Typical Zen Hell-Kites
Base Cost: 26 points
F Ex 20 |
A Gd 10 |
S Gd 10 |
E Ex 20 |
R Gd 10 |
I Gd 10 |
P Ex 20 |
Res Ex 20 |
Pop Fe -2 |
*off Rm 30 |
*dex Gd 10 |
*mgt Ty 6 |
*res Rm 30 |
*log Ty 6 |
*alt Ex 20 |
*will Ex 20 |
*mat Rm 30 |
*pub Fe -2 |
*def Gd 10 |
*bal Gd 10 |
*vgr Gd 10 |
*sta Ex 20 |
*mem Ex 20 |
*awr Ty 6 |
*pre Ex 20 |
*$ Gd 10 |
*sec Fe -2 |
Health: Karma: |
60 40 |
NH: MH: |
42 42 |
In addition to whatever else they may have going for them, Zen Hell-Kites are believers: those who holds stock in a certain philosophy so single-mindedly, so overwhelmingly, that it literally changes how their brain functions - causing the manifestation of psionics that help to express it.
Known Powers:
Believer Psionics (Metapsionic Powers):
Invulnerability Aura (a): when they find themselves in combat, a Zen Hell-Kite may forego their standard empathic resistance. This is replaced with their so-called 'battle trance', which gives them complete immunity to all empathic assaults entirely!
Resistance Aura (s): when not actively in battle, a Zen Hell-Kite nonetheless has significant resistance to empathic powers. This power functions at their Intuition (awr) +4 CS - which is Incredible (40) ranked resistance for most of these scrappers.
Limitations / Enhancements:
Weapon of Choice: all Zen Hell-Kites carry at least one weapon on their person at all times - if not many, many more. This weapon is that which they specialize in, and will normally possess a higher material strength, damage capability, and/or craftsmanship.
Fighting Logistics: their intense combat indoctrination gives the Zen Hell-Kites an extremely tactical mind - even if only subconsciously. After 1d10 rounds of combat with a foe (not turns), a Zen Hell-Kite receives a +1 CS to all subsequent Fighting FEAT rolls made against said opponent.
Weapon Skill: each Zen Hell-Kite is trained in the use of at least one variety of weapon. They can add numerous additional weapon talents at their leisure, but at least one such skill is mandatory - even if a given Hell-Kite intends to eventually specialize in unarmed fighting.
Weapon Specialist / Weapon of Choice: similarly, all Zen Hell-Kites are weapon specialists - it's part of their training. Regardless of what it is, Hell-Kites wield their weapon of choice at an additional +2 CS, and are allowed a +1 initiative modifier while doing so.
All Zen Hell-Kites can call upon the organization's Tibetan headquarters whenever they have the need. Of course, this involves a trip to Tibet, so this may not be too handy in one's everyday life. Furthermore, every Hell-Kite recognizes and respects the skills of his brethren.
Unless already outright hostile to each other, they receive a bump up on the reaction chart whenever they encounter each other.
There is no 'set' uniform for the Zen Hell-Kites. A lot of the time one won't even know a Zen Hell-Kite is a Zen Hell-Kite unless he or she tells you so. Mind you, they're always armed, sometimes heavily, so that might be a clue to that effect.
However, there are a select few monks who do nothing else save further the ends of the order as a whole. These rare few Hell-Kites travel in extremely deadly packs, and wear nothing but drab brown robes - and some sort of brown leather holster for their weapon(s) of choice.
Advanced Zen Hell-Kites
Base Cost: 42 points
F Rm 30 |
A Gd 10 |
S Gd 10 |
E Rm 30 |
R Gd 10 |
I Ex 20 |
P Rm 30 |
Res Ex 20 |
Pop Sh 0 |
*off In 40 |
*dex Gd 10 |
*mgt Ty 6 |
*res Rm 30 |
*log Ty 6 |
*alt Ex 20 |
*will In 40 |
*mat Rm 30 |
*pub Sh 0 |
*def Ex 20 |
*bal Gd 10 |
*vgr Ex 20 |
*sta Rm 30 |
*mem Ex 20 |
*awr Ex 20 |
*pre Ex 20 |
*$ Gd 10 |
*sec Sh 0 |
Health: Karma: |
80 70 |
NH: MH: |
72 72 |
The more advanced Zen Hell-Kites are believers like their 'common' counterparts, possessing specific and specialized psionics that reflect their beliefs and world-view. These more 'serious' Hell-Kites often possess additional powers due to their quirky origins, as well.
Known Powers:
Believer Psionics (Metapsionic Powers):
Invulnerability Aura (a): when they find themselves in combat, a Zen Hell-Kite may forego their standard empathic resistance. This is replaced with their so-called 'battle trance', which gives them complete immunity to all empathic assaults entirely!
Resistance Aura (s): when not actively in battle, a Zen Hell-Kite nonetheless has significant resistance to empathic powers. This power functions at their Intuition (awr) +4 CS - which is Monstrous (75) ranked resistance for the more advanced Hell-Kites.
Believer Psionics (Psikinetic Powers):
Flaw Sense (s): a step above and beyond their fighting logistics quirk, senior Zen Hell-Kites can perceive the weakness(es) of a person, place or thing with Excellent (20) ability, spotting physical weaknesses on a green FEAT or mental weaknesses on a yellow FEAT.
If they can take advantage of this weakness, Zen Hell-Kites can inflict power rank (or +1 CS) damage against inanimate objects. Against the living, they may inflict +1 CS damage when exploiting a weakness, and cause a Stun result if their foe fails a red End (res) FEAT.
Limitations / Enhancements:
Mini-Arsenal: it's never a good idea to pick a fight with senior Hell-Kites, as they often have more weapons on their person than one can shake a stick at. Furthermore, such men are highly skilled in the use of each of them, and most often have little or no problem with using them.
Weapon of Choice: all Zen Hell-Kites carry at least one weapon on their person at all times - if not many, many more. This weapon is that which they specialize in, and will normally possess a higher material strength, damage capability, and/or craftsmanship.
Fighting Logistics: their intense combat indoctrination gives the Zen Hell-Kites an extremely tactical mind - even if only subconsciously. After 1d10 rounds of combat with a foe (not turns), a Zen Hell-Kite receives a +1 CS to all subsequent Fighting FEAT rolls made against said opponent.
Martial Arts: in addition to their weapons training, the more advanced Hell-Kites will have mastered at least one of the standard martial arts techniques (type A, B, C, D, or E). This represents their heightened combat training, and their status as veritable living weapons.
Weapon Skill: a senior Zen Hell-Kite excels in the use of at least one variety of weapon. While their weapon mastery gives them the ability to use all weapons without penalty, they can choose a 'signature' weapon type which they can wield at their Fighting (off) +1 CS.
Weapon Specialist / Weapon of Choice: similarly, all Zen Hell-Kites are weapon specialists - it's part of their training. Regardless of what it is, Hell-Kites wield their weapon of choice at an additional +2 CS, and are allowed a +1 initiative modifier while doing so.
Weapons Master: the vast majority of advanced Zen Hell-Kites spend their time at their Tibetan home mastering all manner of destructive implements. This talent allows these ultimate fighters to utilize any weapon (melee or ranged) without a penalty for unfamiliarity.
All Zen Hell-Kites can call upon the organization's Tibetan headquarters whenever they have the need. Of course, this involves a trip to Tibet, so this may not be too handy in one's everyday life. Furthermore, every Hell-Kite recognizes and respects the skills of his brethren.
Unless already outright hostile to each other, they receive a bump up on the reaction chart whenever they encounter each other.
There is no 'set' uniform for the Zen Hell-Kites. A lot of the time one won't even know a Zen Hell-Kite is a Zen Hell-Kite unless he or she tells you so. Mind you, they're always armed, sometimes heavily, so that might be a clue to that effect.
However, there are a select few monks who do nothing else save further the ends of the order as a whole. These rare few Hell-Kites travel in extremely deadly packs, and wear nothing but drab brown robes - and some sort of brown leather holster for their weapon(s) of choice.
Extra Goodies:
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