Modron, Quadrone

RV 20
RV 10
RV 10
RV 10
RV 10
RV 10
RV 50
RV 10
RV n/a



As are all other modrons, the countless hordes of quadrones are extradimensional clockwork beings, hailing from the highly orderly plane of Mechanus. Their fantastic alien physiology is a bizarre blend of flesh and gears, and this, combined with their inherently magical nature, is the source of the quadrones' many and various ascendant powers.

Known Powers:

Modron Physique: the children of Mechanus, the infinite masses of modrons are a potent blend of organism and mechanism. Modrons seamlessly combine the two diametric designs into a seamless whole, a feat which is made possible by their highly orderly, magically charged bodies. Quadrones are no exception to this rule, and have access to these powerful abilities as a result:

* Agelessness: all modrons, regardless of rank or station, are ageless in nature. Instead of having the longevity power, which implies an eventual lifespan, modrons simply do not age whatsoever. In fact, if not slain by accident or design, a modron may effectively live on forever, adopting new and more versatile forms as it ascends the ladder of law.

* Body Armor: both organic and inorganic in nature, all modrons have some manner of resistance to physical attacks. Essentially, base modrons should be treated as having rank value 6 protection from physical attacks, and rank value 2 protection from assaults of an energy-based nature. This is often enough defense to discourage assault by most mundane beings against the highly capable quadrones.

* Damage Reduction / Cold, Corrosion, and Fire Attacks: the modron physique is highly resistant, albeit not totally immune to, the effects of extreme cold, heat, and corrosives - this despite their partially metallic nature. They possess 2 RS of damage reduction against such attack forms, allowing them to maneuver in most hostile environs with relative ease - which comes in handy during the Modron March.

* Invulnerability to Emotion Control, Illusion, Mind Control, Paralysis / Sleep, and Vampirism: all modrons, even the lowly quadrone, are completely immune to these attack forms. As beings of ultimate order, they are able to shrug off such effects with ease - though they can readily perceive when such assaults are used (albeit unsuccessfully) against them.

Additional Limbs / Arms: most quadrones have four arms, and can bring all all of them to bear in battle. Thanks to these doubled limbs, most quadrones can make up to two melee attacks in one turn, the last of which will occur after everybody else has made their primary actions in said turn. These are occasionally unarmed melee attacks, but quadrones are usually heavily armed.

Circular Vision: quadrones, while lacking a 'face' on each of their six sides, nonetheless have sensory organs of some sort or another all over their body, granting them the ability to have a 360 degree by 360 degree (all around, top and bottom) awareness of their environment. This power has no rank value, per se, but then it can't be negated, either.

Infravision: quadrones, like the duodrones, have the ability to see into the infrared spectrum of light. Working at rank value 20, this power lets them peer up to 180 feet into the dark, whether it be natural or artificially generated. While rarely necessary on Mechanus, it definitely comes handy in off-plane work, as several of the more sinister planes are utterly dark to conventional vision.

Super Senses: quadrones have highly acute sensory organs, granting them the ability to utilize all five of the standard senses at 150 percent of your average human's acuity. In other words, quadrones wield all five senses at an enhanced level (call it +1 RS higher than normal), whether their sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch is involved.

Wings: instead of having an extra set of arms, some quadrones have been equipped with a set of wings. These metallic instruments allow a quadrone to fly at rank value 4 speeds (54.55 miles per hour), or simply hover in place indefinitely. While this curtails the quadrone's devastating combat ability, it is nonetheless handy in most situations.

Limitations / Enhancements:



Quadrones, if they know they will be going into battle, will arm themselves with two bows or four similar weapons (if of the four armed variety) or just one bow or two similar melee weapons (if of the two armed variety). Either of these weapons can inflict rank value 10 damage in the hands of a quadrone. Bows inflicting Piercing damage, while anything else causes a flavor of pain depending on its type.


Fighting Logistics: quadrones, like all modrons, wield naturally organized minds. They can apply their inherent analytical tendencies to combat applications, sizing up a foe rather quickly. This allows them to add a +1 RS to all Melee ACT rolls made against a foe after 1d10 rounds (not turns), a bonus that lasts until said opponent radically changes his or her fighting style.


Bows: quadrones have the inherent ability to use bows, and do so with deadly effect. These modrons make attacks with a bow as if their Coordination trait was +1 RS higher than is listed above, and those with four arms can actually utilize two bows at once, allowing them to make two ranged attacks in one turn naturally. No other modrons have this dangerous capability.

Law: more than anything else, the modrons are ultimate masters of law, knowing their own clockwork plane in and out. They extend this basic knowledge of What Should Be to all aspects of existence, and may attempt Intellect ACTs based on orderly systems of any variety at a +1 RS, +2 RS if it involves their home plane, Mechanus, and +3 RS regarding Regulus itself.

Leadership: knowing how to spread resources around and delegate tasks like no other beings alive, quadrones have this skill as a general matter of course. As such, any group that they are actively leading receives a 100 point boost to its Fortune pool - assuming it has one - even if the quadrone is simply leading other quadrones. As you can guess, quadrone leaders tend to be successful most of the time.


A more advanced and refined intelligence, as compared to the tridrone, quadrones are the elite of Mechanus' labor forces. Often, they're the ones who order most of the lower modrons into action (in general maintenance situations and the like), as they have the ability to observe, plan, react to the unexpected, and act to remedy situations.


Each and every quadrone is six foot tall. The majority of its body is a three foot by three foot by three foot cube, upon which is attached two legs, and either four arms or two arms and two wings. The front face of a quadrone's 'cube' holds its vaguely humanoid face, which is the only exposed organic part on its body. Also, quadrones have several odd, non-visual sensory organs on each of their six sides.

Ecological Niche:

In addition to their role as the relay between pentadrones and tridrones in the modron system, quadrones are most often field officers in the modron armies. In conflict, they can bring over a thousand modron soldiers to bear (via the 'dozen' chain of command principle) and as such are rightly feared on the battlefield - especially against the mortal races.

Extra Goodies:

Modron, Quadrone 4C System: Edition 13 Text File Download

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