F Gd 10 |
A Gd 10 |
S Ty 6 |
E Gd 10 |
R Ty 6 |
I Gd 10 |
P Gd 10 |
Res Gd 15 |
Pop Ty -5 |
Health: Karma: |
36 26 |
Despite their extensive training in nocturnal operations, Night-Vipers are but normal humans. Sure, they carry advanced sensor suites, stealth suits, and are downright ornery, but this is nothing anyone else couldn't achieve without the right connections and disposition.
Known Powers:
Limitations / Enhancements:
Communications Pack: often used as forward observers due to their stealth capabilities, Night-Vipers are equipped with a military-grade radio backpack. This device lets them talk to fellow Cobras with Good (10) range, 25 miles, and features Excellent (20) signal encryption.
Helmets: as do almost every other member of Cobra, Night-Vipers wear protective helmets while on the job. This headgear provides them Good (10) protection against physical assaults that strike them anywhere in the head, though this defense is rarely required.
This is because the Night-Viper helmet enables these nocturnal warriors to do their jobs. Equipped with a state-of-the-art sensor suite, the Night-Viper helmet allows them to roam through the dark with impunity, capable of detecting their foes almost anywhere they hide.
Featuring a wide-angle, third-generation image intensitfier, a laser range-finder, directional microphones, and passive (Good (10) rank) infrared detectors, Night-Vipers gain a +2 CS benefit to their Intuition while so equipped, and gain a +1 CS to hit their opponents in ranged combat.
Knife: because shooting would give them away on many missions, Night-Vipers carry numerous blades in the field. Made from Remarkable (30) m.s. materials, these sharp implements can be used to cut through items of up to like m.s., or to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee combat.
Rifle: the standard Night-Viper rifle can be fired to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage per round, though it is not semi- or fully automatic in nature. Nonetheless, it it is armed with an underslung infrared lamp, helping Night-Vipers to 'paint' their foes without them knowing it.
Sidearm: should all else fail, Night-Vipers carry a conventional handgun with them in the field. They may discharge a single round from this weapon to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, or a semi-automatic burst of lead to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, instead.
Stealth Suit: while it does not provide conventional protection, the Night-Viper uniform spares them detection from high tech means. Not quite a Python Patrol suit, it nonetheless makes them invisible to infrared light and radiowave detection with Remarkable (30) ability.
Allergy / Light: living in constant darkness, Night-Vipers excel in nocturnal operations. However, this makes them especially susceptible to the blinding effects of light, and suffer a -2 CS penalty to such when attempting to avoid being dazzled by any light source.
Guns: all Cobra operatives have the ability to wield firearms in combat, and Night-Vipers are no exception to this rule. They may discharge any standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol as if their Agility was +1 CS higher than is listed above.
Martial Arts type A or B: furthermore, Night-Vipers are well-versed in the art of self-defense. They either wield type a, allowing them to Slam or Stun foes regardless of their comparative Strength or Endurance, or b, granting them a +1 CS to hit in unarmed combat.
Military: a Cobra doesn't make it all the way to the rank of Night-Viper without acquiring this talent, one way or another. It allows them to function effectively within a combat unit, and gives them insight into Cobra's byzantine organizational structure.
Stealth: the training that helps them stand out from other Cobras, Night-Vipers can easily move without being detected, whether or not they have their fancy gear. When attempting to do so, Night-Vipers inflict a -2 CS penalty on Intuition FEAT rolls attempted to spot them.
Highly-trained and highly-experienced operatives, Night-Vipers can conceivably count the Cobra organization as a reliable contact. As is always the case, though, should the Command have reason to abandon a given Night-Viper to their fate, they'll happily do so in a New York minute.
The Night-Viper uniform is a stealth suit! It consists of an emerald jacket with black shoulder pads, emerald trousers with black padding, black leather boots, gloves, belts, and holsters, black pouches and arm bands, an emerald helmet with a black face plate, and an emerald visor.
Cobras who have a predilection for sneaking up on others, aren't afraid of the dark, and aren't at all clumsy are candidates to become Night-Vipers. Those who don't mind the idea of being sequestered from their fellows for constant training often accept promotion into their ranks.
Once accepted into the Night-Viper corps, a Cobra operative is moved into completely dark, unlit barracks, where no light can seep in from the outside. There, they perpetually work at out-stealthing each other in the dark, often doing so without their fancy, high tech helmets.
All this effort pays off when the Night-Vipers are unleashed in the field. Utterly owning the night, no enemies can escape these nocturnal warriors. Sure, you could blind them with a flashlight to the face, but the trick in doing so is spotting them in the first place!
2006 Variations
The second Night-Viper uniform is a stealth suit! It consists of a two-tone green jacket, two-tone green trousers, brown leather boots and belts, light green gloves, black holsters, pouches, and arm bands, a dark green helmet with a black face plate, and a black visor.
2008 Variations
Submachine Guns: should they need more punch, Night-Vipers occasionally carry two of these weapons. They inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing one round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing several, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when fired continuously.
The third Night-Viper uniform is a stealth suit! It consists of an emerald jacket with white shoulder pads, emerald trousers with black padding, black leather boots, gloves, belts, holsters, pouches, and web gear, a green mask, a black helmet with a black face plate, and a black visor.
2014 Variations
Shotgun: for close-range fighting, Night-Vipers occasionally wield a shotgun. They can inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage in a sixty degree arc with birdshot, Good (10) Shooting damage to adjacent targets with buckshot, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage to one foe with slugs.
Submachine Gun: should they need more punch, Night-Vipers occasionally carry one of these weapons. They inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing one round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing several, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when fired continuously.
The fourth Night-Viper uniform is a stealth suit! It consists of a red jacket with black shoulder pads, red trousers with black padding, black and red leather boots, black gloves, belts, and holsters, gray web gear and pouches, a black helmet with a red face plate, and a red visor.
Extra Goodies:
Cobra directories featuring a version of Night-Vipers:
1989 | 2006 | 2008 | 2014 |
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