
Ex 20
Pr 4
Rm 30
Rm 30
Ex 20
Gd 10
Ex 20
Am 50
Gd -10



Jago, King of the Dragon-men, is an exceptional example of his species. While he lacks ascendant abilities above and beyond that of his kith and kin, he has risen to the top of the Dragon-man heap due to his singular desire for conquest over all others.

Known Powers:

Body Armor: covered from head to toe with highly durable, wildly colorful scutes, Jago bears some protection from physical attack. Thanks to this anatomical feature, Jago possesses Poor (4) body armor, which regularly grows back after it is damaged in combat.

Claws: his primary melee implements, save for perhaps his tail, Jago has short, keratin claws on his fingertips. Using these sharp physical weapons, Jago may inflict his Strength rank in Edged Attack damage with each swipe of his hands, if he desires.

Fangs: while his claws are more useful for melee combat, Jago may nonetheless bite his foe with two elongated, saber-like fangs. When wielded in melee, these sharp implements will inflict Jago's Strength rank in terrible, terrible Edged Attack damage.

Prehensile Tail: Jago possesses a long, prehensile tail that he may wield either to supplement, or in addition to, what his arms are doing. He may either gain an additional Blunt Attack with this thick implement, or benefit from a +1 CS when grappling others.

Limitations / Enhancements:



Beasts: in addition to his army of fanatic Dragon-men warriors, Jago makes use of various creatures. They include animals which resemble giant eagles and octopi, and likely possess descriptions similar to their mundane counterparts - save for their size.

Death Rays: though they are barbaric, the Dragon-men have mastered several technologies. The most ubiquitous amongst them is their death rays, which all Dragon-man soldiers carry, whose entropic rays can inflict Excellent (20) anti-life, Metabolic damage.

Space Craft: though this odd, green and yellow vehicle was trashed by Electro, Jago was shown to have at least two of them - and thus, he may yet have the ability to traverse the stars in his quest for weapons to conquer the planet Ligra. It has these characteristics:

Gd 10
Am 50
In 40
Ex 20

* Environmental Independence: it is unknown just how much life support Jago's spacecraft can provide, but it had the ability to house at least three beings for several days at a time. Consider this Unearthly (100) environmental independence.

* Flight / Super Flight: Jago's spacecraft can fly at speeds both below and beyond the speed of light. It possesses Amazing (50) ranked flight in and out of the atmosphere, and possesses at least Feeble (2) ranked super flight, as well (two light years per turn).

Telescope: on top of his death rays and spacecraft, Jago has possession of a powerful viewing device, which he calls a telescope, but which allows him to view worlds light years away in real-time. Think of this as a faster than light telescope with Class 5000 range.


Hypermobility: unlike their leonine counterparts, the Dragon-men of Ligra evolved with twice as many joints as other humanoids of like size and/or proportions have. As such, Jago benefits from a +1 CS on grapple and escape attempts, as his range of motion is greatly improved.


Leadership: while all Dragon-men wish to control their fellows, few individual Dragon-men, such as Jago, have the ability to actually lead. Rising above the thuggish heap of his kith and kin, Jago can effectively command others in battle, and adds 100 Karma to a pool he leads.

Military: the society of the Dragon-men is controlled by an absolute dictatorship. Though their leadership tends to give the Dragon-men a reputation for savagery, the Dragon-men are well disciplined, and readily fight in formation on the command of their superiors.


As the iron-fisted ruler of Ligra's Dragon-men, Jago can naturally rely upon his servants for aid should he but command it - they know better than to refuse his commands. In particular, Jago's chief enforcer is Zoor, a brute of a Dragon-man much stronger, and far less clever, than he.


Jago doesn't mess around, using his wardrobe to proudly proclaim to all that he is in charge. His ensemble primarily consists of a luxurious crimson robe, a green skull cap with a red fin on top, and an oversized, golden ceremonial scepter with which he can hold court.


Jago is an endless fount of greed, ambition, and ruthlessness. He used these qualities, along with his inherent cleverness, to claw his way to the top of the heap amongst his own people - but that's not enough. No, Jago wants nothing more than to conquer all of Ligra - and beyond!

Real Name: Jago
Occupation: dictator for life of Ligra's Dragon-men
Legal Status: wanted by the Lion-people of Ligra for various crimes against their people
Marital Status: unrevealed
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Dragon-men of Ligra

Height: 6'
Hair: inapplicable
Eyes: green
Weight: 300 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: like all of the Dragon-men, Jago is a reptilian humanoid. He possesses long fangs, short claws, and a prehensile tail. Though reptilian, and somewhat bestial in appearance, Jago stands upright as would an ordinary human.

Furthermore, Jago is... very colorful. His protective scutes are green on his torso, yellow with red spots on his back and upper legs, striped green and yellow on his arms and lower legs, red on his feet and around his eyes, and yellow on his face and ears.


Not a whole lot is known about the background of the Dragon-man known as Jago. His origins shrouded in mystery, he nonetheless used his innate cunning and force of personality to achieve dominion over his people, known far and wide for their desire for conquest.

Though Jago had it good, ruling his fellow Dragon-men was not enough. No, Jago lusted for the vast wealth that the Lion-people, who also evolved on his home world of Ligra, had attained through their much more peaceful and enlightened lifestyle. He lusted for it constantly.

Though his armies were mighty, well-armed, and supported with various dread creatures of Ligra, the Lion-people had thus far resisted being overthrown by Dragon-men through the ages. Thus, Jago began to search the cosmos for the means with which he could change all of that.

Enter Electro.

Having spied the robot as it currently rampaged through the United States, Jago decided Electro was what he needed to finally give him the edge he required to conquer Ligra. Sending his minions on one of his spacecraft, Jago indeed seized Electro and his master, Professor Zog!

Though Zog initially refused to aid Jago in his goal of global domination, Jago tortured the frail man until he gave in. With that, Jago invaded the home of the Lion-people with his armies, supported by Electro - and the battle was rather one-sided in his favor!

Eventually recovering his wits enough to sabotage Jago's plans, however, Professor Zog had Electro turn on the Dragon-men, and they readily fell before his unstoppable might. Seeing the writing on the wall, Jago attempted to escape with his minion, Zoor, but Zog was having none of that.

He ordered Electro to trounce Jago's escape craft as it lifted off.

Apparently unarmed, Jago's spacecraft could not resist Electro's digital rage, and was rapidly smashed out of the sky. Crashing into the ocean near his palace, it was presumed that neither Jago nor Zoor survived the impact. But then, no one found a body, now, did they?

Thus, Jago may continue to haunt the Lion-people, though he may need to rebuild his leadership amongst the Dragon-men first. This assuming that Electro didn't end his dreams of conquering Ligra and more, that is. After all, Jago hasn't been seen since his defeat.


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Pr 4
In 40
Rm 30
Pr 4
Ty 6
Gd 10
Rm 30
Gd -10


Aside from his elevated ability scores, Zoor is otherwise a conventional member of his species, the Dragon-men of Ligra. Thus, he benefits from inherent Body Armor, Claws, Fangs, and a Prehensile Tail, as well as the Martial Arts type B and Military skills. And a death ray, of course!

If he still lives, Zoor likely continues on as Jago's principal goon.

Extra Goodies:

Jago Universal Heroes Text File Download

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