

Hand Size:
3 (17)


As is his aerial counterpart, Wind Sheer, Skyfire is an electromechanical being from Cybertron, a robot that wishes to conquer the universe itself - if alongside his fellows. This evil alien may also be from another time period, making him doubly out of place on the planet earth.


Cybertronian Physique: Skyfire is a Transformer, robotic entity of Cybertronian design and origin. As such, this incredibly efficient warrior has, by his very nature, the use of a large variety of abilities that reflect this. Skyfire's very body gives him these super-human powers:

* Body Armor (s): built (or formed) from primarily metallic materials, Skyfire is considerably durable. His sturdy, inorganic composition affords Skyfire intensity 4 (+1) protection from attack, enough to make him immune to most basic human assault.

* Growth (a): Cybertronians come in all manner of sizes, few of which align with the human norm. Skyfire, for instance, generally stands at eighteen feet tall in his humanoid mode, which grants him this power at intensity 4 as a general matter of course.

As such, this dogfighter possesses a +4 size factor. This grants him a +4 bonus to the damage he inflicts on normal sized foes, while theirs suffers a -4 against him. Conversely, he suffers a -4 penalty to strike standard sized enemies in the first place, while they gain a +4 to hit him.

* Microscopic + Telescopic Vision (w): all Transformers can alter their visual sensitivity where distance is concerned. Functioning at intensity 2, these powers let Skyfire see objects up to a mile distant with ease, and allow him to read items on microfiche.

* Radio Transceiver (i): as are most Transformers, Skyfire is equipped with an audio / video transmission system. This communications rig allows him instant contact with any other Cybertronian within a wide radius of his person, having intensity 7 range (100 miles).

* Resistance / Invulnerability to Disease and Poison (s): as an inorganic life form, Skyfire possesses complete immunity to poisons and organic diseases. He also possesses intensity 30 (+7) resistance to more chemically creative forms of disease.

30mm DEFA 791 Cannon (a): fitted with a weapon similar to his vehicle mode's terran counterpart, Skyfire has a highly effective, front-mounted lead-slinger. This weapon can be used to inflict damage as would any other +6 weapon in a short burst, +7 in a continuous stream of lead.

Flight (a): modeled on an advanced, French fighter jet, Skyfire's vehicle mode can fly at truly impressive speeds. As can his earthly counterpart, the Dassault Rafale, Skyfire flies at speeds just under Mach 2 - Mach 1.8 to be precise - which translates into intensity 12 flight.

Missiles (i): in addition to his main cannon, Skyfire is equipped with a veritable arsenal of missiles. Half are air-to-air or air to ground, while the other half are 'only' air-to-air, and they all inflict intensity 12 fragmentary damage to their target(s).

Shape Change (a): Skyfire can transform between his humanoid and Dassault Rafale modes at will, and often does so quickly in battle to maximize the use of his abilities. This power is voice-activated, however ('Skyfire, Transform!').

Hindrances / Augmentations:



Energy Cannon (i): a warrior by trade, Skyfire carries a powerful blaster on him in his humanoid mode, which he stores in a sub-space pocket when not in use. This advanced firearm inflicts intensity 9 damage per use, which can defeat the armor of most Cybertronians.


Advanced Guns (a): though built mainly for dogfighting, Skyfire is more than adept at throwing down in his humanoid configuration, too. Whenever he's utilizing his energy cannon, or any other high tech implements of doom, Skyfire does so at a reduced difficulty level.

Aerial Combat (a): it may go without saying, but as a highly advanced aircraft, Skyfire makes it a point to be very, very good at dominating the skies. Whenever he's engaged in combat while airborne, Skyfire may attempt any combat-related actions at a reduced difficulty level.

Marksman (a): in addition to his ability to take command of the skies, Skyfire also has plenty of experience using that high ground to his advantage. Whenever he uses line-of-sight weaponry (such as his rather large missile banks), Skyfire can do so at a reduced difficulty level.


As one of the Decepticons, Skyfire can readily rely upon his fellows for assistance should he need it; after all, he's much less annoying - and gets more results - than his counterpart, Wind Sheer. Whether he asks the Predacons or the Decepticons for aid, Skyfire will usually get it.


Soldier, with a secondary calling of World Domination: Skyfire is the consummate warrior, doing what he is ordered to do when he's ordered to, and delights in the destruction of his enemies. After all, if he does his job well, he'll be able to rule the universe by Megatron's side!


In his vehicle mode, Skyfire perfectly resembles a bluish-gray Dassault Rafale fighter jet, one with purple and black trim in places, and an orange cockpit dome. When he transforms into his humanoid mode, Skyfire would appear to be an oversized robot built from the parts of said aircraft.


Unlike the unruly, loose cannon that is Wind Sheer, Skyfire is cool, collective, and all business. He readily does Megatron's bidding (unlike the other Decepticons, it would seem), and enjoys bending all of his efforts towards reducing the Autobots aligned against him into crumpled steel.

Real Name: Skyfire
Occupation: warrior
Legal Status: citizen of Cybertron wanted on earth for various crimes against humanity
Marital Status: inapplicable
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Decepticons

Height: 18' (approximately)
Hair: inapplicable
Eyes: orange
Weight: 30,900 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Skyfire is composed of a strong alien metal that is primarily bluish-gray in hue, with purple and black trim, regardless of his form.


The exact origin of the highly efficient Decepticon fighter jet known as Skyfire is something of a mystery. After all, the first Decepticons created on earth came about after Megatron tainted six stasis-bound Autobots with the overwhelming power of his own, diabolical Spark.

Megatron may well have abducted more Autobots than was at first revealed, giving himself the means to further supplement his forces should more Autobots arrive to derail his plan to steal earth's energy resources - not to mention his mission to acquire Fortress Maximus.

Regardless of his origins, Skyfire has proven quite useful to Megatron. Since precious few Autobots have the ability to fly, this Decepticon can outmaneuver them in combat with ease, and has more than enough firepower to supplement Megatron's other minions on missions.

Unlike Wind Sheer, his more rambunctious compatriot, Skyfire is all business on the job, not bothering with wasteful, ego-boosting behavior. He's a cool, cold-blooded combatant that puts chills in the proverbial spines of the Autobots, for he has no problem terminating their life functions.

Of course, even this was not enough to prevent Skyfire from sharing the fate of his fellows. You see, after Galvatron (a dramatically supercharged Megatron) was defeated by the Autobots, he and his minions were detained and returned to Cybertron by their sworn enemies.

Whether Skyfire and his fellow Decepticons (and Predacons, and Vehicons) will ever escape their captivity in the Autobots' asteroid prison facility remains to be seen.

Extra Goodies:

Skyfire Saga System 13 Text File Download

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