as a tool to cut parachute lines, Vapors always carry a blade with them. They can use these implements, of m.s. 12, to either cut through items of up to like m.s., given enough time, or to inflict +2 slashing damage in a pinch.

Sidearm (a): most Cobras carry at least one backup piece, and Vapors are no exception to this rule. They can discharge a single round from these weapons to inflict their Agility +4 in damage, or a semi-automatic burst of such to inflict their Agility +5 in damage.

Submachine Gun (a): Vapors carry this weapon whenever active outside their Hurricanes. They can fire one round to inflict their Agility +4 in damage, a short burst of such to inflict their Agility +5 in damage, or be fired continuously to inflict their Agility +6 in damage.


Aerial Combat (a): one does not become a Vapor without being an effective fighter pilot, whether they brought that skill with them to Cobra or picked it up on the job after joining the group. As such, they may attempt combat actions while flying any aircraft at a reduced difficulty.

Boxing (s): Vapors can defend themselves to an extent. For some, this takes the form of the boxing skill, which lets them divide their pre-card play action score between two unarmed melee assaults, the second of which will occur as a contingent action.

Guns (a): all Cobra operatives have the ability to wield firearms in combat, and Vapors are no exception to this rule. They may discharge any standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.

Martial Arts (a): Vapors can defend themselves to an extent. For some, this takes the form of the martial arts skill, granting them a reduction in the difficulty of actions intended to dodge attacks, catch thrown weaponry, or to strike in unarmed melee.

Military (w): Cobra pilots cannot earn the rank of Vapor without mastering this skill, even if they got their start as civilian pilots. It allows them to function effectively within a combat unit, and gives them insight into Cobra's byzantine organizational structure.

Piloting (a): the skill which Cobra likely recruited them for, Vapors are all highly competent pilots, and more than a few of them are true experts in their field. Vapors may attempt actions to Control aircraft while in the air at one difficulty level lower than is usually required.


Vapors can generally rely upon the Cobra organization for assistance should they request it, for they have proven themselves to the group on numerous occasion - and it has invested an inordinate amount of time and effort in grooming them until they've reached this point.


Various Callings: the vast majority of Vapors joined Cobra due to their insatiable Greed for material possessions. Others, however, reflect the nature of Soldiers attempting to prove their skills, or are even intent on World Domination, after a fashion!


The Vapors' field uniform is a flight suit! This is a primarily gray affair, featuring red briefs and shoulder straps, accompanied by black boots, gloves, and web gear featuring a Cobra chest plate, a red belt and sidearm holster, and a chrome helmet with asymmetrical red eyepieces.


While many Cobra pilots can operate the Hurricane, only the Vapors are literally wired up to perform the task! The aircraft sports, among its many other features, a direct neural interface that pilots with a matching implant can use to control it directly with their brains.

These elite pilots have been successfully upgraded by Cobra (mad) scientists, given implants that allow them to perform truly astonishing feats with their assigned aircraft - though the fate of would-be Vapors whose operations are unsuccessful are better left unmentioned.

With their natural skills and cybernetic augmentations, Vapors are true menaces to anything that flies. On the other hand, Vapors cannot perform at their peak efficiency for all that long, the connection between them and their aircraft serving to quickly debilitate them.

While a Vapor can't last for extended periods of conflict without becoming effectively useless, they can inflict staggering damage to enemy forces before the inherent neural instability caused by their cybernetics takes them out of a battle.

By that time, though, they may no longer have anyone else to fight.

Extra Goodies:

Vapors Saga System 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of Vapors:


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