the Vindicator
A vehicle years ahead of its time, the Vindicator is the culmination of Blaster's life-long love of ground effect vehicles. In development by this Battle Force 2000 team member since he was a child, the Vindicator is the ultimate expression of his obsession with this technology.
The Vindicator flies by means of two powerful air jets, one mounted on each side of the cockpit, and maneuvers with the help of a vertical stabilization rudder with a rear-mounted yaw fan built in. While impressive in its own right, the Vindicator is capable of much more.
Built into the bottom of the craft is a small rocket-powered sled, which can be used to offer additional air support to the Battle Force 2000 team - or combine with other components of the Force's vehicles to form the Future Fortress. The Vindicator has these capabilities:
The heart of the Vindicator, this is what people see, and usually think of, when the vehicle is mentioned. It is an incredibly versatile hovercraft, one which functions above and beyond its ground effects vehicle forebears, and is equipped as follows:
C Ex 20 |
S Ty 6 |
B Ex 20 |
P Gd 10 |
Communications Array: the Vindicator's hovercraft is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system. This makes for Good (10) communications power (with a 25 mile range) that has Remarkable (30) ranked signal encryption.
Flight / Levitation: the principal feature of the Vindicator's hovercraft, this extension of ground effects technology lets it maneuver as can a helicopter, achieving true flight. It can move at up to 90 miles per hour, having this capability at Typical (6) rank.
Machine Guns: mounted on the tail of the Vindicator hovercraft, these guns can be fired to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage in a short burst, or Excellent (20) Shooting damage when fired fully automatic. If both are trained on a single target, raise the damage by +1 CS.
Pivoting Anti-Armor Guns: the Vindicator has two of these weapons mounted on its front, one controlled by each of its operators (or just the pilot, in a pinch). They can be fired to inflict Good (10) Armor Piercing Shooting damage in a short burst, raised +1 CS when fired full auto.
Rocket Sled:
Mounted on the bottom of the Vindicator hovercraft, this small vehicle can be detached to offer faster air support than the hovercraft itself - even if it has less control and armament overall. The Vindicator's rocket sled is equipped with this gear:
C Ty 6 |
S In 40 |
B Ty 6 |
P Pr 4 |
Communications Array: the Vindicator's rocket sled is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system. This makes for Good (10) communications power (with a 25 mile range) that has Remarkable (30) ranked signal encryption.
Corporeal Gestalt: while the rocket sled can provide good air support in a pinch, it is primarily designed to mesh with the rest of the Battle Force 2000's technology by forming part of its Future Fortress, contributing its STA/ATA missiles to its defense (Excellent (20) ranked gestalt).
Flight: while the hovercraft portion of the Vindicator flies via revolutionary technology, its rocket sled works by simple means of strapping a rocket on the back. It can fly at Incredible (40) speeds (300 MPH), but is much more difficult to control.
Whistler Missiles: guided by laser for a +1 CS to hit (assuming the laser is kept on target), these hex-finned missiles can serve as surface-to-air or air-to-air missiles, and add a +1 CS to the damage they inflict for every doubling of missiles used. They function as follows:
C Ex 20 |
S Un 100 |
B Gd 10 |
Damage Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) |
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Vindicator:
1987 |
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