Strength 7c |
Agility 7c |
Intellect 4d |
Willpower 8x |
Hand Size: Edge: |
4 (25) 2 |
The mysterious Zenus is none other than Gregor Aegis, a Greek natural psi who, while studying the martial arts on his own, wound up journeying to Japan to train with a mysterious criminal with powers like his. He didn't have such powers, but then, this warrior taught him a lot anyway!
Natural Psionics (Psikinetic Powers):
Energy Generation (a) (i): his sole power, this inherent psikinetic allows Gregor to spontaneously generate electricity. He can generate such with intensity 12 ability, allowing him to inflict like energy damage with each strike, though his power is somewhat limited.
Gregor cannot use his power with any significant range, you see. He can only zap things in physical contact with his body (usually his hands), though he has recently acquired a special, psi-active staff that allows him to use his powers in ways he normally can't.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Psi-Staff (s): this curious item was given to Gregor by his mysterious trainer. Recognizing that Gregor's power came from psionics, and not chi powers like his own, his master gave it to Gregor to enhance his power... and his loyalty. And this worked!
This powerful staff is made from an artificial, psionically crafted crystalline substance, and can serve as a focus for psionics. The exact extent of this somewhat nebulous ability is unknown, but it does allow Gregor to use his abilities in ways that he's never managed before.
For instance, he can fill the staff with his lightning to strike in melee, inflicting his Strength +6 energy damage. Furthermore, when his electricity is filling the staff, Gregor can actually use it to fly, doing so with intensity 4 ability - approximately 120 miles per hour.
This staff has a material strength of 20.
Acrobatics (a): Gregor has worked on becoming incredibly nimble over the years. As such, he may make attempts to lower falling damage and to dodge incoming attacks at a reduced difficulty. This skill also lets him fight in an over the top, cinematic style.
Boxing (s): the cornerstone of his combat training, this skill allows Gregor to strike with impressive speed in battle. While engaged in unarmed melee, he may attempt two attacks per turn, the last of which will occur as a contingent action.
Languages / English, French, Greek, Japanese, and Spanish (i): Gregor has had to adopt several languages to train in and subsequently master the martial arts styles he wished to learn. As such, he's learned to speak all of these languages (but only reads Greek).
Martial Arts (a): a respectable martial artist, Gregor is a master of many styles. In unarmed combat, he can strike his opponents at a reduced difficulty, and receives a similar benefit when dodging incoming attacks or catching thrown weapons.
Skill / Staff (s): in addition to brushing up his already-considerable skills once he arrived in Japan, Gregor learned how to use a staff effectively in battle - particularly his psi-staff. He can use any such weaponry in battle at a reduced difficulty.
As the student of a diabolical, nameless criminal warrior, Gregor can rely on him as a contact - though it's usually the other way around. Also, as a member of the Tenacious Ten, Gregor can rely upon those fellows for assistance in a pinch, as he got along with them well enough.
Explorer, with a secondary calling of Greed: Gregor is driven by the need to expand his horizons, and be the best he can be - at least, where the mastery of the martial arts is involved. Of course, his need to do so overwhelms any qualms about doing what is necessary to achieve this.
In battle, Gregor typically wears a stereotypical, Tong-style outfit. It consists of loose-fitting, black silk trousers, a black silk shirt, a dark gray leather belt, a black scarf over his nose and mouth, and dark gray, 'two-toed' boots that allow him to climb most surfaces with ease.
Gregory is a head-strong, stubborn fellow, and incredibly impulsive. He doesn't bother thinking about what he does, or the consequences thereof - he simply does what he wants to, when he wants to. Of course, he's both powerful and talented, and is thus used to getting what he wants.
Real Name: Gregor Aegis
Occupation: professional athlete, criminal
Legal Status: Greek citizen with a criminal record in Japan
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Tenacious Ten
Height: 6'
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Weight: 190 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Gregor has a tattoo on his chest of a clenched fist, one holding a bolt of lightning.
Gregor began his adulthood as a professional martial artist, fighting for fun and profit in various European competitions. Of course, the money was just incidental, for Gregor only wanted it to support him while he studied various fighting styles native to the countries he visited.
He continued on in Europe until something weird happened - he spontaneously combusted. Now, Gregor wasn't actually burned, but totaled the taxi cab he was riding in. Fleeing the scene, Gregor subsequently caused a severe fire in Madrid, and virtually wiped out several neighborhoods.
It took Gregor awhile, but he eventually figured out that he had some sort of natural fire-generating ability, and got a general handle on how it worked after several months. Thinking the matter closed, he then continued on in his quest to master the martial arts, and journeyed to Japan.
There, while seeking out tutors in various native combat forms, Gregor heard rumors of a dread fighter, one supposedly possessed of unnatural prowess. Thinking this a person with 'skills' like his own, Gregor sought him out, though his inquiries only brought trouble down on his head.
This mysterious, nameless fighter was the leader of a considerable criminal empire, and his minions didn't like uppity foreigners asking questions. Brought before said minions' master, Gregor was forced to explain himself - and quickly - before he met a rather unpleasant demise.
Having no choice, Gregor demonstrated his power. Seeing that Gregor could be a powerful pawn, the man handed him a crystalline staff, and directed him to focus his power into it; though Gregor thought this odd, he did so. Much to his surprise, his lightning readily entered the weapon.
This item, given to the warrior by a Mindwatch operative who mistook him for a psi, was useless to him except as a trophy; he'd killed that Mindwatch recruiter shortly after that fellow found out he had no psionic powers, and demanded that he return his staff immediately.
Knowing a powerful weapon had stumbled into his midst, the unnamed ninja made Gregor a bargain: he would give Gregor all the training he wanted, not to mention that staff, if he faithfully served him. Since this is what he wanted in the first place, Gregor readily agreed to these terms.
Gregor then spent several years in intense combat training, learning how to use the strange, psionically active staff given him, both with and without his psionic. He also mastered several additional, eastern martial arts styles, only occasionally having to do unsavory deeds in exchange.
Things changed suddenly for Gregor however, when he was whisked away by none other than Elys, a powerful techno-sorceress... and a dragon! Awed by the scaly spectacle before him, Gregor knew not how to respond - though Elys knew just how to get what she wanted out of Gregor.
Needing minions like him to deal with some pesky heroes dogging her heels, Elys made Gregor an offer. She would see fit to secure training for him in several methods of combat, both unarmed and otherwise, from across reality - if he would serve her instead of his unsung master.
So, Gregor joined Elys in her criminal enterprise, as he really liked the sound of acquiring martial arts skills from beyond the earth itself. Thus, he accompanied Elys' other minions in forming the Tenacious Ten, and waged an all or nothing assault on the heroes opposing their new boss.
This battle did not go well for the Ten, and upon their defeat Elys whisked them away to use them another day. Mind you, as she was defeated by her heroic enemies shortly thereafter, Elys would never come to call upon the Tenacious Ten anew... leaving them all to their own devices.
Upon his awakening in an isolated California orchard, Gregor - or Zenus, as he'd taken to calling himself, a name he'd cobbled together from those of several gods he thought sounded keen - found himself in something of a pickle. You see, he knew his boss would think him a turncoat.
He was, sure, but that wasn't the point. Having vanished out of the blue like he did, Gregor feared that his anonymous instructor would write him off - which usually meant that some assassins would be seeking him out even now. And wouldn't let him explain his abduction by a dragon.
Much less believe his mad tale. Thus, Gregor decided to remain in America for a time, sticking with whatever members of the Tenacious Ten would allow him to 'hang' with them. After all, while several did indeed go their separate ways, some of the Ten remain together to this very day!
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