Clean Sweep
Strength 7d |
Agility 4c |
Intellect 7c |
Willpower 5d |
Hand Size: Edge: |
3 (17) 1 |
Like almost all of his fellow GI Joes, Clean Sweep is but a normal human - at least, in a physical sense. He does carry a whole lot of advanced equipment, though, including a remote controlled robot that is years ahead of its time, making him something of a high-tech hero.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Eco-Warrior Suit (s): this suit seals Clean Sweep off from the outside world. Made from recycled action figures, it offers him intensity 12, or +3, protection from toxins in the environment - mainly by preventing them from entering his system. It also has these 'bonus' features:
* Helmet (s): in addition to providing Clean Sweep intensity 8, or +2, protection against head-based physical attacks, this headgear also has a holographic display inside, that lets him see what the chemical analyzer in his sweeper robot says - and even lets him control it by voice command!
* Environmental Independence (s): since his suit is airtight, Clean Sweep has to have some sort of air supply. This comes in the form of an oxygen rebreather, which recycles Clean Sweep's air for a full day at a time (24 hours of breathable air before it needs refreshed, or intensity 1).
Laser Pistol (a): his sole armament, this weapon allows Clean Sweep to fight off Cobras in a conventional manner while neutralizing their combat gunk. He can fire this directed energy weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in Armor Piercing energy damage with each shot.
Sweeper Robot (i): the main weapon he uses in the fight against Cobra's weaponized Sludge-slingers, this device may be controlled by remote, allowing it to reach oddball places that Clean Sweep can't. It is armed with a chemical analyzer that works with intensity 10 skill.
It is primarily designed to identify Cobra's Sludge, and then a) sucks the material inside itself, and b) neutralizes it, also with intensity 10 ability. It will then spread a Sludge-neutralizing gel onto the surface it recently drained, to limit long-term environmental effects.
The Sweeper can only move at intensity 1 ground speeds - about 5 miles per hour. However, it can traverse many different kinds of terrain thanks to its tank-like treads, and in a pinch Clean Sweep can even hop on top of the thing to avoid a deep dipping into Cobra gunk.
Boxing (s): a talent he picked up in basic training, this skill showcases Clean Sweep's ability to defend himself while disarmed. In such instances, he may divide his pre-card play action score between two unarmed attacks, the last of which he may attempt as a contingent action.
Chemistry (i): Clean Sweep is primarily a chemist by trade, and has applied his knowledge to work against Cobra's chemical weaponry. He is allowed a reduced difficulty in actions of this stripe, particularly handy when attempting to undo the damage Cobra's toxic weapons have caused.
Demolitions (a): a talent that showcases both of his other 'trade' abilities, this skill describes Clean Sweep's expertise in explosives and other booby traps. Whether he's attempting to set or disarm an explosive or other trap, Clean Sweep may do so at a reduced difficulty.
Engineering (i): though his main 'gig' is in chemistry, Clean Sweep is also a proven combat engineer. He's highly skilled at building things for his fellow troops - often while under fire - and should receive a +1 reduced difficulty while planning or executing a build.
Guns (a): a vital part of his military training, this skill describes Clean Sweep's ability to fire most standard firearms with ease. Whenever he wields a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Clean Sweep may do so at a reduced difficulty.
Military / United States (w): Clean Sweep has mastered his many talents thanks to the United States military, which makes this skill an 'origin' of sorts for all his other abilities. He knows the SOP like the back of his hand, and can readily function in a military unit when necessary.
Clean Sweep is a member of the GI Joe team, one tasked with a particularly dangerous job in the defense of both the environment and his fellow Joes. As such, the team is more than willing to lend him a hand when he needs it, if only he is willing to ask them for such assistance.
Soldier: while his partner Ozone may do his duty due to a need to protect the environment from harm, Clean Sweep does it because it's his job. Not that he's indifferent to the suffering of nature and all that, but he'd fight Cobra in any way the Joes asked him to, really.
Clean Sweep's GI Joe uniform is actually his toxin-resistant suit! It is primarily yellow in color, with green accessories here and there, and is further accented with brown gloves and boots, a neon green belt, and a yellow and green helmet with a blue-tinted visor.
Daniel enjoys his job, and he's particularly good at it. He's not an environmentalist like Ozone, per se, but he knows that his job is very important. He's more than ready to do it, too, even when most regular Joes fear to tread in the toxic turf he has to wade through daily!
Real Name: Daniel W. Price, Grade E-4
Occupation: chemical operations specialist, combat engineer
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, the Eco-Warriors (GI Joe sub-group)
Height: 5' 8"
Hair: brown, balding
Eyes: brown
Weight: 185 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Clean Sweep usually wears a thick moustache at all times.
Not too much is known about the background of the GI Joe called Clean Sweep. He has been in the military for awhile, as he's a very good combat engineer, not to mention a chemist by trade. Perhaps it is his mastery of both skills that got him his place on the Joe team.
He's tough and tenacious, or else he'd have never gotten through the entrance exam. He's also very bright, and takes to his job as a series of challenges to be beat. He doesn't rush at them whole hog or anything like that, but the man likes to analyze a problem and beat it down.
Once he made it onto the team, Clean Sweep was given a position on their elite Eco-Warriors team, a very small group dedicated to opposing Cobra's efforts to introduce the world to weaponized Sludge. This chemical weapon would be a disaster in the hands of ordinary terrorists.
So Clean Sweep was more than happy to help the Joes clean up the messes Cobra makes with this Sludge, not to mention working at preventing their further production of the stuff. The problem is that it's made from ordinary pollutants, though, which are in ready supply.
Combine that with a terrible Sludge cheerleader known as Cesspool, and you've got a team with its hands full. Of course, Clean Sweep and company eventually prevailed against Cesspool and his Sludge-wielding Vipers, and were cycled back into the regular Joe forces.
(Historical Divergence)
Though the Joes were disbanded for a time, they were reassembled when Cobra activities spiraled out of control. Clean Sweep was happy to assist the Joes during the second Cobra Island Civil War, not to mention World War III, during which Cobra was finally defeated once and for all.
Mind you, several leaders of that group have so far escaped justice, so Clean Sweep and his fellow Joes are busy hunting them down to this very day!
2014 Variations
Compound Z Antigen Rifle Cannon (s): firing an experimental counteragent to Cobra's Compound Z, Clean Sweep's latest Eco-Warrior weapon is hoped to reverse the process that creates Cobra's zombies. It works with intensity 12 effectiveness against the insidious substance.
Submachine Gun (a): for more conventional foes, Clean Sweep carries this mechanized weapon. It can discharge one round to inflict his Agility +4 in damage, a short burst of such to inflict his Agility +5 in damage, or be fired continuously to inflict his Agility +6 in damage.
Clean Sweep's second GI Joe field uniform like his first. It is a yellow-orange protective suit, with green accessories here and there, and is further accented with black gloves and boots, a neon green belt, and a yellow-orange and green helmet with a blue-tinted visor.
Extra Goodies:
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GI Joe directories featuring a version of Clean Sweep:
1991 | 2014 |
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