
7d *
4b *

Hand Size:
2 (10)

* Eels will generally have either Boxing or Martial Arts as a skill, but not both - unless they are exceptional fellows. If an Eel goes with Boxing, he or she will have a c code for their Strength, and a b code for their Agility, which is usually what they manage.

However, some Eels are much more into unarmed combat training, and will instead receive education in Martial Arts. These Eels will have a d code for their Strength, and an a code for their Agility, arguably making them much more dangerous underwater saboteurs.


Cobra Eels do not have special powers of any kind. Sure, they may seem like demons beneath the waves, but that is simply a result of their extensive training in undersea operations, whether destroying something in the water or fighting hand-to-hand.



Hindrances / Augmentations:



Diving Gear (a): Eels all possess the equipment necessary to perform their duties underwater. This gear includes their distinctive wet suit, an air tank, underwater breathing mask, and flippers, allowing them to function for up to eight hours beneath the waves.

Explosives: whether to sink ships or to collapse undersea structures, Eels carry explosives with them on the job. They can set these devices to inflict intensity 13 slashing damage throughout near missile distance of where they detonate, often to devastating effect.

Knife (s): the essential weapon of all Eels, these blades are made from rust-resistant metals of m.s. 13. They can be used by an Eel to inflict their Strength +2 in slashing damage, or to instead cut through items of up to a like m.s., given enough time.

Jet Pack: this device attaches to the air tank of an Eel, who can then be propelled undersea by its water jets at impressive speeds. While operational, it can move an Eel through the water with intensity 1 ability, or up to thirty miles per hour!

Spear Gun: the Eel's fire and forget weapon is loaded with a singular spear, and they usually don't take the time to reload in the middle of a fight. They fire a long, deadly barb which inflicts one's Agility +5 in damage to whatever they manage to hit.


Boating (a): while their work usually sees them busy below the waves, Eels are often assigned conventional duties on ships they are housed within. Thus, they can typically operate most ships and submarines, receiving a reduced difficulty on actions called for while doing so.

Boxing (s): some Eels are trained in the sweet science. Those who have been are able to divide their pre-card play action score between two distinct, unarmed attacks. The first of these occurs normally, while the second occurs as a contingent action.

Engineering (i): though their primary role involves demolitions, Eels are also trained in marine engineering. Thus, they may reduce the difficulty on any action intended to either create or destroy something in the water, whether a ship or a secret, undersea base.

Guns (a): like all Cobras, Eels are trained how to effectively discharge firearms. Whether wielding standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifles or pistols, or even their Cobra-issued spear guns, Eels may do so at one difficulty level lower than is usually required.

Martial Arts (a): some Eels are trained in the martial arts proper, instead of just how to strike quickly. These Eels may reduce the difficulty of actions intended to strike others in unarmed melee, catch weapons thrown at them, or dodge incoming assaults.

Military (w): all Cobra operatives possess this skill, even if the organization they belong to isn't a real military. It nonetheless has a structure, however Byzantine, and Eels are taught how to effectively fight in groups, if they somehow haven't been previously.

Skill / Knives (s): since ranged combat is so dicey underwater, Eels are trained in the fine art of knife fighting - which also comes in handy on the surface. They may attempt to assault another with a blade in hand at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.

Underwater Combat (a): while there aren't too many opponents they might actually face under the waves, Eels are nonetheless trained in the art of deep sea combat. They may attempt offensive and defensive maneuvers beneath the sea without penalty, unlike most other people.


As elite operatives that have undergone expensive and extensive training, Eels are generally less expendable than most Cobras. Thus, the organization is likely to make an effort to aid an Eel in need of assistance, but they still may not bother if it's too much of a hassle.


Various Callings: the vast majority of Eels are with Cobra for their own, evil purposes. The money is nice, so Greed is a powerful motivator, as is World Domination, for those Eels who wish to force others to bow to their whims. But anything goes, really.

After all, Eels are elite operatives amongst Cobra's legions, and may very well go with Peace of Mind if attempting to exceed their personal best, Vengeance if they're working towards some enemy's end, or even Gloryhound if particularly proud of themselves.


The Eel's costume is a primarily black and gray diving suit, save for a red splash of color on the chest with a silver Cobra sigil in the center. This is complemented with a black knife sheath, black belt, black air tank, black flippers, and a gray diving mask.


Eels are Cobras who either have experience diving, or showed promise while serving as Cobra Divers. They must pass a two-phase training course, one in shark-infested Cayman waters, and the other in the icy depths beneath the North Pole. Their attrition rate is quite high.

Those who do come out with numerous marketable skills, as well as higher pay. Thus, Eels are considered elite Cobra operatives, much like Vipers. Similarly, becoming an Eel is often a stepping stone to even more lofty positions, such as a Lamprey, Snow Serpent, or Sea Slug.

1992 Variations


Chest Protector (s): this vest, worn over the Eel's diving suit, provides them protection against slashing damage striking them in the chest. This intensity 8 (or +2) defensive item applies whether the incoming damage is natural or man-made, particularly focusing on spears.

Hull-Slashing Diving Suit (a): the second Eel uniform is a diving suit just like the original, but incorporates hull-slashing fins into both its arms and legs. These allow Eels to inflict +2 slashing damage during regular melee or even during charging attacks!

Oxygen Extractor (s): replacing their old rebreather system, the oxygen extractor actually draws breathable air out of the water surrounding an Eel. This allows them to function indefinitely beneath the waves - or, at the very least, as long as their food supply holds out.

Robot Shark (i): this item replaces the Eel's jet pack, and is a back mounted item which provides identical function - at least until it detaches from them. Then, it can aim at a designated target, and fire a silent-running torpedo that inflicts intensity 10 damage!


The second Eel uniform is a dramatic departure from the original, being a bright blue diving suit with sharpened yellow fins on the arms and legs, complemented with a yellow belt, flippers, and vest, a yellow diving mask with a red visor, and a robot shark/torpedo launcher combo.

1993 Variations


Chest Protector (s): this vest, worn over the Eel's diving suit, provides them protection against slashing damage striking them in the chest. This intensity 8 (or +2) defensive item applies whether the incoming damage is natural or man-made, particularly focusing on spears.

Flamethrower (a): Eels occasionally bring exotic hardware with them on missions, influcing this flamethrower. These weapons fire a jet of burning napalm at an Eel's foes, inflicting intensity 10 2x SD energy damage with each attack - enough to crisp almost anyone.

Hull-Slashing Diving Suit (a): the third Eel uniform is a diving suit just like the original, but incorporates hull-slashing fins into both its arms and legs. These allow Eels to inflict +2 slashing damage during regular melee or even during charging attacks!

Oxygen Extractor (s): replacing their old rebreather system, the oxygen extractor actually draws breathable air out of the water surrounding an Eel. This allows them to function indefinitely beneath the waves - or, at the very least, as long as their food supply holds out.

Submachine Gun (a): when operating above the waves, Eels trade in their spear guns for machine guns. They can inflict an Eel's Agility +4 in damage when firing a single shot, raised to +5 during semi-automatic fire, or to +6 in fully automatic gunplay.

Torpedo Launcher (i): replacing their robot shark units, Eels have taken to carrying more conventional mini-torpedo launchers this year. These units, while dramatically different than their predecessor, fire the exact same, silent-running projectiles, which inflict intensity 10 damage.


The third Eel uniform is a variant on the second, being a purple diving suit with sharpened yellow fins on the arms and legs, complemented with a yellow belt, yellow flippers, a yellow vest, a yellow diving mask with a red visor, and any number of weapons strapped on at the ready.

2008 Variations


The Eels' fourth uniform is close to their first, a mainly black and gray diving suit, save for the red chest panel with a silver Cobra logo on its center. It is complemented with two black knife sheathes, a black belt, a black air tank, black flippers, and a gray diving mask.

2014 Variations


the Night Raft (i): in addition to their normal equipment, Eels were issued their own Night Rafts in 2014. These small, self-inflating boats can be used to transport several Cobras to a location either quickly or quietly, and are described in their own vehicle entry.

Submachine Gun (a): when operating above the waves, Eels trade in their spear guns for machine guns. They can inflict an Eel's Agility +4 in damage when firing a single shot, raised to +5 during semi-automatic fire, or to +6 in fully automatic gunplay.


The fifth Eel uniform is a mainly black and red diving suit, with a golden Cobra sigil on its chest. They add to this basic component with multiple black knife sheaths, numerous black belts, a black air tank, black flippers, and a black diving mask.

Their sixth is a mainly black and gray diving suit like their first, save for a red splash of color on the chest with a golden Cobra sigil in the center. This is complemented with numerous black knife sheaths, black belts, a black air tank, black flippers, and a gray diving mask.

Extra Goodies:

Eels Saga System 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of Eels:

  1985 1992 1993 2008 2014  

* Note: 2014 saw two versions of the Eel (Versions 5 and 6).

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