the Scorpion
Lightweight yet heavily armed, the Scorpion is a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle, a replacement of sorts for the group's venerable Ferret. It serves similar purposes, being useful for sentry work or for high-speed raids. The Scorpion has these characteristics:
C Gd 10 |
S In 40 |
B Ex 20 |
P Sh 0 |
Cobra-band Radio: Cobra gear uses a communications scheme of its own, not beholden to conventional broadcast standards. The Scorpion in particular has communications gear with Good (10) range (25 miles), which features Excellent (20) ranked signal encryption as well.
Missile Launcher: the Scorion's main weapon is a missile launcher mounted before its gunner's seat, which can swivel to strike the area in a 180 degree arc in front of the vehicle. While they can only hold one projectile at once, these missiles function as follows:
C Ex 20 |
S Am 50 |
B Ex 20 |
Damage Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) |
Passengers: the Scorpion can carry a large number of Cobras around despite its diminutive size. It has two seats, one for a driver and one for a dedicated gunner, as well as a platform on each side of the vehicle that an additional Cobra can use to cling to the vehicle from outside.
Ramming Plate: the front bumper of the Scorpion allows its driver to ram other objects, inflicting the vehicle's current Speed in Blunt Attack damage on impact, limited to the plate's overall material strength of Incredible (40), though this risks vehicular damage.
Rotary-barrelled Machine Gun: this weapon can swivel 180 degrees, covering the space behind the Scorpion. It can discharge a short burst of ammunition to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage, or be fired continuously to inflict Remarkable (30) Shooting damage.
Extra Goodies:
Cobra directories featuring a version of the Scorpion:
1994 |
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