the Radar Rat

The Radar Rat is essentially a mobile radar platform the GI Joe team can roll into almost any area to provide instant air defense. It can track airborne targets with its radar unit, and then flatten 'em with up to four missiles. The Radar Rat has these capabilities:

Ty 6
Ty 6
Gd 10
Sh 0

Communications Array: the Radar Rat is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system. This makes for Good (10) comm power (a 50 mile maximum range) that features Remarkable (30) ranked signal encryption.

Flat Face Target Tracking System: the Radar Rat's means of sensing its environment, it uses these large parabolic dishes to get a radar 'fingerprint' of the area, and can track targets in the air and on the ground with Good (10) ability and range (up to fifty miles distant).

Low Blow Missiles: these four surface-to-air semi-active missiles can be fired at anything the Radar Rat can sense, and do so with some accuracy. They inflict the listed damage when fired singly, adding a +1 CS for each doubling of projectiles that hit their target:

Rm 30
Un 100
Gd 10
Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary)

Extra Goodies:

the Radar Rat Universal Heroes Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of the Radar Rat:


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