the Dominator
Part of the experimental Battle Force 2000 line of research, the Dominator is a curious 'snow tank' that the team put through its paces starting in 1987. This strange vehicle is a mini-tank wrapped in a separate armored body, which can itself separate for limited uses.
While combined, the Dominator has the vehicular statistics of its 'Plasma Gun', though slightly modified (see the asterisk). Also, it cannot use the Plasma Gun's laser cannons while so combined. The individual sub-vehicles of the Dominator function as follows:
Plasma Gun:
The interior of the Dominator, this smaller, six-wheeled vehicle is also houses the primary weapon of the vehicle. It can discard the outer shell of the Dominator to run with increased speed, albeit with less Protection. It has these vehicular capabilities:
Handling RV 10 |
Velocity RV 20 |
Durability RV 30 * |
Protection RV 20 * |
* Note: when the two components of the Dominator are combined, the vehicle suffers a net -1 RS to its Velocity trait, moving at only rank value 10 land speed (or 54.55 miles per hour). On the other hand, it benefits from a +1 RS to its Durability and Protection values.
Battle Dog Main Gun: mounted on a reinforced turret, this huge gun is an XM175 cannon. This devastating, experimental weapon fires packets of excited particles to inflict rank value 40 Energy damage per deadly blast, enough to penetrate even the strongest of enemy fortifications.
Bullseye Targeting System: consisting of a laser range finder and a full-solution ballistic computer, this unit helps the driver of the Plasma gun to fight effectively under all conditions, even giving him or her a +1 RS to attacks made with its weaponry.
Communications Array: the Dominator's inner ride is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system. This makes for rank value 10 communications power (with a 25 mile range) that has rank value 30 signal encryption.
Laser Cannons: flanking the main cannon on the Plasma Gun, these powerful energy weapons fire sustained, coherent laser beams at a foe, each of which inflict rank value 10 Armor Piercing Energy damage per deadly blast - raised by +1 RS when both hit a foe in tandem.
Ski Attack Vehicle:
Something of a misnomer, the Ski Attack vehicle isn't really a vehicle, per se, having no locomotion on its own. It can move when pushed, or when it gains sudden downhill momentum however, and has these capabilities:
Handling RV 10 |
Velocity RV 2 * |
Durability RV 30 |
Protection RV 20 |
* Needs a good push.
Corporeal Gestalt: the Ski Attack vehicle isn't all that mobile by itself, however, it can be reconfigured to form the 'walls' of the Battle Force 2000 Future Fortress, which is described in its own equipment entry (rank value 20 gestalt).
Deflection: the front of the Ski Attack vehicle is built with defense in mind. It has a highly angular body, with deflective slopes covering most of it and the turret. This deisgn inflicts a -1 RS penalty on all attacks aimed at the front of the Dominator's Ski Attack vehicle.
Heat Generation: the main purpose of the Ski Attack vehicle is to melt snow in a hurry - likely to help it control a cold-weather battlefield, or to dig in when assembling the Future Fortress. It can generate heat of rank value 40 intensity when necessary.
Twin Terror Machine Guns: these dual pivoting machine guns, each mounted on the front of the Ski Attack vehicle, allow the driver to fire conventional weapons when necessary, inflicting rank value 10 Piercing damage in a small burst, or rank value 20 Piercing damage full auto.
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Dominator:
1987 |
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