Modron, Septon

In 40
Ex 20
Ex 20
In 40
In 40
In 40
Mn 75
In 40



As are all other modrons, the forty-nine septons are extradimensional clockwork beings, hailing from the highly orderly plane of Mechanus. Their fantastic alien physiology is a bizarre blend of flesh and gears, and this, combined with their inherently magical nature, is the source of the septons' many and various ascendant powers.

Known Powers:

Modron Physique: the children of Mechanus, the infinite masses of modrons are a potent blend of organism and mechanism. Modrons seamlessly combine the two diametric designs into a seamless whole, a feat which is made possible by their highly orderly, magically charged bodies. Septons are no exception to this rule, and have access to these powerful abilities as a result:

* Agelessness: all modrons, regardless of rank or station, are ageless in nature. Instead of having the longevity power, which implies an eventual lifespan, modrons simply do not age whatsoever. In fact, if not slain by accident or design, a modron may effectively live on forever, adopting new and more versatile forms as it ascends the ladder of law.

* Body Armor: both organic and inorganic in nature, all modrons have some manner of resistance to physical attacks. Essentially, the forty-nine septons should be treated as having Typical (6) protection from physical attacks, and Feeble (2) protection from assaults of an energy-based nature. Which helps whenever anyone is brave - or foolish - enough to face them in melee.

* Clairsentience: all the modron high-ups have unbelievably acute sensory apparatus, allowing them to sense just about anything within the plane of existence they currently occupy. Distance isn't a factor, really, but simply knowing where they need to look / listen / taste / touch / smell is. This power functions for all septons at their Intuition rank (Incredible (40)).

* Damage Reduction / Cold, Corrosion, and Fire Attacks: the modron physique is highly resistant, albeit not totally immune to, the effects of extreme cold, heat, and corrosives - this despite their partially metallic nature. They possess 2 CS of damage reduction against such attack forms, allowing them to maneuver in most hostile environs with relative ease - which comes in handy during the Modron March.

* Dimensional Transit: an offshoot of the hierarch modron's ability to teleport, this supernatural power allows a septon to transport itself to another plane of existence altogether. However, this power only works at Remarkable (30) rank, and has the risk of materializing the septon in solid matter unless it intimately knows the area it is traveling to. Thus, this power is normally used sparingly.

* Force Field: hierarch modrons have the ability to form a specialized force field in their immediate vicinity, in either a hemispherical or spherical form. Either way, this powerful force field acts as an Excellent (20) ranked barrier against incoming damage - even magical attacks! However, a determined opponent can teleport through it with ease. This field offers septons the following protection:

Gd 10 / Ex 20 / Ex 20 / Sh 0 / Sh 0

* Invulnerability to Emotion Control, Illusion, Mind Control, Paralysis / Sleep, and Vampirism: all modrons, especially the forty-nine septons, are completely immune to these attack forms. As beings of ultimate order, they are able to shrug off such effects with ease - though they can readily perceive when such assaults are used (albeit unsuccessfully) against them.

* Mesmerism: though limited in scope, hierarch modrons can use this mental power to great effect when confronted with non-modrons of any kind. Working at Remarkable (30) rank, this power allows septons to force others that fail a Psyche FEAT roll versus this rank to obey any one word, non-suicidal command, regardless of the victim's wishes. This helps them to better pass their messages along.

* Resistance to Magic: modron hierarchs are resistant to magical powers, whether damaging or otherwise, though each brand of hierarch has a different level of immunity to such power. For instance, the septon has Good (10) resistance to sorcery. While this does not make them immune to the use of anomalous energies against them, this power lends octons an astounding edge against most empowered combatants.

* Telepathy: while all hierarch modrons have telepathy as a general matter of course, it must be noted that a septon can use it on non-modrons, as well as the regular targets of this ability. Being able to telepathically communicate with all sentient beings, in addition to 'mere' modrons, helps nonatons in their duties as messengers considerably - despite this power's rank of Good (10).

* Teleportation: hierarch modrons have the innate ability to teleport at will, with significant range. Operating at Unearthly (100) rank, this handy power allows them a vast range of movement, and while on Mechanus, a septon can teleport anywhere within the plane instantaneously. This allows them to monitor their charges, and any ongoing situations within their jurisdiction, with ease.

Additional Limbs / Arms: a septon has seven powerful, bony arms, which it can readily bring to bear on its foes in battle. Thanks to an inherent talent with multiple attacks, septons can make up to three melee attacks in one turn, the last two of which will occur after everybody else has attempted their primary actions in said turn.

Magic Sense: septons have the inherent ability to sense magical and/or supernatural forces active in the world around them. Whether they be inherent to an item, person, or a hero's spellcasting, the septon can detect the presence of magical forces with Incredible (40) ability. This sense is automatic, requiring no action or declaration to activate.

Super Swimming: thanks to a peculiar collar resting at shoulder level on a septon's body, the odd creatures can move underwater as if they were actually flying, doing so by sucking water into themselves and expelling it to generate thrust. While submerged (the only time this power functions), a septon can 'fly' underwater with Good (10) ability (60 miles per hour).

Schooling: Novice / Order (both Philosophical and Clerical)

Septons can wield order magic at Incredible (40) rank. Unlike previous hierarchs, their inherent mastery of order allows them to wield both clerical and philosophical magic for order simultaneously, despite their lower level of mystic mastery (which prevents others from doing the same). They can wield anywhere from one to four spells from each school, most (but not all) of which should be determined in advance.

Limitations / Enhancements:





Fighting Logistics: septons, like all modrons, wield naturally organized minds. They can apply their inherent analytical tendencies to combat applications, sizing up a foe rather quickly. This allows them to add a +1 CS to all Fighting FEAT rolls made against a foe after 1d10 rounds (not turns), a bonus that lasts until said opponent radically changes his or her fighting style.


Law: more than anything else, the modrons are ultimate masters of law, knowing their own clockwork plane in and out. They extend this basic knowledge of What Should Be to all aspects of existence, and may attempt Reason FEATs based on orderly systems of any variety at a +1 CS, +2 CS if it involves their home plane, Mechanus, and +3 CS regarding Regulus itself.

Leadership: knowing how to spread resources around and delegate tasks like no other beings alive, hierarch modrons all have this skill as a general matter of course. Any group they are currently leading receives a 100 point boost to their Karma pool - even if the septon is simply leading other septons. Their leadership leads to success in a given situation almost without fail.


Though rather highly placed in the modron hierarchy, septons are really just translators between the octons and the hextons, and most of their work involves exchanging orders and reports across Regulus. However, they don't seem to mind their apparent messenger status, as they are nonetheless vital to the continuing order of the modron race.


Septons, unlike modrons of lesser power and rank, wield a primarily humanoid form. They are tall (exactly seven feet tall), rather stocky humanoids, with a large, cog-like collar resting at shoulder level. This collar has seven arms attached to it, bony extremities with rather elongated fingers (three per hand). Septons have two elephantine legs.

Ecological Niche:

The forty-nine septons of Mechanus serve primarily as mere go-betweens for the octons (who control their own cogs) and the hextons. There is one septon assigned to each hexton (all thirty-six), but the others have special jobs: nine toil at Primus' tower, and the other four serve at the four quarter towers (where the secundus supervise groups of sixteen cogs).

Extra Goodies:

Modron, Monodrone Septon Text File Download

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