
Ex 20
Gd 10
Ty 6
Rm 30
Gd 10
Ex 20
In 40
Ex 20
Sh 0



As are the vast majority of his fellows on the GI Joe team, Recondo is a normal human, lacking ascendant abilities of any stripe. Despite a lack of powers, the man is highly skilled in several fields of expertise, and seems almost supernaturally effective at times.

Known Powers:


Limitations / Enhancements:



Grenades: Recondo always has at least one grenade on his person while 'on the job', helping him to destroy heavy opposition that gets in his way. These explosive devices can be thrown to inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage to all within one area.

Knife: essential for navigating deep in the jungle, especially under multiple canopies, Recondo carries a machete in the field. Made from Incredible (40) m.s. metals, it can cut through items of up to like m.s., and can also be used to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee.

Pistol: a backup for his rifle, this handy sidearm helps Recondo to keep himself alive should he find himself without his main piece. This one-handed weapon inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage with a single shot, or Good (10) Shooting damage in a semi-auto burst of lead.

Rifle: Recondo has wielded various rifles over the years, some with a scope (+1 CS to hit in ambushes) and some without. Either way, he can fire one of these to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage in a short burst of lead, or Excellent (20) Shooting damage in a full-auto spread.

Survival Gear: helpful when dealing with extended jungle forays, this equipment assists Recondo on missions by keeping him from having to scrounge for supplies from the ground up. It includes handy cooking, camping, and navigation gear, along with water and emergency rations.




Detective / Espionage: his secondary military specialty, this talent describes Recondo's ability to collect information. Whether just digging around for information, or engaging in 'black op' style surveillance and dirty tricks, Recondo may make applicable FEAT rolls at a +1 CS.

Guns: as a part of his basic military training, Recondo has been taught how to fire most normal military weapons. Whether he's wielding a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, he does so as though his Agility was +1 CS in rank.

Martial Arts type B: while he does prefer to utilize guns (or his Tiger Fly) in combat, Recondo has nonetheless been trained in the use of unarmed fighting techniques. As such, the man can attempt any unarmed melee attack as though his Fighting score was +1 CS in rank.

Military / United States: serving as a handy origin for his many skills, this talent represents most of the ability granted by Recondo's basic training. It imparts unto him an instinctual understanding of the SOP, and the ability to effectively lead soldiers into battle.

Piloting: having flown various aircraft since he was a teenager, Recondo figured it was a natural for him to get enhanced training once he enlisted in the armed forces. As such, he can fly most helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft with ease, doing so at his Agility score +1 CS.

Survival: his primary military specialty, Recondo is well trained in the fine art of survival, and can get by in just about any environment. Recondo, if dropped off almost anywhere, can scrounge up enough food, water and shelter to survive pretty much indefinitely.


Recondo is a long-standing member of the GI Joe team. He can naturally rely on them for assistance should he need it, especially since things normally go the other way. He also has several additional contacts in military and intelligence circles.


Recondo's original GI Joe uniform includes a pair of khakis-colored trousers with green (or brown) camo stripes, a khakis-colored collared, long-sleeved shirt, black leather boots, a brown leather belt, a brown shoulder holster, and his trademark boonie hat.


Recondo is generally amicable most of the time, and has no shortage of friends on or off the job. However, he really comes alive whenever he finds himself hip-deep in some thick jungle or another, as the tropical rain forest is truly his comfort zone.

Real Name: Daniel M. LeClaire, grade E-4
Occupation: GI Joe jungle trooper, helicopter pilot, intelligence operative
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe

Height: 6'
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue
Weight: 170 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Daniel usually wears a handlebar moustache while working with the GI Joe team.


Daniel grew up in Wheaton, Wisconsin, where he developed a distinct distaste for the cold. As a child, he dreamed of rummaging about in the darkest African jungles, as it was infinitely preferable to Wisconsin's intense winters. Three feet of bush versus three feet of snow, you see.

By the time Daniel turned seventeen, he'd flown various helicopters and airplanes, hoping that such a skill would serve as a springboard to travel anywhere else. This plan ultimately worked, as the Army is always looking for good pilots - and Daniel readily enlisted when he got the chance.

After making his way through Basic training, Daniel became an advanced intelligence operative, expert helicopter pilot, and jungle warfare trooper. Though he enjoyed the first two, Daniel truly loves his third job description, and spends all his time there.

After a few years, Daniel had assumed the nickname Recondo, and his years of distinguished service got him noticed by people looking for the best of the military's best. These people felt that Daniel would be a perfect addition to the GI Joe team, and subsequently recruited him.

After joining the Joes, Recondo was immediately put to work on a mission to rescue Doctor Burkhart from Cobra forces. The doctor, savd by the Joes on one of their very first ops, was again captured by Cobra forces, and transported to a fortress in the jungles of Sierra Gordo.

After this mission, Recondo served GI Joe well over the years. While he was on constant duty, few the Joes ever saw him since he was doing deep-cover work in various jungles - or in the midst of some other incredibly long-range missions that occupied his time.

Of course, GI Joe did manage to see a whole lot of Recondo when he was brought into the Joe team's elite Tiger Force, a special unit designed to wield refurbished gear against various terrorist threats. He was their helicopter pilot for the duration of Tiger Force's active phase.

Though good at what he does, Recondo was never much on socializing. He didn't make a lot of close friends on the Joe team, not that he was rude or anything. Of course, he couldn't help but become good pals with Sparks over time, since the two were both avid readers.

When GI Joe was disbanded, Recondo went to work in a different fashion, breaking up black market ivory trading rings and other poaching operations. As things turned out, the GI Joe team wasn't gone for good, and when it was reassembled Recondo readily agreed to serve again!

(Historical Divergence)

And he did for several years, until Cobras second defeat 2005. Once GI Joe had resolved the Cobra mess, and defeated the Red Shadows as well, the government decided to repurpose the team again. Though publicly shut down, the team persisted as a small anti-terrorist force.

Not chosen to be on the active roster, Recondo returned to his work against poachers. In this capacity, he was tracked down by Major Bludd while staying with the Tucaros, a group native to Sierra Gordo that he'd befriended in the past, and almost slain!

The two had quite a fight, but in the end Bludd won, and thought Recondo was dead. Recondo allowed people to believe in his demise, even after his old friend Sparks came looking for him once the Joes caught wind of Bludd's actions against their teammates.

Of course, Recondo let Sparks know what he was up to after he returned to the States, even if he implored him to maintain his ruse. This was to let him complete his work unhindered. And to possibly allow Recondo a bit of time to score some payback!

Recondo eventually returned to the fold to help his teammates defeat Cobra one final time, when those terrorist villains instigated World War III. Fighting hard, Recondo and his teammates managed to stop Cobra from conquering the world, and now work to clean up the messes they made.

1988 Variations


Tiger Fly: when he was assigned to Tiger Force, Recondo was given a special piece of equipment to use in the fight against Cobra: the Tiger Fly. This refurbished Dragonfly XH-1 Attack Copter is Tiger Force's primary air support mechanism, and is described in its own entry.


Recondo's first Tiger Force field outfit is similar to his original. It consists of green trousers with yellow tiger stripes, a black collared, long-sleeved shirt, black leather boots, a brown leather belt, a brown shoulder holster, and a black boonie hat.

2003 Variations


Pistol-Grip Shotgun: Recondo may fire birdshot with this weapon to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage in a thirty degree arc, buckshot to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage to adjacent targets, or slugs to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage to a single foe.


After GI Joe reformed, Recondo donned a new uniform. It has brown and green camouflaged pants, a collared, long-sleeved khakis shirt over a green T-shirt and under a gray vest, brown leather belts, pouches, and holsters for his gear, and a brown and green cap.

2004 Variations


Assault Rifle: this firearm is similar to Recondo's usual weapon, capable of being discharged to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage in a short burst of ammunition, or opening up with fully automatic fire to instead inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.

Furthermore, the underslung shotgun can fire birdshot to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage in a thirty degree arc, buckshot to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage to adjacent targets, or slugs to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage to a single foe.


Recondo's fourth uniform is a recoloration of his third. It includes black cargo trousers, a collared, long-sleeved black shirt over a black T-shirt and under a gray vest, black leather boots, gloves, belts, pouches, and holsters, and a black cap.

2005 Variations


Desert Coyote: this year Recondo got himself an all new-ride. Essentially a souped up go-kart, the desert coyote is armed to the teeth, having been turned into a weapon of mass destruction by none other than Clutch. The Desert Coyote is described in its own entry.


Recondo's fifth uniform is another recoloration of his third. It includes khakis cargo trousers, a collared, long-sleeved khakis shirt over a khakis T-shirt (and under a gray vest), gray leather, boots, gloves, belts, pouches, and holsters, and a khakis boonie cap.

2010 Variations


Assault Rifle: this firearm is similar to Recondo's usual weapon, capable of being discharged to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage in a short burst of ammunition, or opening up with fully automatic fire to instead inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage.

Furthermore, the underslung shotgun can fire birdshot to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage in a thirty degree arc, buckshot to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage to adjacent targets, or slugs to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage to a single foe.

Hatchets: instead of his usual machete, Recondo carried two hatchets with him in the field this year. He can use these Remarkable (30) m.s. implements to cut through items of like m.s., or to instead inflict his Strength rank in Edged Attack or Edged Throwing damage.

Traps: when expecting trouble, Recondo will occasionally set these particularly brutal traps. They spring shut with Typical (6) force when triggered, inflicting Edged Attack damage to unprotected targets, and Good (10) Strength is required to force them open again.


Recondo's sixth uniform is an all new ensemble. It includes a brown T-shirt under a brown and yellow vest, green camouflaged trousers, black and brown leather boots, green leather gloves and knee pads, multi-colored wrist guards, black web gear and belts, and a gray boonie cap.

2015 Variations


Mambele: this implement can be wielded in multiple fashions. Made from Remarkable (30) m.s. materials, it can cut through items of like m.s., or inflict Recondo's Strength rank in either Edged Attack or Edged Throwing damage, depending on how he uss it.


Recondo's second Tiger Force uniform is a bit more subdued than his original. It includes a brown collared, long-sleeved shirt with black tiger stripes, a similarly hued boonie cap, green cargo trousers, a brown leather belt and shoulder holster, and black leather boots.

Extra Goodies:

Recondo Universal Heroes Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Recondo:

  1984 1988 2003 2004 2005 2010 2015  

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