Xacatecas José
Strength 6d |
Agility 6x |
Intellect 6d |
Willpower 8d |
Hand Size: Edge: |
3 (17) 1 |
Like most of his Mindwatch fellows, Xacatecas José is an otherwise ordinary human being who, thanks to years of intensive training, has unlocked abilities within his mind and body that were already present - but just dormant. He focuses on the psikinetic aspect of this power.
Trained Psionics (Psikinetic Powers, Traditional Student):
Telekinesis (a) (i): core of the psikinetic discipline, this power represents José's ability to move objects with his mind. He wields this power at intensity 14, allowing him to handle ten tons of material as he sees fit, as if manipulating it with his own two hands.
Force Field (t) (i): his sole defensive power, this psikinetic talent affords José the ability to surround himself with a bubble of pure mental force. This intensity 12 power has saved his life more times than he can count, and includes the Shield from Energy power stunt.
Levitation (s) (a): while he cannot fly, José can lift himself with his telekinetic power. He can do this at intensity 12, allowing him to move in a vertical fashion at will, along with up to a ton of additional material. He is vulnerable to high wind currents when doing so, however.
Energy Generation (a) (a): his favorite power, this psikinetic art is the one that José has developed to the fullest. Working at intensity 14, he can use this power to generate various forms of energy. He originally mastered the generation of fire with this power.
However, he has worked with it extensively, and mastered a total of three power stunts thus far. These stunts allow him to generate light, sound, and electricity in addition to flames. Considering recent events in his life, this may be as far as he gets with energy generation.
Energy Control (t) (i): his second favorite power, José has developed this power almost as well as he has his energy generation art. He started using this power to control fire at intensity 10, but has since learned power stunts to control light and electricity as well.
A secondary stunt of his ability to control light is his exceptionally dangerous ability to generate pulses of coherent light beams. He can use these lasers to inflict this power's intensity +5 in energy damage with each blast, though he has to be simultaneously generating light to pull this trick off.
Psion Knuckles (w): made for him by Nonce, another Mindwatch operative with superpsi powers, this item gives José surprising melee prowess. It began as an ordinary set of brass knuckles - though they're actually stainless steel, not brass - which Nonce then went to work on. And how!
While Nonce did enhance the knuckles' inherent m.s. considerably - to m.s. 20, in fact - the main feature that he installed in this personal weapon is a sort of psionic energy conversion. Whenever José punches someone with this item, the damage he inflicts is karmic in nature, not physical.
In other words, José's opponent uses Willpower to defend himself against José's melee damage, not Strength. This is quite handy against mundanes who irk José's ire, but is less effective against psi-actives - as their Willpower scores are usually quite high.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Boxing (s): while he was a decent fighter even before he hooked up with Mindwatch, José polished his melee skills considerably once he joined 'em. He may attempt two melee attacks in a given exchange, the last of which occurs as a contingent action (unarmed or with his psion knuckles).
Languages / English, Portuguese and Spanish (i): as a Mexican native, José can naturally read, write and speak Spanish fluently. However, he has found it worth his while to study additional languages, and has added both English and Portuguese to his repertoire.
Trance (w): the other non-powered talent that José picked up from Mindwatch is his ability to feign death. He can slow his respiration and heart rate to the point that he appears dead, and will fool any casual observer that cannot pass an average difficulty Willpower action to detect his ruse.
José is a member of Mindwatch, a far-reaching, yet highly secretive vigilante organization determined to protect the psi populace from those which would use or abuse them. Since he's somewhat ambivalent where the law is concerned, he also has various contacts in Criminal circles.
Explorer: while he's a bit arrogant and condescending, José is a good kid at heart. While mundane life never motivated him any, exposure to the fantastic world of psionics has finally egged José on towards making something good out of himself.
José doesn't really have one. He tends to wear the standard Mindwatch uniform, but cutting loose with his fire generation usually coats his body in flames, thus destroying anything he's carrying (besides his psion knuckles). When he is clothed, however, José wears the following.
His standard Mindwatch uniform primarily consists of a shiny black leather bodysuit, one thick with metal spikes, clasps, and buckles. It includes shiny black leather boots, black leather gloves, a black leather belt, and the Mindwatch eye/mind hologram emblem on the chest of his body suit.
José, or Xacatecas José, as he prefers to be called, is something of an egotist. He is supremely confident his psionics will carry him through most situations, and is genuinely surprised when they don't. This causes him to sulk until he can, in his own eyes, redeem himself in psionic combat.
Real Name: José Vallejo
Occupation: Mindwatch operative
Legal Status: citizen of Mexico with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: José used to call himself Zacatecas José, but thinks the 'X' in his current alias is 'cooler'
Group Affiliation: Mindwatch
Height: 6' 1"
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Weight: 175 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: José wears his hair very... tall. He uses his telekinesis to prop it up in the air in a sort of cylindrical fashion, and it's over a foot long. This makes him look a bit odd, but he likes it. He also wears a full goatee, though it takes some time to grow in.
José was a rather bright kid who grew up in the city and state of Zacatecas, Mexico. He was body-proud and virtually fearless, and over time grew bored with school, as it was moving much slower than his own mind was. By the time he was thirteen he quit to do his own thing.
Though he could've began a life of crime, and was in fact on his way towards doing so, José was saved from a dead end existence by a strange man he met one day. This fellow was a powerful psi, a man who had trained his mind in the mental arts until he could wield fantastic powers.
Although this guy was not a member of Mindwatch, he nonetheless recommended that they take José under their wing, for he had startling potential - after all, he was considered too smart for his own good by virtually everyone. Interviewing the youth, Mindwatch indeed took him in.
José didn't think too much of Mindwatch at first - at least, not until he saw a bunch of them practicing their psionics on each other. This instantly sold him on the idea, and José subsequently bent all of his energies towards unlocking his own inherent potential.
He followed a path of psikinetic study upon figuring out what he wanted, and quickly began to master various aspects of its power. Of course, once he learned how to generate and control energy, José's studies abruptly stopped, for he'd decided that he didn't need any more schooling.
José is content to simply develop his energy powers to their fullest, to have an uncanny variety of attack forms to pummel an opponent with. He's learned how to generate and control three thus far, and works on more in-between special missions for the Mindwatch group.
Extra Goodies:
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