the Devilfish

The Devilfish is a small, high speed attack boat that the GI Joe team can use for quick troop insertions or ship to ship combat. It can be launched either from another ship (like the USS Flagg) or dropped into the water by a handy, nearby helicopter. Heavily armed (though only lightly armored), the Devilfish has the following vehicular capabilities:

Ex 20
Ty 6
Gd 10
Fe 2

Assault Water-Jet Motors: these twin 110 HP motors allow the Devilfish to move quickly in the water, even if it's loaded down with three Joes during a mission. It gives the craft the ability to move at 43 knots (approximately 49.5 miles per hour) on the waves, for Good (10) movement speed. The Devilfish could probably move faster with just one Joe on it instead of three, however.

Captor Torpedoes: mounted within the sponsons of the Devilfish, these two projectiles can be fired to inflict devastating damage to other ships in its vicinity. These wire-guided torpedoes are short-ranged implements of destruction but possess considerable raw power. They inflict the listed damage when fired singly, adding a +1 CS if both projectiles strike their target. They have these characteristics:

Ex 20
Rm 30
Ex 20
Remarkable (30) Edged Attack damage (fragmentary)

Repeater Cannons: the main armament on the Devilfish, these two 20 mm chain guns allow it to inflict serious damage to another ship - though they cannot be aimed, and can hit only what is directly in front of the vessel. These twinned guns can be fired to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage in a short, controlled burst, or Remarkable (30) Shooting damage in a fully automatic, continuous spread of ammunition.

Riverine Hull: the hydro-dynamic hull of the Devilfish is designed with rugged action in mind. Though not indestructible, it is nonetheless capable of taking serious damage in a pinch. The construction of the Devilfish gives it a Body score of Good (10), and provides a small amount of Protection (Feeble (2)) to its operator; passengers riding on the sides of the boat have no added defense.

Sea Phoenix Missiles: these four laser-guided missiles, mounted on the front of the Devilfish, are spring loaded. When fired, they will be dropped into the water, at which point they ignite and track their target. They inflict the listed damage when fired singly, adding a +1 CS when two missiles are used (and hit), and +2 CS when all four are fired (and hit) their foe. These missiles have these characteristics:

Ex 20
Am 50
Gd 10
Excellent (20) Edged Attack damage (fragmentary)

1989 Variations

the Tiger Fish

Just a few years after their initial issue, a large number of GI Joe's Devilfish craft were approprated by the team's Tiger Force unit, and given a new life as their Tiger Fish boats. While they feature a paint scheme that is actually more conspicuous than the original's orange, being yellow-orange with black tiger stripes, the Tiger Fish is functionally the same as its vehicular ancestor.

Extra Goodies:

the Devilfish Universal Heroes Text File Download

the Devilfish Imagery

GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Devilfish:

  1986 1989  

Return to the Tiger Force main page!

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