
Gd 10
Gd 10
Ty 6
Gd 10
Gd 10
Ty 6
Ex 20
Ex 20
Pr 4



Like most of his fellow Joes, Spearhead lacks super-human powers altogether. He sometimes seems to have the supernatural ability to convince others to do what he'd like, though, whether it involves buying an expensive life insurance policy or joining him in a charge against Cobra!

Known Powers:


Limitations / Enhancements:



Helmet: vital to a Joe in his position as a point-man, Spearhead always wears this headgear in the field. It provides him Good (10) protection against physical attacks on his head, as long as they don't actually strike him in the face.

Knife: you never know when you'll need to cut something in the field. Spearhead carries an ornate blade for this purpose, which is made from Incredible (40) m.s. materials, and can be used to either cut through items of up to like m.s., or to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee combat.

Machine Gun: Spearhead can discharge a single round with his rifle to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, a three-round burst to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or a fully automatic burst to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage. Its bayonet functions per his blade, above.

Sidearm: a backup should his main piece be disabled or overkill, Spearhead usually has this handy in the field. He can discharge a single round with this weapon to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, or a short burst of rounds to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage.


Likability: Spearhead is very likable. For reasons even he doesn't understand, the man is amazingly persuasive, and folks have a tendency to do anything he asks - even if they know better. He is one category more favorable to all NPCs for the purpose of reaction rolls.


Business / Finance: before he enlisted in the Army, Spearhead was an insurance salesman - one of the best, in fact. He knows the standard principles of business practice, and should receive a +1 CS on any FEAT made regarding financial matters, including fund-raising rolls.

Guns: finding the military similar in tone from the world of sales, Spearhead has taken to gunplay with ease. He can wield any standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, or even a shotgun, resolving attacks with firearms at a +1 CS to his Agility score.

Martial Arts type B: an essential skill hammered home by the military, Spearhead can easily defend himself should he be rendered unarmed. He may punch, kick, stomp, or even tackle an opponent as if his Fighting rank was +1 CS higher than is listed above.

Military / United States: the Army wasn't Spearhead's original career choice, but an epiphany steered him in that direction anyway. As a result, he can now fight with (and lead) a combat group with ease, and knows the Standard Operating Procedure like the back of his hand.


Spearhead is a member of the GI Joe team, and can readily rely upon his fellows for assistance in a pinch - even before you consider his persuasive qualities. Furthermore, Spearhead has numerous additional contacts in the insurance industry, both peers and former customers.


Spearhead's first GI Joe uniform is loud, consisting of a tan helmet, tan trousers, and a long-sleeved tan shirt, all of which feature orange camouflage, along with brown leather boots, tan gloves, a tan vest, a tan leather belt, and a bright orange backpack.


There's something magnetic about Spearhead, an inherent charisma that just inspires others around him. People just tend to like him and go along with whatever he asks of them, a trait he takes very seriously and attempts to avoid exploiting if at all possible.

Real Name: Peter R. Millman, Grade E-4
Occupation: infantryman, former insurance salesman
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Night Force (GI Joe sub-group)

Height: 6' 2"
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none.


A long time ago, Spearhead was an insurance salesman. Not just any salesman, but the single most youngest and successful insurance salesman the Pacific North West had ever seen. He was likable and trustworthy, and people bought more insurance from him than they needed.

So why join the Army, you ask? Some people claim that Spearhead did so out of guilt, having 'fleeced' people into spending outside their means, even though he tried not to take advantage of others. But Spearhead himself claims that he felt someone had to do it.

In the military, Spearhead has become a top notch infantryman, and is most often the first Army man to lead a charge at the enemy. And people would invariably follow him, instead of just letting him run off into the fire zone like some kind of idiot or jerk.

You see, Spearhead is inspiring. Something about the man just makes you want to be a part of his life, and more folks than you imagine are happy to go along with anything he asks of them. He avoids exploiting this, of course, which only amplifies the effect he has on others.

Thinking that it'd be a nice trait to add to the GI Joe team, its mysterious recruiters scooped him up as soon as they could. While he enjoyed serving in the regular Army, being a Joe would allow Spearhead to spend more time with his 'pet', the mad bobcat known as Max.

And spend time with it he did! Spearhead has a tendency to bring Max along with him in the field, as he did during his very first field mission, which saw him traipsing through the sewers of New York City alongside several other Joes to diffuse a Cobra plot to splice into the main phone trunk.

Most of Spearhead's further missions have been classified to date, and have been either Special Missions or alternately alongside the Night Force, a team of Joes who are experts in clandestine nocturnal operations. Spearhead continued on these jobs until the Joes were 'retired' in '94.

(Historical Divergence)

It isn't clear what he did with himself at this point, but he answered the call of a renewed Joe team when it asked for his help in dealing with serious Cobra threats several years later. One such threat was the Second Cobra Island Civil War, which saw the Joes bring back all its members.

The Joes also called upon Spearhead to help when Cobra instigated World War III itself, and almost took over the entire planet! He continues on as a Joe full time these days, helping the team to round up Cobra stragglers who avoided Justice at the end of the War.

1989 Variations


Spearhead's second GI Joe uniform is... quieter than his first. It is comprised of a black helmet, black trousers, a long-sleeved black shirt, green leather boots, a dark brown vest, a green leather belt with various green equipment pouches, and a black backpack.

2013 Variations


Grenades: a recent addition to his arsenal, Spearhead now carries several grenades pinned to his vest. He can fling these explosives anywhere within the usual range for thrown weapons, at which point they will detonate to inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage.

M-4: Spearhead can discharge a single round with his secondary assault rifle to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, a three-round burst to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or a fully automatic burst to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.

Spearhead's M-4 also has an underslung grenade launcher, allowing him to broadcast considerably more destructive power. It lobs these explosives anywhere within three areas of his person, which detonate to inflict damage per his grenades, listed above.

M-60: when his other two machine guns simply aren't enough, Spearhead breaks out his hog. He can fire a short burst of ammunition with his M-60 to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage, or fire it continuously to inflict Remarkable (30) Shooting damage to his opponents.


Spearhead's second Night Force ensembe is like his first. It consists of a black helmet, black trousers, a long-sleeved black shirt, black knee pads, green leather boots and gloves, a green leather belt with various green equipment pouches, a brown vest, and a black backpack.

2015 Variations


Grenades: a recent addition to his arsenal, Spearhead now carries several grenades pinned to his vest. He can fling these explosives anywhere within the usual range for thrown weapons, at which point they will detonate to inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage.

M-4: Spearhead can discharge a single round with his secondary assault rifle to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, a three-round burst to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or a fully automatic burst to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.

Spearhead's M-4 also has an underslung grenade launcher, allowing him to broadcast considerably more destructive power. It lobs these explosives anywhere within three areas of his person, which detonate to inflict damage per his grenades, listed above.

M-60: when his other two machine guns simply aren't enough, Spearhead breaks out his hog. He can fire a short burst of ammunition with his M-60 to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage, or fire it continuously to inflict Remarkable (30) Shooting damage to his opponents.


Spearhead's fourth GI Joe uniform resembles his original, including a tan helmet, tan trousers, and a long-sleeved tan shirt, all of which feature orange camouflage, along with brown leather boots and gloves, a tan vest, a tan, pouch-laden leather belt, tan knee pads, and a tan backpack.


Gd 10
Gd 10
Pr 4
Gd 10
Fe 2
Gd 10
Fe 2


Max is Spearhead's buddy, inexplicably sticking with him despite otherwise being a wild animal. Max has claws and fangs which allow him to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee, and he has the ability to move at two areas per turn for a long duration of time when necessary.

Extra Goodies:

Spearhead & Max Universal Heroes Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Spearhead & Max:

  1988 1989 2013 2015  

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