Dee-Jay (deceased)


Hand Size:
3 (17)


As are the other members of the Battle Force 2000, not to mention most of his fellow GI Joe operatives in general, Dee-Jay is naught but a normal human. He has no special powers to speak of, only his high tech gear with which to fight the forces of terrorism and evil.



Hindrances / Augmentations:



Helmet (s): as do most members of Battle Force 2000, Dee-Jay wears a helmet with a futuristic design. In addition to providing his head intensity 8, or +2, protection against physical attacks, Dee-Jay's gear is equipped with a visor that gives him like Screened Senses for his vision.

Laser Rifle (a): his main weapon, Dee-Jay can use this powerful directed energy weapon to devastating effect. It can be fired to inflict his Agility +5 in Armor Piercing energy damage per blast, enough to give even the armored Cobra Vipers serious pause.

the Pulverizer (i): ostensibly his 'main ride' while working with Battle Force 2000, this vehicle is essentially a giant laser cannon mounted on a small, treaded vehicle. There's more to it, of course, which is why the Pulverizer is described more fully in its own vehicular entry.

Radio Transceiver (i): as the Force's communications expert, Dee-Jay carries a powerful radio transceiver on his back at all times. Wired into his helmet, it allows him to communicate with intensity 5 range (25 miles), and features intensity 10 signal encryption.

Sidearm (a): in the event that lasing a foe is overkill, Dee-Jay also carries a conventional firearm on a hip holster. He can either fire a single shot from this weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in damage, or a semi-automatic burst of such to inflict his Agility +5 in damage.


Advanced Guns (a): Dee-Jay really likes his laser cannon. It's an electronic device he can use to vanquish terrorists - that's right up his alley! He's trained in its use, and can fire laser guns and other directed energy weapons at a reduced difficulty.

Boxing (s): an essential talent given to all military recruits, this skill represents Dee-Jay's ability to defend himself even without his high tech toys. He may attempt two unarmed melee attacks per exchange, the last of which will occur as a contingent action.

Electronics (i): Dee-Jay has tinkered with advanced devices all his life, and has only gotten better at it thanks to his work with the Battle Force 2000. For the purposes of building, designing, or repairing electronic devices, Dee-Jay resolves actions at a reduced difficulty.

Guns (a): while he prefers to wield his laser cannon in battle, Dee-Jay was nonetheless trained in the use of conventional firearms by the military first. Whether holding a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Dee-Jay resolves attacks with it at a reduced difficulty.

Military / United States (w): the source of all his fighting talents, this skill serves as an origin of sorts for GI Joe operative Dee-Jay. It reflects his understanding of the SOP, as well as his ability to operate effectively in a group of fighting men and women.


Thrill-Seeker: Dee-Jay has always enjoyed living on the edge, whether working as a disc jockey or while fighting Cobra terrorists in the field. He's constantly pushing himself to get better at his job, so he can face ever greater challenges while 'on the clock'.


Dee-Jay's GI Joe uniform is... unconventional, to say the least. It includes a dark green long-sleeved shirt and a pair of blue-green trousers, both beneath a white harness, white leather boots and gloves, gray knee pads, a white belt, and a white helmet with a silver visor attached.


Dee-Jay is a confident and loquacious individual. He enjoys working with electronics of any sort, particularly if he can coax an infectious beat out of them. He's good under pressure, however, and can fix just about anything electronic - even when under heavy fire from the bad guys!

Real Name: Thomas R. Rossi III, Grade Sp-4
Occupation: radio telephone operator, infantry
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record, legally deceased
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Battle Force 2000 (GI Joe sub-unit)

Height: 6'
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Weight: 160 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none.


Dee-Jay got his start in Boston, where he was one of the hottest disc jockeys the city had ever known. He seems to have a way with electronics, and when he's not playing other people's infectious grooves, Dee-Jay is generating his own strange, digital music instead.

Having gone as far as he thought he could in 'the World', Dee-Jay decided to enlist in the Army. He quickly became a fully trained infantryman, but his expertise with high tech gear got him his main job as a radio telephone operator for field forces.

Working hard to prove himself, Dee-Jay has demonstrated his ability to do his job in the harshest of conditions, being able to repair broken radios even under enemy fire. Wanting ever greater challenges, though, Dee-Jay signed up for the experimental Battle Force 2000 program.

The Brass decided to let him in, but it wasn't as easy as that, oh no. An arm of the elite GI Joe team, the Battle Force 2000 is expected to have the ability to survive the grueling GI Joe entrance exam just like every other member of that anti-terrorist group.

This took a bit, but eventually Dee-Jay built up the strength, stamina, and mental drive to succeed at this - which meant he had become the single most hard core disc jockey on earth. Once on the team, the Battle Force 2000 unit put Dee-Jay to work as their communications expert.

Armed with an advanced radio rig and similarly advanced weaponry, Dee-Jay was given the Pulverizer, an entirely new Battle Force 2000 vehicle, as his welcome. Whether driving it or using his 'leather personnel carriers', Dee-Jay quickly made a name for himself with the rest of the team.

He continued to serve with distinction on the Battle Force 2000 team for over a year, at least until the fateful Battle of Benzheen. When Cobra invaded the small, oil-rich country, Dee-Jay was sent there along with the entire GI Joe force to dislodge the terrorists.

While moving into position through an oil field, the Battle Force was betrayed by none other than the Emir of Benzheen, who gave up their position to Cobra Commander. Not feeling the Emir was treating him seriously enough, the Commander then shelled said oil field into smithereens.

Dee-Jay was killed in the resulting blast, alongside most of his fellow Battle Force 2000 operatives. While he was buried in the Arlington National Cemetery alongside his fellow fallen Joes, this is a small consolation to his former family and friends.

1993 Variations


Dee-Jay's second GI Joe uniform is similar to his first. It includes a white, long-sleeved shirt and a pair of gray trousers, both beneath a cyan and gold harness, cyan leather boots and gloves, white knee pads, a golden belt, and a white helmet with a golden visor attached.

Extra Goodies:

Dee-Jay Saga System 13 Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Dee-Jay:

  1989 1993  

Note: Dee-Jay died in the GI Joe comic well before his 1993 figure was released, an oddity since the toy line generally followed the comic by not re-releasing folks that were deceased in the book. As such, Version 2 of him may be a Dee-Jay 2, or a variant earth version.

The second figure was released without a file card, after all. He could be anyone!

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