the Arctic Blast
Small and fast, the Arctic Blast essentially consists of a sled driven by two oversized, all-weather tires. It's got a veritable arsenal of guns loaded on top, along with several surface-to-surface missiles, making it a fun ride for any GI Joe. It has these characteristics:
Handling RV 10 |
Velocity RV 30 |
Durability RV 10 |
Protection RV 6 |
Chain Gang Guns: the driver of the Arctic Blast can wield these twinned Gatling cannons, mounted on the front of the vehicle. They can discharge a small burst of lead to inflict rank value 30 Piercing damage, or be fired continuously to inflict rank value 40 Piercing damage.
Communications Array: the Arctic Blast is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system, allowing for constant team communications. It provides rank value 10 radio transception (25 mile range) with rank value 30 signal encryption.
Cool Cruiser Missiles: mounted aside the main ski surface on the Arctic Blast, along the front, are these two projectiles. They are surface-to-surface missiles, and if both strike a single target, will inflict +1 RS to the damage listed below:
Handling RV 20 |
Velocity RV 50 |
Durability RV 20 |
Damage RV 30 Slashing (fragmentary) |
Laser Blast Light Rig: though not actually lasers, these are three powerful halogen lights rigged up in tandem atop the Arctic Blast. They can illuminate a sector with rank value 30 ability, and may be used in a surprise maneuver as a blinding attack.
Machine Guns: the rear of the Arctic Blast is equipped with two separate, twinned 7.62mm machine gun mounts. They can discharge a small burst of lead to inflict rank value 20 Piercing damage, or be fired continuously to inflict rank value 30 Piercing damage.
Personnel Platforms: the rear of the Arctic Blast has room for two hangers-on, thanks to two small platforms situated behind its driver's seat. Though they gain no Protection from riding in the back, each passenger on the Arctic Blast can use one of its machine gun mounts.
Roll Cage: since its particular design practically lends itself to roll-overs now and then, the Arctic Blast is equipped with a roll cage. It offers its operator (though not its passengers) 1 RS of Damage Reduction regarding damage caused by a roll or crash.
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Arctic Blast:
1989 |
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