Melee RV 20 |
Coordination RV 10 |
Brawn RV 6 |
Fortitude RV 20 |
Intellect RV 20 |
Awareness RV 30 |
Willpower RV 40 |
Lifestyle RV 30 |
Repute RV +5 |
Health: Fortune: |
56 90 |
Tredecuplethink, the psychic vigilante known to the legal system as Cecilia Baillargeon, is a psi. But in addition to several powers gained through intense, introspective meditation, she has also manifested several abilities related to her intensely humanistic beliefs.
Known Powers:
Believer Psionics (Superpsi Powers):
Mental Invisibility (t): the ultimate expression of Cecelia's peculiar doctrine makes her mind virtually invisible to the use of psionic powers, for she rarely, if ever, actually engages in thinking. This power functions for her at rank value 50.
Ability Boost (s): Cecilia's philosophy of raising humans to a higher plane of being via the combination of thought and action into one has seen her develop this impressive, rank value 30 power, allowing her to function with heightened ability for short periods of time.
Believer Psionics (Psipathic Powers):
Clarity (t): a large part of her beliefs involve freeing the human mind from that which clouds its ability to process data from its environment without undue influence. The ultimate result of this mind-bending philosophy has seen her acquire this rank value 40 power.
Trained Psionics (Psipathic Powers, Traditional Master):
Telepathy (a): core of the psipathic discipline of power, this art allows Cecilia to achieve direct, mind to mind contact with others. She can perform this feat with rank value 30 ability, doing so with any individuals within 500 miles of her person.
Mesmerism (s): while most of her work involves simply collecting information in the heads of criminals, Cecilia can also subvert the will of her foes when necessary. She can subject others to rank value 30 mesmerism at will, making her job much easier at times.
Psi Bolt (a): since she otherwise lacks aggressive powers for the most part, Cecilia leans on this art as her primary offensive ability in combat. With it, she can inflict rank value 40 Karmic damage to foes who cannot resist with a Willpower ACT against its rank value.
Jumbling (t): how better to sow confusion into the ranks of one's foes than to prevent them from communicating with each other. At all. Those who fail a Willpower ACT against this rank value 30 power cannot convey ideas or information whatsoever.
Combat Edge (s): while she prefers to avoid direct physical violence, Cecilia can nonetheless read a target to determine how to best take them down. After three turns of combat with someone, Cecilia benefits from a +1 RS on all ACT rolls attempted against them.
Psychic Probe (a): this most useful of arts allows Cecilia to find out what someone really knows - even if they themselves don't know they know! She can plumb the depths of another's mind with rank value 30 ability, dulling their resistance to further mental assault in the process.
Illusion Projection (t): Cecilia can beam false sensory input directly into the minds of others. This rank value 20 power lets her befuddle the perceptions of others, but in conjunction with her other abilities, lets her implant false memories (power stunt).
Lie Detection (s): useful when in the process of an investigation of any stripe, Cecilia can readily determine if someone she is communicating with attempts a falsehood. This rank value 20 power works without resistance, unless her target knows she has it somehow.
Mind Wipe (a): possibly her most dangerous ability, this art allows Cecilia to permanently remove memories of something from her target. Doing so with rank value 20 skill, she can delete just about anything from one's mind that she chooses, and whenever she sees fit.
Limitations / Enhancements:
Prosthetic Hand: though it does not give her any sensation, Cecilia makes use of a state of the art prosthetic hand. She can use it to grip objects and to perform basic tasks, though fine motor control still eludes it. She'd love a robotic replacement, once they're available.
Fighting Logistics: one reason Cecilia learned the combat edge power was because it seemed to dovetail with her own, inherent knowledge of combat tactics. After ten turns of studying a foe, she should benefit from a +1 RS on all Melee ACT rolls attempted against them.
Missing Parts / Right Hand: the injury that ultimately caused her to quit her job as a policewoman, Cecilia does not have her right hand. She lost it in the course of her normal duties, when faced with a particularly sadistic criminal (who she ultimately dealt with).
Guns: though she doesn't carry a firearm any longer, Cecilia used to as a member of the NYPD. A bit rusty, she is nonetheless well-versed in the operation of most modern guns, and can fire standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifles and pistols at a +1 RS.
Law Enforcement: a former New York City beat cop, Cecilia knows a thing or two about the law. Though she quit her former job in exchange for more 'direct' work against criminals, she used to be able to legally arrest others, as well as carry a firearm.
Martial Arts style B: while her skill with gunplay may not be as polished as it used to be, Cecilia nonetheless retains her basic self-defense training from her time as a cop. She can attempt unarmed attacks as if her Melee trait was +1 RS higher than is listed above.
Psychology: even before she developed her psionics, whether those that resulted from her beliefs or those she acquired through intense training, Cecilia learned all about the human mind's dark corners - and how to twist them to her own, personal ends.
Cecilia is one of the leading philosophers within the Anthropy Society, and is well respected by her peers (even those who prefer the teachings of Alabaster Jackson-Jones). Those that she has directly helped would do virtually anything that she asked of them.
As a former member of the NYPD, much less one who ultimately felt the need to quit after being mutilated while on duty, Cecilia also has numerous contacts within that police agency. Her time on the force has also given her numerous additional criminal and legal contacts.
After Mindwatch completed her training in the psipathic discipline of power, Cecilia parted with them on good terms. They'll usually help her out when asked, but more often they rely upon her occasionally to 'clean up' after a psi who accidentally causes damage with their powers.
Finally, as the costumed vigilante known to the public as Tredecuplethink, Cecilia knows a few people. She does her best to keep on good terms with other vigilantes active in her area, whether individuals like Johnny Wham, or teams such as the Crazy Hate.
Though not physically strong, Cecilia is quite fit. Thus, she wears a predominantly purple Spandex ™ body suit, which she complements with pink leather boots and gloves, a pink belt with thirteen small 'brain' badges scattered across its front, and a pink domino mask.
At least, when destroying or otherwise altering the minds of criminals.
Cecilia believes in the inherent goodness of humanity. She also believes that it is utterly drowned out by the terrible, terrible influences that run rampant in the world, and that only by freeing oneself from external influence can one make 'pure' decisions.
She believes this so strongly, in fact, that she has developed several psionics that reflect her philosophy, which she has gone on to supplement with hard-won training in the psipathic discipline of power. This seems like it would make her a natural leader of the Anthropists.
However, like the Society's founder, Alabaster Jackson-Jones, Cecilia is content to let her philosophy speak for itself, and helps those willing to understand it as she does. Or, at the very least, uses it to help her pay the bills. Either way.
Real Name: Cecilia Baillargeon
Occupation: vigilante, public speaker, former officer working for the NYPD
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: divorced
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Anthropy Society
Height: 5' 11"
Hair: white
Eyes: green
Weight: 144 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Cecilia is missing her right hand, and wears a prosthetic while in her public identity. When active as Tredecuplethink, she uses a mannequin's hand in her glove to make it look like nothing amiss is going on there.
Cecilia's life started out in a relatively mundane fashion. A believer in the inherent goodness of humanity, she wanted to give back to the community that had done so much for her in her youth. As such, she became a police officer as soon as she graduated from college.
While he humanities degree didn't help her get a good position within the NYPD, it did help her relate to those she encountered while out on patrol. Cecilia was well liked, both by her coworkers and by the people, and every day was a bright new adventure for her.
And then she ran afoul of an utter psychopath. Juiced up on horror flicks and too much methamphetamines, the man the media came to refer to as Helicopter Helmut went on a slashing spree through Cecilia's patrol route. And catching her unawares, he hacked her right hand clean off!
Being right handed, this sort of messed up Cecilia's day in more ways than one. She couldn't shoot the guy, for one thing, even if she hadn't started going into shock almost immediately. Passing out, she was left for dead, but was luckily found by passersby before she bled to death.
If only barely. Though she lived, Cecilia was given a desk job for her trouble, which completely ruined everything about her job that she liked. Since she couldn't get out and mingle with the public any longer, Cecilia quickly descended into a depression that led to her own drug problem.
Contemplating ending it all, Cecilia began to think about how she wanted to end herself, when she had a sudden epiphany. Sure, she couldn't be a beat cop any longer, but why let that stop her from helping others? Quitting her job, she then began to do charity work around town.
Working in soup kitchens and homeless shelters, Cecilia was a welcome addition wherever she went, and she was happy once more. Getting off the anti-depression medication, Cecilia cleaned up her act, and resumed her college studies when she wasn't otherwise helping others.
It was during this time that she developed the notion that while people are good in and of themselves, it's when they let outside influences have an effect over them that things go awry. And that, when you get down to it, is what is holding humanity as a whole back.
Trying to codify her new beliefs, Cecilia worked long and hard to write a book to this effect, but found that even the words were getting in the way of what she was feeling inside. So, she threw her word processor out, sold all her worldly goods, and began to walk the earth.
Ambling across America for a few years, Cecilia did plenty of soul searching, and slowly managed to make sense of her ideas when she realized that thinking was what was getting in the way of her progress. Everyone's progress. Going with the flow, she worked at cutting that out.
A few more years of drifting, completely aimlessly at that, further helped Cecilia to find herself. Seemingly gaining results by the day, she ran with her idea until she believed in it so hard, so completely, that her very mind changed. It evolved. It... ascended to a new level.
Developing a few belief-based psionics as a result of her single-minded devotion to her pet philosophy, Cecilia found that she liked being right. Preparing to return home, she was nonetheless waylaid for several additional years by a woman who offered her a deeper mastery of the mind.
Intrigued, she went along with her would-be mentor, until Cecilia ultimately found out she was part of a dark-minded telepathic group intent on conquering the earth. When, after years of meditation with them they showed their true colors, Cecilia was not at all amused. Not remotely.
Appalled, Cecilia tried to flee their compound, to warn others of the threat she'd stumbled into. But her new 'friends' were on to her, and despite her built-in mental slipperiness, they ran her to ground in the outskirts of Indianapolis, Indiana. But all was not lost.
This because operatives of the Mindwatch organization not only rescued Cecilia, but dealt with her tormenters... permanently! Offering to finish her training in a setting less inclined towards global domination, Cecilia went along with Mindwatch, but didn't join their group afterward.
No, she had other plans.
Upon mastering the psipathic discipline of power, Cecilia returned to New York City, and began to use her powers against those who would make the world a worse place to live in. People like Helicopter Helmut, who was once again at large and stalking the innocent.
Utterly destroying his mind with her incredible psionics, Cecilia decided that she couldn't let the people be victimized by such as he when she could do something about it. Even if the city frowned on vigilantes in general, and those in spectacularly gaudy costumes in particular.
And naturally, Cecilia wore a costume. Even though her powers of the mind meant that she could readily prevent anyone from remembering they'd ever seen her, she'd rather not do that if she didn't have to - in her mind, doing so would make her no better than those evil psis.
But while not fighting crime as the nearly unpronounceable Tredecuplethink, Cecilia finally took the time to relate her philosophies in the written form, her extended experiences finally making this child's play. Which got her 'in' with the humanists known as the Anthropy Society.
Though they have a generally dominant philosophy, one invented by the amicable Alabaster Jackson-Jones, the group readily absorbs differing (or even opposed) philosophies, all in the spirit of debate. And quite a few of the Anthropists have found themselves taken with Cecilia's ideas.
So, thanks to her book revenues, Cecilia is able to pose as a mild-mannered humanist by day, and dish out brutal psychic justice by night. While she typically works solo in her secret identity, Cecilia occasionally does odd jobs for Mindwatch, since they saved her previously.
On top of that, she often finds herself aiding and abetting other costumed vigilantes in the City. The NYPD really, really doesn't like these so-called 'heroes' stepping on their toes, after all, and tend to get a bit extreme in their responses to those who only want to help.
And what good is she, Cecilia reasoned, if she isn't helping others to fulfill their potential to do good themselves?
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