Modron, Decaton


Hand Size:
3 (17)


As are all other modrons, the one hundred decatons are extradimensional clockwork beings, hailing from the highly orderly plane of Mechanus. Their fantastic alien physiology is a bizarre blend of flesh and gears, and this, combined with their inherently magical nature, is the source of the decatons' many and various ascendant powers.


Modron Physique: the children of Mechanus, the infinite masses of modrons are a potent blend of organism and mechanism. Modrons seamlessly combine the two diametric designs into a seamless whole, a feat which is made possible by their highly orderly, magically charged bodies. Decatons are no exception to this rule, and have access to these powerful abilities as a result:

* Agelessness (s): all modrons, regardless of rank or station, are ageless in nature. Instead of having the longevity power, which implies an eventual lifespan, modrons simply do not age whatsoever. In fact, if not slain by accident or design, a modron may effectively live on forever, adopting new and more versatile forms as it ascends the ladder of law.

* Body Armor (s): both organic and inorganic in nature, all modrons have some manner of resistance to physical attacks. Essentially, base modrons should be treated as having intensity 4 (+1) protection from attacks of a conventional sort. This is often enough defense to discourage assault by most mundane beings against the incredibly powerful decatons.

* Clairsentience (w): the modron high-ups have unbelievably acute sensory apparatus, allowing them to sense anything within the plane they currently occupy. Distance isn't a factor, but simply knowing where to look / listen / taste / touch / smell is. This power functions for decatons at intensity 10, allowing them an unheard of awareness of their surroundings.

* Dimensional Transit (i): an offshoot of the hierarch modron's ability to teleport, this supernatural power allows a decaton to transport itself to another plane of existence altogether. However, this power only works at intensity 10, and has the risk of materializing the decaton in solid matter unless it intimately knows the area it is traveling to. Thus, this power is normally used sparingly.

* Force Field (i): hierarch modrons have the ability to form a specialized force field in their immediate vicinity, in either a hemispherical or spherical form. Either way, this force field acts as an intensity 10 barrier against any incoming damage - even magical attacks! However, a determined opponent can teleport through it with ease, but then, that's what a decaton's other powers are for.

* Invulnerability to Emotion Control, Illusion, Mind Control, Paralysis / Sleep, and Vampirism (s): all modrons, even the one hundred decatons, are completely immune to these attack forms. As beings of ultimate order, they are able to shrug off such effects with ease - though they can readily perceive when such assaults are used (albeit unsuccessfully) against them.

* Mesmerism (w): though limited in scope, hierarch modrons can use this to great effect when confronted with non-modrons. Working at intensity 10, this power allows a hierarch to attempt an easy difficulty Mesmerism action (opposed by the target's Willpower score). If successful, this action lets a decaton force its opponent to execute (or at least attempt) a one word command.

* Resistance to Acid, Cold, and Fire attacks (s): the modron physique is highly resistant, albeit not totally immune to, the effects of extreme cold, heat, and corrosives - this despite their partially metallic nature. They possess intensity 4 (+1) damage reduction against such attack forms, allowing them to maneuver in most hostile environs with relative ease - which comes in handy during the Modron March.

* Resistance to Magic (s): modron hierarchs are resistant to magical powers, whether damaging or otherwise, though each brand of hierarch has a different level of immunity to such power. The decaton, for instance, has intensity 3 resistance to sorcery. While this in no way makes them immune to the stuff, it gives decatons a slight edge against most of the empowered entities they encounter in battle.

* Telepathy (w): all modron hierarchs can telepathically contact modrons they can normally converse with at all times. However, the level of some modrons' telepathic prowess is often limited. Decatons, for example, may only wield this power at intensity 2, which lets them converse with fellow decatons, their nonaton superiors, and their pentadrone underlings.

* Teleportation (i): all hierarch modrons have the innate ability to teleport at will, transporting themselves to just about any place they know of within their current plane of existence. This essentially translates into intensity 20 teleportation, and decatons using this power have no chance whatsoever of materializing in a solid object - this supernatural power is that precise!

Additional Limbs / Tentacles (a): a decaton has ten powerful, whip-thin tentacles, which it can readily bring to bear on an opponent within a given exchange. Combined with its inherent boxing talent, a decaton can then make four (!) melee attacks, the last three of which will occur as contingent actions (if at a very, very low resultant action score).

Circular Vision (w): decatons, thanks to the ten large eyes they use to take in their immediate area, are able to see anything and everything around them. They possess vision that functions in a 360 degree (horizontal) by 360 degree (vertical) arc. This anatomical feature has no intensity to speak of, but then it isn't affected by power negating abilities, either.

Healing / Others (s): a decaton is a powerful healer, though its abilities are limited only to modrons. At will, a decaton can heal (at intensity 15) any modron it can touch (and with its tentacles, it can nab up to ten at a time). Decatons can also cure disease and remove paralysis effects at a similar intensity, which helps them in their role of the caretakers of the base modrons.

Levitation (a): like the pentadrone, a decaton can soar into the air by generating a lighter-than-air gas within itself. Functioning at only intensity 1, this power really just allows a decaton to defy gravity, letting it move up and down with impunity. The disadvantage of this ability, though, is that it allows the decaton's movement to be swayed by changing air currents.

Schooling: Novice - Philosophical Magic / Order

All one hundred decatons are capable wielders of magic that utilizes and propagates order. In addition to their considerable innate magical powers, decatons may wield anywhere between one and four magic spells of this type, all functioning at intensity 11. Most of these should be determined before a given decaton enters play, though one spell 'slot' may be kept in reserve for surprise's sake.

Hindrances / Augmentations:





Law (i): more than anything else, the modrons are ultimate masters of law, knowing their own clockwork plane in and out. They extend this basic knowledge of What Should Be to all aspects of existence, and should make any Intellect action based on the knowledge of orderly systems at one difficulty level lower than normal, using either Intellect or Willpower if regarding Mechanus, and with an autotrump concerning Regulus.

Leadership (w): knowing how to spread resources around and delegate tasks like no other beings alive, all hierarchs have this skill as a general matter of course. If they can pass an average difficulty Willpower action, these modrons can add a +1 to the action scores of anybody they lead. If the modron loses its ability to lead, however, this bonus turns into a -1 penalty.

Medicine (i): as caretakers of the base modrons charged to their care (and they have a lot), the decatons need to know how to piece them back together should something go wrong. Sure, they have their extensive healing powers, but should they fail, a decaton can repair and/or mend a broken / wounded modron, helping them to recover one lost card if treated immediately after it loses consciousness.

Repair / Tinkering (a): furthermore, in their capacity as the caretakers of Mechanus (as far as they are concerned, at least), modrons have a preternatural knowledge of mechanical systems. In addition to allowing them to keep the gears of their home plane running smoothly, this skill doubles as an effective first aid skill for modrons, letting them utilize basic medicinal skills on their brethren.


Soldier: more so than any other beings in the multiverse, modrons live to further the influence of law and order. They follow the orders of their superiors instinctively, for to do otherwise is incomprehensible. While this calling sounds more militant than modrons really are, it should be noted that they are virtual exemplars of the soldier mindset.


The communication apparatus between the base and hierarch modrons, all decatons are generally concerned about their charges, the uncounted hordes of base modrons that are truly what makes Mechanus go (or so it is believed). They will do what they must to protect the base modrons, unless orders from higher up demand that they do not.


Rather peculiar in appearance, the seven foot tall decatons basically consist of a five foot diameter sphere, mostly metal, ringed with ten organic eyes (on steel eye stalks) and ten fleshy, whip-like tentacles. It also stands on two thick, elephantine legs. Decatons also have a rather large, human-like mouth on what is arguably called their 'front'.

Ecological Niche:

Caretakers of all the base modrons, the one hundred decatons extant at any given time are the link between such beings and the other modron hierarchs, usually by relaying orders passed down through the chain of command from Primus itself. There is one decaton assigned to each cog of Regulus, and the remaining decatons oversee the 36 great armies of the modrons.

Extra Goodies:

Modron, Decaton Saga System 13 Text File Download

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