Jackson-Jones, Alabaster


Hand Size:
3 (17)


Alabaster Jackson-Jones, founder of the Anthropy Society, is a true believer. After decades of earnestly and obsessively pursuing his philosophy of self-help through self awareness, he manifested, in time, a trio of specialized superpsionics reflecting his beliefs.


Believer Psionics (Superpsi Powers):

Spectral Freedom (a) (w): the ultimate expression of Alabaster's particular philosophies, this art describes his mind's ability to persist without meat to house it. He may freely shed his body as if astrally projecting, and if slain, his mind will persist even after his death!

Enlightenment (t) (w): his life dedicated to his philosophy of self-improvement, for both himself and others, Alabaster has surprisingly manifested this intensity 12 power. With it, he can 'switch on' the latent psionics of just about any sentient being!

Self Control (s) (w): acquired naturally through decades of deep introspection, this superpsionic substitutes its intensity of 15 for Alabaster's Intellect for purposes of recall, his Agility when determining initiative, and his Willpower to resist mind control.

Hindrances / Augmentations:



Man-portable Railgun (a): resembling an oversized leaf blower, this brushed nickel weapon is generally too unwieldy to fire without a mount of some kind - or, perhaps, the articulated weapon harness that Alabaster wears beneath his suit. It's not roomy to conceal his girth, you know!

When activated, the barrel of this weapon extends out to around eight feet long, and the internal fusion reactor winds up to speed. When fired, the electromagnetically accelerated projectiles this weapon emits inflict his Agility +8 damage with each shot.

Colt 1991A1 Sidearm (a): though Alabaster finds firing his railgun immensely satisfying, the simple truth of the matter is that it takes him a bit to unpack it from the briefcase it normally compacts into. That and, you know, the thing reeks of abject overkill.

Kept in a convenient holster beneath his suit jacket, Alabaster can draw this firearm much more readily than he can his other weapon. When put to use, it can inflict his Agility +4 damage in a single shot, raised to +5 when engaging in semi-automatic fire.


Advanced Guns (a): something of an extension of his conventional firearms talent, Alabaster has picked up this skill through trial and error over the years, what with him tripping over so many of these things. He can wield energy-based projectile weaponry at a reduced difficulty.

Guns (a): while his awakening as a believer gifted Alabaster with incredible powers of the mind, it didn't do a whole lot for his body. Thus, he has acquired training in the use of conventional firearms, regardless of their type, which he may wield at a reduced difficulty.

Leadership 2 (w): one skill Alabaster has above all else is his ability to inspire and lead others - though he usually lectures instead of leading. When leading a group, it benefits from a +2 on all actions while following Alabaster's lead - unless it deviates from such, that is.

Manipulation (w): while he doesn't do a whole lot of leading, per se, Alabaster consistently makes use of his knack for convincing others to do his bidding. Whether with force or with sugar, Alabaster should receive a reduced difficulty on efforts intended to manipulate others.

Psychology (i): before attempting to sway others to his way of thinking, Alabaster will usually psychoanalyze them (often by the seat of his pants) to determine his best strategy in this regard. He may attempt actions related to psychological matters at a reduced difficulty.


Founder of the Anthropy Society, Alabaster can naturally rely upon its paying members for aid should he but ask - most of them owe him, in one way or another, after all. This includes a stable of super-human actors in addition to the usual, selfish clowns his group attracts.

Furthermore, Alabaster can count Professor Frankowitz as a reliable contact as well. While their philosophies aren't really in sync, the truth is that they are often allies of convenience. In matters of religion, the two usually forget any differences of opinion and band together.


Mentor: there's no doubt about it, Alabaster is all about inspiring others to greatness. He doesn't care if they're a sinner or a saint, Alabaster just wants to uplift everyone. After all, he figures if he can manage it, just about everyone else should be able to, as well!


Alabaster dresses for success! He's almost always seen in an expensive, custom-tailored black business suit with a generous cut, worn over a black collared shirt adorned with a black tie. He accents this with black suede shoes and a black leather belt with a buckle molded in his likeness.

It's all about him, after all. Or, at the very least, that's what he'd like you to think that's what he thinks.


A driven man, Alabaster eats, drinks, and breathes his humanist dogma. He's constantly doing his level best to uplift mankind, working to help it shrug off the trappings of tradition and oppression to bask in the perfection of the self above all else.

He cares not about an individual's specific goals, so much as helping him or her reach their ultimate potential - for good or ill. To this end, he has created as many monsters as he has saints, but in Alabaster's mind this is simply what was meant to be.

Real Name: Alabaster Jackson-Jones
Occupation: author, philosopher, public speaker, cable television talking head
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with a minor criminal record
Marital Status: divorced
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Anthropy Society

Height: 5' 7"
Hair: black, balding (usually shaved)
Eyes: brown
Weight: 202 lbs.
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Alabaster appears like nothing more than a pudgy, know-it-all television personality - and that's what he wants. After all, it helps him to catch his many enemies unaware, to deal with them most harshly.


The destitute son of a Baptist minister born of adultery, Alabaster was raised apart from his father's family. He and his mother struggled to get by daily, but nonetheless observed the traditions of worship that required they spend one day per week at Alabaster's father's service.

When his mother died unexpectedly, Alabaster was left to grow up all alone. Sure, the government was there to see to his essential needs, and to occasionally attempt to place him in foster care, but Alabaster didn't really have anyone to care for. Or to care for him.

Wishing to escape this life, Alabaster joined the Peace Corps as soon as possible, and spent several years touring the world. Doing good deeds for others without requiring religious obeisance, as most charities tended to do, Alabaster kept his eyes wide open while he was abroad.

Intently studying the holy men (and they always seemed to be men) of many, many faiths while he was away from his native land, Alabaster began to see how they manipulated others into doing the bidding of their patron organizations. And, intrigued, he began to copy their methods.

Eventually, Alabaster had developed into quite the student of humanity, and had learned a lot about what makes people tick - and what it took to cajole them into willingly doing what they despised. Alabaster could've exploited this knowledge for personal gain, save for one thing.

An idea had been growing in the back of Alabaster's head, you see. Able to rely only on himself over the years, he became convinced that all one needed to succeed in life was to know and nurture their true self, as he himself had done - even at the expense of all else.

And Alabaster had grown to truly know himself through his many trials over the years. He studied himself as much, if not more so, than he did others. And this knowledge of self, this self awareness, was so intent that it actually resulted in the manifestation of superpsionics!

Having inexplicably achieved this feat abroad, Alabaster knew that it was time to go home, and got on the first airplane to New York City. There, he spent time preaching on the street, writing his manifesto, and generally bothering people until his ideas stirred up trouble.

A wide array of individuals representing religious organizations and fraternal congregations took exception to Alabaster's notions that they were the root of all evil, that they were holding mankind back by preventing the species from individually finding greatness on its own.

This led to his absorbing a countless number of beatings, which ultimately served to lionize Alabaster. After all, why would these people react to Alabaster so violently if he wasn't on to something? Thus, more people began to listen to his screeds on Manhattan street corners.

After he was interviewed by a random reporter for a puff piece, Alabaster acquired national attention, and book offers began to stream in. Having already written his manifesto, Paideia, these offers made him immediately rich, allowing him to found the Anthropy Society!

Using the Society as his platform to spread his ideas across the world, Alabaster attended countless public speaking engagements, lectured anywhere he was even remotely welcome, and even managed to find himself as a guest on any number of cable talk shows.

The Society quickly grew larger. Sure, many members of the group completely miss the point of Alabaster's teachings, seeing them as a means of justifying their own, petty selfishness. But Alabaster does his level best to help all members of the Society to uplift themselves.

To this end, he has aided a wide array of individuals in their own callings. Some of these have become heroes, and others villains, but Alabaster is indifferent to their morality one way or the other - as long as these people live up to the potential their minds make possible.

Otherwise, why bother being alive? The gift of sentience is squandered otherwise!

Extra Goodies:

Jackson-Jones, Alabaster Saga System 13 Text File Download

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