Twinkle This
Strength 5x |
Agility 5x |
Intellect 5b |
Willpower 5c |
Hand Size: Edge: |
4 (25) 2 |
Twinkle This is a pixie, a humanoid of supernaturally small stature. Her special abilities all stem from an 'incident' in her distant past, whether you are talking about her diminutive stature or her rather adept handling of the faerie school of magic.
Agelessness (s): pixies, as a result of their curious origins, seem to have 'lost' the ability to age. Twinkle This no longer experiences the ravages of time, explaining her youthful looks despite her age, and she's also immune to powers or other agencies that artificially induce aging.
Shrinking (a): one of their most distinctive qualities, pixies are tiny! Twinkle This measures in at just under four inches in height, which means that she has this 'power', by technicality, at intensity 4 for the purposes of combat.
This means against normal-sized foes Twinkle This behaves as if her Strength was -4, while her Agility was +4. Against other pixies or similarly sized foes, a pixie resolves combat normally. Against weirdly sized foes, compare growth or shrinking intensities and calculate these modifiers from there.
Adept / Faerie Magic: Twinkle This is no fairy - call her one and you'll find yourself a place on her List. However, due to the origins of her people, she has something of an innate knack for faerie magic. She has demonstrated these spells to date:
Faerie Dust (s) (i): Twinkle This has learned how to wield the power of faerie dust, the better to take faeries down with. This intensity 10 spell allows Twinkle This to share the effects of any of her powers, spells or skills with whoever she sprinkles the faerie dust on.
Fey Sense (s) (w): a spell Twinkle This has worked hard to master, she can use this magic to locate anything faerie within a considerable distance. Functioning at intensity 15, it lets her pinpoint faerie persons, places and things within far missile distance of her person.
Flight (p) (a): to lull faeries into a false sense of security, Twinkle This has mastered a version of the flight spell that gives her iridescent, glowing wings to carry her about. These fairy-like wings let her fly at intensity 3 speeds (90 m.p.h.).
Inspiration (s) (w): greatly aiding Twinkle This in her job as a familiar to sorcerers far and wide, this spell allows her to give the minds of others a little 'push'. This isn't mind control though; instead, it's something of a substitute Intellect action in a pinch (at intensity 13)!
Thaumaturgy (g) (i): Twinkle This' final spell is actually five spells, for it is a group spell! She may wield this intensity 7 spell to cast either the Annulment, Bands, Curse, Mystic Trap, or Warding spells on a given day, and need not choose which until the thaumaturgy spell is invoked.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Weakness to Iron and Silver: Twinkle This is vulnerable to both iron and silver. The touch of either prevents her from wielding her magic, reduces her physical ability scores to zero (0) while it persists, and causes Twinkle This considerable discomfort.
Magic Wand (i): seized from a fairy foe long ago, Twinkle This has made it her own. It is a potent faerie artifact (thus enhancing the intensity of Twinkle This' spells while it's held), and can be used to fire massive (for her) bursts of light energy from its star-shaped tip.
These intensity 14 eldritch bolts take the form of an overwhelming, glittering mass of energy, and inflict energy damage upon hitting their foe. This is enough to give even normal sized foes pause; after her size adjustments, it's still intensity 10 energy damage against normal humans...
Animal Handling (w): pixies are good with animals in general, but they're specifically fond of horses. While she's never 'trained' a horse, per se, Twinkle This nonetheless has a knack for riding one no matter its general temperament, and should receive a reduced difficulty on attempts to do so.
Archaeology (i): Twinkle This not only has a working knowledge of history, but she's lived though a bunch of it! Having traveled the world (and beyond) over the eons, Twinkle This can be considered a functional expert in archaeological matters, and receives a reduced difficulty in such matters.
Linguistics (i): thousands of years old, Twinkle This has learned and forgotten more tongues than you can imagine, having used many through the ages. She's known at the very least to speak Chinese, Dari, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
Occult Lore (i): Twinkle This has staggering knowledge of the occult and magic in general. While her own mystic mastery hasn't progressed past the level of adept, she knows a lot about things mostly considered mythological, and should make Intellect actions in this area at a reduced difficulty.
Survival (w): all her magic and all her expertise aside, there's one thing Twinkle This knows how to do - persevere. She can easily get by in almost any terrain or location on earth, and is able to scrounge up enough food, water and shelter to persist indefinitely.
Twinkle This doesn't have too many active contacts. She usually works with one spellcaster until his or her demise before striking a deal with another, which limits her prospects a bit. However, she can rely on several pixies, as well as friends of former employers, for aid in a pinch.
Vengeance: while she has admittedly benefited from the changes the faerie inflicted upon her people, the truth is Twinkle This has never forgotten how they came about. She lives for vengeance against all the Fey, and will stop at nothing until she's destroyed them all!
Despite her flight spell, Twinkle This doesn't dress the part of a 'stereotypical' faerie while on the job - in fact, she's usually all business while working as a familiar. Her latest outfit is an exquisitely custom tailored black skirt suit, worn with a red tie.
Twinkle This is driven by her rage at the faerie for betraying her people, and works alongside foolish and bumbling humans of power to further her goals of revenge against them. She'll tolerate a whole lot of stupid to get what she wants, even working as a familiar!
Real Name: Brigh
Occupation: professional familiar, faerie exterminator
Legal Status: none; Brigh holds no official citizenship, nor do any official records of her exist
Marital Status: widow
Alias(es), if any: various over the ages
Group Affiliation: Brigh only affiliations are to her people and whatever spellcaster currently employs her.
Height: 3.75"
Hair: silver
Eyes: green
Weight: 17.0097g (.6 oz)
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: as tall as a modern military action figure, Brigh is amazingly tiny. Like most pixies, her body is covered in tattoos, though her original blue tattoos have been supplemented with green occult symbols which seem to glow at times.
Long, long ago, Brigh was one of many Picts who were persecuted by late-comers to the Isles for not adopting their faith. While trying to avoid their foes, Brigh's village was on the verge of being sacked when it was graced by the presence of a band of wandering faerie.
Brigh's people had long known the so-called fair folk, and had even traded with them in times past. So when the faerie offered to help Brigh's village to escape imminent doom, the villagers readily agreed. Subsequently, the Fey band used their faerie dust on Brigh's village, shrinking them!
Their pursuers came and went, having found the village abandoned, and Brigh's thankful people asked the faerie to return them to their natural size once more. The faerie said they would do so, but only after the Picts returned the favor by 'working it off' for a time.
Though wishing to get back to their lives, Brigh's people nonetheless toiled away at the faerie's behest, wishing to repay the faeries in kind for the amazing magic they'd used to rescue them. But the problem was that the faerie had no intention of letting 'their' Picts go.
Over time, they browbeat their human stooges into performing increasingly humiliating work so that they could enjoy a life of luxury. This continued on until one of the former Picts overheard the faerie boasting one night about how easily they'd fooled the gullible humans.
Realizing that the Fey had no intention of ever letting them go, much less returning them to their normal stature, their human slaves violently expressed their feelings about the betrayal their former friends had staged. In short order, the band of faeries who'd enslaved them had been routed.
But the Picts, they were still tiny.
In time, they moved on with their lives as best as they could, making a new home for themselves in the wilds of what would eventually become England. Over time, many of the original pixies (as they came to be called) died under various circumstances, but a few of the originals remain to this very day.
The pixies didn't know it at first, but the faerie had shared their long life in addition to their short stature, ostensibly to produce an eternal labor force for themselves. Those few who lived long enough to take note of this eventually wandered off on their own, to learn more about the world.
One such pixie is Brigh. While few of her former friends and family live to this very day, she has persisted over the years, an intense curiosity about the world driving her to explore it and all of its secrets. That along with her burning desire for revenge against the 'fair' folk, of course.
While few pixies remain who know how their kind actually came about, Brigh retains an acute awareness of what was done to her people and why. Sure, most pixies have a general dislike of faeries due to whispered rumors and myths about their 'mutual' origins, but Brigh knows the Truth.
To this end, she hunts them down. But she has a hard time locating them on her own, which is why she has adopted the strategy of working with humans to do so. There's always a mortal mage who could use the aid of a powerful spellcaster such as herself, in exchange for help in her vendetta.
This arrangement has worked well for the sorcerers Brigh has been 'employed' by, as they've benefited from her extensive knowledge of languages and history, both regular and occult, while she's received aid in combating any fairy or elf or whatever other Fey creatures she can get her hands on.
However, Brigh's most recent mage has met an ill end, and she's on the lookout for another job as a familiar as we speak...!
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