
RV 20
RV 6
RV 6
RV 20
RV 4
RV 4
RV 20
RV 6
RV -10



As are his fellow Dreadnoks, Ripper has no powers to speak of. He's not normal by any means, however, having atrocious personal hygiene, an unnatural love for implements of destruction, and a criminal outlook that has gotten him in trouble since he was a toddler!

Known Powers:


Limitations / Enhancements:



Grenades: Ripper always carries grenades on his person, because sometimes something just needs to get blown up. He can fling these explosives to inflict rank value 30 Slashing damage to every uncovered target within the sector they detonate inside.

Jaws of Life: powered by a back-mounted, internal combustion engine, Ripper's uses this weapon on larger targets. Though otherwise made from m.v. 40 materials, the especially hardened blades on this device can cut through items of up to m.v. 75!

Knife: Ripper is never seen without a knife, usually carried in a sheath strapped to his chest. This spike-knuckled trench knife is made from m.v. 40 metals, and can be used to inflict Slashing damage or to cut through items of like m.v.

Motorcycle: Ripper hates most everything about the niceties of modern life, and is happy to dismantle all of them - save for motorcycles. Due to his true love of these machines, Ripper always has at least one in his possession, which has these capabilities:

RV 20
RV 150
RV 20
RV 0

Pistol: supplementing his favored, melee weaponry, Ripper usually has a firearm holstered on his hip. He can discharge this weapon to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage when firing a single shot, or rank value 10 Piercing damage when firing a semi-automatic burst of lead.

Rifle: this weapon is Ripper's personal favorite, and gave him his reputation. He can fire one round with it to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage, a short burst of ammunition to inflict rank value 10 Piercing damage, or a fully automatic spread for rank value 20 Piercing damage.

What's special about this weapon is the oversized bayonet attached to the barrel. Made from m.v. 50 metal, it can be used in Ripper's hands to cut or pry his way through just about anything, whether organic or metallic, and inflicts +1 RS Slashing damage.


Unpleasant Habits: this quirk describes Ripper's remarkable lack of personal hygiene skills... or complete unwillingness to practice them. He's usually got bad breath, smells awful, and is otherwise unpleasant to be around - causing folks to react to him at a -2 RS.


Guns: while he loves taking things apart in a more personal fashion, Ripper can nonetheless perforate stuff up with the best of 'em. While not a formally trained marksman, Ripper's learned how to point and shoot via trial and error, and can do so at his Coordination value +1 RS.

Sharp Weapons: sure, he can shoot a gun - most Dreadnoks can. But Ripper's true area of expertise is in the use of any sort of sharp weapon - if it's got a pointy edge somewhere, Ripper can use it to take things apart. When wielding such weapons, Ripper does so without penalty.


One of the three original Dreadnoks, Ripper can generally depend on his fellows for help - but not always. He can rely upon the Dreadnoks' patron organization, Cobra, in much the same manner. In other words, they'll gladly help him if it's in their best interests to.


Ripper's original ensemble includes a ratty pair of blue jeans, black leather boots, a green camouflage T-shirt that has disintegrated into something resembling a tank top, red-tinted shades, and various straps, holsters, sheathes, and web gear.


Ripper hates everything except grape soda, chocolate-covered donuts, and motorcycles. Anti-social and proud of it, he enjoys nothing more than the utter destruction of that which you love, most often with sharp, pointy objects, and jumping up and down on the remains afterwards.

Real Name: Harry Nod
Occupation: biker, shiftless layabout
Legal Status: Australian citizen wanted in various countries for all manner of crimes
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: the Dreadnoks, Cobra

Height: 6' 1"
Hair: black
Eyes: unknown (he's always wearing sunglasses)
Weight: 190 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Ripper usually wears a full beard and moustache, but sometimes shaves it down somewhat. He usually looks as though he's growing his hair back out after wearing a mohawk for a time (though the 'hawk is still there).


Ripper grew up in Grim Cape, Tazmania, demonstrating anti-social behavior even during nursery school. His inherent anger manifested in schemes to shake down his fellow children for their candy, extortion, and even aggravated assault - which ultimately got him expelled.

He eventually grew up, after a fashion, and drifted from one biker gang to another. They all kicked him out due to his excessive nastiness and atrocious personal hygine, but this didn't deter Ripper from a life of crime, and he spent most of his teen years in jail.

His truly unique thuggery eventually got Ripper noticed by the likes of Zartan, something of a zen biker criminal genius, who had recently lost his marbles. Liking Zartan's unpredictable temperament, Ripper was glad to ride with this more-than-human ninja assassin.

Engaging in multiple misadventures as the Dreadnoks, this grouping eventually found itself working for Cobra. It helped that Zartan had been working for that organization's Commander for years, even if this is what caused his psychotic break in the first place.

The Dreadnoks remained in Cobra's orbit for quite some time, performing various tasks for the Command. Sure, Cobra's other operatives are better trained and disciplined, and require less money, but the Dreadnoks are an even more disposable labor force than regular Cobras.

When Zartan got out of the picture for a time, his siblings took over the gang. Zarana seemed to have one group of Dreadnoks at her beck and call, while Zandar had the other, of which Ripper was a part. This situation lasted until the middle of the nineties.

(Historical Divergence)

When Cobra seemingly folded at this time, the Dreadnoks reunited with a newly-evil Zartan in his Everglades hideout, and got their acts together. Along with his fellows, Ripper managed to turn the small gang of Dreadnoks into something of a national phenomenon.

Swelling in size, the Dreadnoks were suddenly comparable to the Hell's Angels, and had their oily hands in all kinds of criminal activities. Managed by Zartan's daughter, Zanya, this enlarged Dreadnok organization was quickly called upon by Cobra during its rebirth.

Using the Dreadnoks' national infrastructure, Cobra hatched a plot to take over the United States with nano-scale robotic weaponry. As is usually the case with Cobra's shenanigans, this plot failed badly, and those terrorists left the Dreadnoks holding the bag.

Though they escaped capture, Ripper and his adopted family of thugs and ruffians now had to deal with the American military in addition to conventional police. Not that Ripper hasn't had to deal with GI Joe being on his case in the past.

As such, he and his fellow Dreadnoks persist in their criminal spree to this very day!

Profile (in the words of Clutch):

'Ripper is the epitome of nasty. A refugee from some Mad Max film, his potential for destruction is only matched by his lack of education. Ripper needs the Dreadnoks as much as they need him; they help keep him out of jail, and in return he destroys everything in his path.

'You can't find a more dysfunctional grouping anywhere.'

2002 Variations


M-16 Assault Rifle: a new addition to Ripper's arsenal, this weapon is a fully functional automatic rifle. It can be fired to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage in a single shot, rank value 10 Piercing damage in short burst, or rank value 20 Piercing damage in a continuous burst.

This weapon is equipped with an underslung shotgun attachment. This weapon fires birdshot to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage in a sixty degree arc, buckshot to inflict rank value 10 Piercing damage to adjacent targets, and slugs to inflict rank value 20 Piercing damage.

Uzi 9mm: in the event that his M-16 runs out of ammunition, Ripper often carries this weapon to serve as a backup; it does the same damage, but lacks the shotgun attachment. Furthermore, it can be fired one-handed without as much of a penalty to his accuracy.


As the Dreadnoks grew in strength, Ripper could afford new clothes. His new outfit includes a black tank top, brown and black camoflage pants, large, hob-nailed boots, red knee-pads, black leather gloves, yellow wrist bands, a bright green baseball cap, and silver sunglasses.

2003 Variations


M-16 Assault Rifle: a new addition to Ripper's arsenal, this weapon is a fully functional automatic rifle. It can be fired to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage in a single shot, rank value 10 Piercing damage in short burst, or rank value 20 Piercing damage in a continuous burst.

This weapon is equipped with an underslung shotgun attachment. This weapon fires birdshot to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage in a sixty degree arc, buckshot to inflict rank value 10 Piercing damage to adjacent targets, and slugs to inflict rank value 20 Piercing damage.

Uzi 9mm: in the event that his M-16 runs out of ammunition, Ripper often carries this weapon to serve as a backup; it does the same damage, but lacks the shotgun attachment. Furthermore, it can be fired one-handed without as much of a penalty to his accuracy.


Ripper's third costume is a variant on his second. It includes a gray tank top, blue jeans, large, hob-nailed brown engineer boots, gray knee-pads, black leather gloves, yellow wrist bands, a dark green baseball cap, and silver sunglasses.

2004 Variations


Ripper's fourth costume is a variant on his first, including camouflage red-brown and white jeans, black leather boots, a blue camouflage T-shirt that has disintegrated into something resembling a tank top, gold-tinted shades, and various straps, holsters, sheathes, and web gear.

2008 Variations


Ripper's fifth outfit is quite possibly his fifth ever. It includes a torn yellow and black, leopard print tank top, worn blue jeans, brown leather riding boots with skulls engraved on the front, a green belt, a green bandoiler, black leather gloves, and silvered sunglasses.

Oh! And don't forget the necklace of scrap metal bits. Ripper really likes it.

Extra Goodies:

Ripper 4C System: Edition 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of Ripper:

  1985 2002 2003 2004 2008  

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