Crimson Guard Immortals

5d *
8c *

Hand Size:
3 (17)

* The men and women of the Crimson Guard Immortals possess at least one additional skill, on top of the common capabilities listed below. This skill will have either an Intellect or Willpower suit, which will raise the former to c or the latter to b, depending on its nature.


It's bad enough that ordinary Crimson Guardsmen are often considered super-human, but the Immortals push that to an entirely new level! And this despite lacking special powers of any variety, only having their skills and hard-fought ability with which to commit crime!



Hindrances / Augmentations:



Breastplate (s): bolstering their survivability just as well as their helmets, these implements act to spare Crimson Guard Immortals from death by lead poisoning. This is because they provide intensity 8, or +2, protection against physical attacks striking their front torso.

Grenades (i): kept in a leg pouch, Crimson Guard Immortals can fling these weapons to deadly effect. The Immortals may fling these weapons to inflict intensity 10 slashing damage to any uncovered targets within near missile distance of where they detonate.

Helmet (s): Crimson Guard Immortals are distinguished by their crimson uniforms, which are topped off by their equally distinguished helmets. This black and crimson headgear provides them intensity 8, or +2, protection against physical attacks striking them anywhere in the head.

Immortal Assault System (i): while ordinary Siegies only carry an AK with them while on the job, the Crimson Guard Immortals bring much more dangerous gear into battle! The IAS features two dual weapons, each capable of being fired one-handed, for maximum carnage!

The left-hand weapon is a portable missile launcher. It can be armed with up to two missiles per load, which can be fired singly or together. These projectiles inflict intensity 10 fragmentary damage when fired singly, though their damage is upped by +1 if both strike at once.

The right hand weapon has another missile launcher, as well as a machine gun that can be used to inflict their Agility +4 in damage when discharging one round, their Agility +5 in damage when firing short bursts, or their Agility +6 in damage when it is fired continuously.

Knife (s): like most Cobras, Siegie Immortals carry a blade with them at all times, because you never know when a stabbing is warranted. These m.s. 13 implements can either be used to inflict +2 slashing damage, or to cut through items of up to like m.s.

Sidearm (a): in the event that their launchers are disabled or drained of ammunition, each Siegie Immortal may discharge a single round from this backup piece to inflict their Agility +4 in damage, or their Agility +5 in damage when engaging in semi-automatic fire.


Additional Skill: on top of their intense physical conditioning and their numerous skills in devious arts, each member of the Crimson Guard must have at least a four-year degree, the better to infiltrate the highest echelons in the society that Cobra has currently targeted.

Typically, these skills revolve around professions that either give them access to great sums of money, or to people at their most vulnerable. Business / Finance, Law, and Medicine are most often what Siegies choose, but some pursue mastery of various sciences, instead.

Boxing (s): on top of their skill with firearms, and of course the martial arts, Siegie Immortals are well-versed in the sweet science. Siegies may divide their pre-card play action score between two unarmed attacks, the second of which will occur as a contingent action.

Demolitions (a): saboteurs par excellence, each member of the Crimson Guard is a highly trained and experienced demolitionist. They are allowed to reduce the difficulty of actions called for when either planning or executing the destruction of a structure or vehicle.

Detective / Espionage (i): their primary purpose, Siegies are adept in posing as mundane citizens, easily blending in to whatever position they have been assigned to infiltrate. They should receive a reduced difficulty on actions called for while attempting to maintain their charade.

Guns (a): like all Cobra operatives, the Crimson Guard are proficient in the use of firearms. Whether wielding a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, members of the Guard may discharge such weapons at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.

Marksman (a): Immortal Siegies are proficient in most line-of-sight weaponry. Whether launching torpedoes, RPGs, or even ICBMs, an Immortal may utilize such weaponry without range penalty, and receive a reduced difficulty on their attempts to strike foes at extreme distances.

Martial Arts (a): each Siegie is trained in advanced unarmed combat techniques, in addition to the ability to strike fast. They may reduce the difficulty of actions intended to dodge attacks, catch thrown weaponry, or even to strike others while unarmed.

Military (w): even more than most Cobras, the Crimson Guard are all indoctrinated into the Commander's way of doing things. Though its organizational structure is complicated to say the least, these elite Cobra operatives can navigate it with almost instinctual ability.

Politics (w): many Siegies eventually insinuate themselves into public positions, though Immortals typically aim much higher up the food chain in that regard. Accomplished public speakers, Immortals gain a reduced difficulty when attempting to sway crowds to their line of thinking.


Supremely motivated and incredibly skilled, Immortals are the elite amongst the Crimson Guard. This makes them highly respected by almost all members of Cobra, for these top-ranking Guardsmen are the impetus behind much of Cobra's successes over the years.


Idealist: the hidden qualification to being a member of the Crimson Guard, each of these elite operatives truly believe in Cobra and its philosophy, however selfish and sinister it may be. This accounts for their incredible motivation and unwavering loyalty.


Field uniforms of the Crimson Guard Immortals are comprised of a crimson jacket and trousers, a black leather belt, boots, gloves, sheathes, and holsters, a steel breastplate, pauldrons, and wrist guards, and a red helmet featuring both a mirrored visor and a black face plate.


The best of Cobra's best, Crimson Guard Immortals are the elite members of their high-performing corps. There are few Cobras who can match their sheer motivation and capability, and those who do are typically those within the organization with unique code names.

While not experts in their operation, Immortals can operate all Cobra equipment, though not in as skilled a fashion as can their dedicated pilots. Furthermore, they are physically powerful, trained in the use of long-range weaponry, and excel in the manipulation of others.

Along with the other skills common to Siegies, this makes Immortals extremely valuable combatants, but even more versatile as infiltrators. Posing as pillars of the communities they insinuate themselves into, Immortals often run for public office, swaying governments from within.

Possessing a singular loyalty to Cobra in general, and its Commander in particular, the Crimson Guard Immortals serve as men and women to admire for all within the organization. After all, without folks like the Immortals, Cobra would never have gotten as far as it has!

2003 Variations


the Crimson Attack Tank, Mark 2 (i): a revitalization of the original CATs, this modernized Cobra armor features updated electronics and an inverted color scheme showcasing the Crimson Guard's colors. The Mark 2 CAT is described in its own vehicular description.


The second uniform of the Siegie Immortals features a gray jacket and trousers, a black leather belt, boots, gloves, sheathes, and holsters, a steel breastplate, pauldrons, and wrist guards, and a gray helmet featuring both a mirrored visor and a crimson face plate.

2015 Variations


The third Crimson Guard Immortal uniform is like the first, including a crimson jacket and trousers, a black leather belt, boots, gloves, sheathes, arm bands, and holsters, a steel breastplate and wrist guards, and a red helmet featuring both a mirrored visor and a black face plate.

Extra Goodies:

Crimson Guard Immortals Saga System 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of Crimson Guard Immortals:

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