Deep Six
F Gd 10 |
A Gd 10 |
S Gd 10 |
E Rm 30 |
R Gd 10 |
I Ex 20 |
P Rm 30 |
Res Ex 20 |
Pop Sh 0 |
Health: Karma: |
60 60 |
As are most of his fellow GI Joes, Deep Six is but a normal human, lacking ascendant powers of any stripe. However, in his capacity as a Joe deep sea diver, he does have access to a considerable amount of high tech equipment, whether in his diving suit(s) or his SHARC.
Known Powers:
Limitations / Enhancements:
Deep Sea Diving Suit, Mk 1: Deep Six's first diving suit is a large affair, looking more like a space suit than a diving suit. While it may be bulky, it does afford him several benefits, especially since it is effectively a high tech suit of armor, as well. It has these abilities:
* Body Armor: incredibly thick, Deep Six's diving suit is built from various durable materials, which give it an effective material strength of Remarkable (30). In addition to protecting Deep Six from the depths, these materials offer him the following protection from attack:
Ex 20 / Ty 6 / Fe 2 / Sh 0 / Sh 0
* Resistance to Cold and Pressure Variance: Deep Six's suit naturally has these powers, as both threats are persistent on the ocean floor. The suit has these powers at Amazing (50) rank, offering Deep Six like protection from such attacks.
* Environmental Indpeendence: Deep Six's bulky outer wear also gives him the ability to breathe under the water. It offers him this power at Amazing (50) rank, giving the man enough air to breathe underwater for two full days before his supply runs out.
* Resilience: Remarkable (30).
Knife: most military men carry a blade in the field, Deep Six being no exception to this. He can use this handy, standard-issue knife to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee. Made from Incredible (40) material strength metals, it can be used to cut through items of up to like m.s.
SHARC: his principal transportation when he first joined the GI Joe team, Deep Six became quite an expert in its use over the years. This flying submarine, a dual mode, Submersible High-Speed Attack and Recon Craft, is extremely advanced, and described in its own vehicular entry.
Loner 2: Deep Six has people problems. Not anger issues, so much as being in the proximity of others makes him unbearably uncomfortable. As such, he must pass a Psyche FEAT at -4 CS to avoid becoming morose around others, and eventually wandering off.
Demolitions: since a large portion of his job involves destroying underwater compounds and vehicles, Deep Six has been trained in the fine art of blowing them to bits. He should receive a +1 CS to any FEAT roll required when setting explosives in the best place on a given target.
Guns: a skill he gained while in training to become a Navy man, Deep Six can use most guns with ease. Whether it be a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, or even a weird weapon like a shotgun or a harpoon gun, Deep Six may use it at his Agility +1 CS.
Martial Arts type B: another essential Navy skill, Deep Six has learned how to defend himself if he should find himself totally unarmed. In weaponless melee, Deep Six may attempt any punch, kick, head butt, knee smash, or anything else as though his Fighting was +1 CS in rank.
Military / United States: serving as a handy origin for his many skills, this talent represents the abilities granted by Deep Six's basic training. It imparts unto him an almost instinctual understanding of military protocols and procedures, and provides several additional military contacts.
Underwater Combat: his primary claim to fame, Deep Six is highly adept in underwater combat, since he's a deep sea diver with extensive military training in this area. As such, he attempts all combat attack rolls while submerged beneath water without penalty.
As a member of GI Joe, Deep Six can rely upon that group for assistance if he must, even if they don't like him much. Sure, his loyalty to the team is unquestioned, but the man is nonetheless a cold fish, and his standoffish attitude irks his fellow Joes now and then!
When he's not on some mission to blow up lots of Cobra subs or underwater bases, Deep Six wears a simple, day-to-day uniform. It includes a pair of blue trousers, a thick gray turtleneck sweater with blue shoulder pads, a standard pair of black leather boots, and a sailor's cap.
His field uniform, though, is a rather large, Mk 1 diving suit. It is a large, mechanized affair, mostly white in coloration, with yellow decorating some of the torso, black shoulder pads, black gauntlets, black and white boots with yellow stripes, and a transparent dome for him to see through.
Deep Six is a cold fish. He hates being around other people, and his inter-personal skills are next to none. Most of his time is spent on solo pursuits, since he just can't deal with the rest of humanity. He's loyal and hard-working, just... barely human.
Real Name: Malcom R. Willoughby, grade E-7 CPO (Chief Petty Officer)
Occupation: GI Joe deep sea diver
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe
Height: 6' 1"
Hair: red-brown
Eyes: brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: whenever surrounded by even small groups of people, or even just a single person, Deep Six tends to sulk, and looks rather unhappy to be alive.
Malcom isn't the kind of guy who wins popularity contests - just the opposite, in fact. He's not a people person, and never has been; his leisure time is spent in solitary pursuits, such as bottle cap collecting, playing solitaire, and solving the New York Times crossword puzzle.
This is why he wanted to become a diver: to be alone. To this end, he enlisted in the Navy, and his ability to focus for extended periods of time when cut off from the rest of humanity made him good at deep sea assignments. When GI Joe needed such a diver, Malcom readily applied.
The GI Joe team is a small outfit, really. Out of the 50 Navy deep sea divers who applied, only twelve were qualified - but eight of those washed out during the practical application. Of the remaining four, Malcom was the one who could hold his breath the longest... so he got the job.
Once accepted onto the GI Joe team, Malcom took the name Deep Six, and was trained in the use of an experimental new vehicle, a flying submarine! This marvel of modern engineering, an undersea craft that can go from submerged to airborne instantly, is very tricky to operate.
But Deep Six got the hang of the SHARC, piloting it on his very first GI Joe mission. Using it, he saved several Joes losing a firefight with Firefly and Wild Weasel. When Wild Bill went to thank him for it, though, the man couldn't even bear to acknowledge his presence.
This almost got him punched by the southern pilot, but Cutter and Airborne held him back, explaining Deep Six's exceptionally poor people skills. Sure, Deep Six is loyal to a fault and very good at what he does, but he just can't deal with other human beings more than is minimally necessary.
Hawk nonetheless keeps Deep Six around, as he's the most qualified person to fill the position. This is why, after several years, Deep Six was assigned to work with the Eco-Warriors for a time. After all, Cobra troublemakers work all over the world, even deep beneath the ocean waves.
Naturally, this vexes Deep Six, who enjoys hanging out on the ocean floor for the darkness, quiet, and solitude it provides. Would-be world dominators intruding on his personal space make him angry, especially when they pollute the water with toxic sludge for no good reason.
For a time, Deep Six worked with these environmentally-friendly Joes, but eventually returned to the Joe team proper, at least until its deactivation in '94. When this occurred, he seemed to abandon military life for a time, occupying himself by recording whale songs with his dolphin, Finback.
(Historical Divergence)
When the Joes inevitably became active again a few years later, Deep Six reluctantly joined back up with them to continue the fight against Cobra. Mind you, his reluctance was not because he didn't want to fight, so much as he didn't want to be around people.
But he did his part nonetheless, helping the Joes save the world. You know, yet again.
1989 Variations
Deep Sea Diving Suit, Mk 2: after he stopped using his SHARC, Deep Six switched from his original, bulky diving suit to this more advanced and flexible outfit. Deep Six's second diving suit has all the abilities of his first, save for its rather impressive body armor.
Rifle: replacing the impressive firepower of his SHARC, Deep Six's rifle can discharge a single round to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, a short burst of rounds to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or be fired continuiously to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.
Deep Six's second diving suit is a more svelte affair. It is mainly light blue, with bright orange gloves and pouches, a brown belt, dark green pads on the lower legs, steel boots, a brown connector for his helmet, and a bright orange diving helmet (to make him more conspicuous).
1992 Variations
Deep Sea Diving Suit, Mk 3: when he started working with the Eco-Warriors, Deep Six began using a third diving suit, one enhanced to deal with the poisons and corrosives that Cobra's Toxo-Vipers and Sludge-Vipers wield. Deep Six's third diving suit has these special properties:
* Resistance to Cold, Corrosives, Toxins, and Pressure Variance: built for use by the GI Joe Eco-Warriors, Deep Six's third diving suit is quite durable. It has Amazing (50) resistance to cold and pressure variance, and special coating to repel corrosives and toxins with like ability.
* Environmental Independence: an essential ability for a diving suit, Deep Six's third set of outer wear also gives him the ability to breathe under the water. It offers him this power at Amazing (50) rank, giving the man enough air to breathe underwater for two full days at a time.
Grenades: while working with the Eco-Warriors, Deep Six carries several variable-intensity, underwater grenades for use in combat. He can tune them to cause anywhere from Good (10) to Incredible (40) Edged Attack damage, depending on the situation (and surrounding environs).
Laser Rifle: specially designed for underwater combat, the AVB-40 laser rifle uses a coherent blue-green light beam for maximum effect beneath the waves. It can fire a beam capable of inflicting Excellent (20) Armor Piercing Energy damage per blast, of which it can fire 15 per charge.
Deep Six donned his third uniform after joining the Eco-Warriros. This dark blue diving suit is complemented with purple gloves, a purple knife sheath, some additional purple straps, black boots, a green, gear-laden chest plate, and an angular, transparent green helmet.
1993 Variations
Deep Sea Diving Suit, Mk 2: after he stopped using his SHARC, Deep Six switched from his original, bulky diving suit to this more advanced and flexible outfit. Deep Six's second diving suit has all the abilities of his first, save for its rather impressive body armor.
Rifle: replacing the impressive firepower of his SHARC, Deep Six's rifle can discharge a single round to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, a short burst of rounds to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or be fired continuiously to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.
Deep Six's fourth diving suit is a variation on his second. It is primarily yellow, with red gloves, a black belt, a red knife sheath, black pads on his lower legs, steel boots, a black connector for his helmet, and finally, a bright yellow diving helmet (again, not for stealth reasons).
2008 Variations
Deep Sea Diving Suit, Mk 4 (v2): upon Cobra's ultimate defeat during World War III, Deep Six adopted yet another new diving suit. Used on missions to 'clean up' Cobra's messes, this impressive deep sea diving suit functions per his Mk 2 diving suit, but is even less bulky.
Sidearm (v2): used when missions drag him up above the surface, Deep Six can fire this rifle to deadly effect in the open air. It can discharge a single round to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, or a three-round, semi-automatic burst to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage.
the Sharc Tooth (v1): on occasion Deep Six will take to the waves in an updated version of his old SHARC: the Sharc Tooth. Aside from updated electronics, this is basically the same craft as his old, trusty ride, and is covered in its own vehicular entry.
Spear Gun (v2): this gun fires miniature spears at an opponent, rather than standard rounds, which inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, and can penetrate objects of up to Amazing (50) material strength. This weapon can fire six miniature spears before it needs to be reloaded.
Deep Six's fifth uniform is a slight modification of his original. It is a large, mechanized affair, mostly chrome in coloration, with yellow decoration on the torso, black shoulder pads, black gauntlets, black and white boots with yellow stripes, and a transparent dome to see through.
Deep Six's sixth diving suit is a further refinement of his previous outfits. It is mostly dark green, with a light green stripe moving down his center of mass, light green sleeves, dark green boots and gloves, a dark green helmet and rebreather, a brown belt, and dark green holsters.
F Gd 10 |
A Ex 20 |
S Gd 10 |
E Gd 10 |
R Ty 6 |
I Gd 10 |
P Ty 6 |
Res Sh 0 |
Pop Sh 0 |
Health: Karma: |
50 n/a |
Like all dolphins, Finback has the ability to swim at three areas per turn, allowing him significant mobility beneath the waves - and Malcom as well, if he hangs on for the ride. Sure, Malcom may have problems dealing with other humans, but he seems to get along with Finback just fine!
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of Deep Six:
1984 | 1989 | 1992 | 1993 | 2008 |
* Note: 2008 saw two versions of Deep Six (Versions 5 and 6).
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