Strength 7d |
Agility 6a |
Intellect 6x |
Willpower 7d |
Hand Size: Edge: |
4 (25) 2 |
Like the rest of his fellow Joes, or even his fellow SEALs, Wet-Suit is but a normal human - albeit a highly skilled one. He has no superhuman powers to speak of, whether they be a result of freakish occurrences, genetic mutations, a mystical background, or anything else.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Diving Gear (a): Wet-Suit carries gear that lets him function underwater almost normally. His wetsuit, combined with his air tank, breathing helmet, and flippers, allows him to act underwater for about four hours, and he can swim twice as fast as normal.
Explosives (i): as his secondary military specialty is underwater demolitions, Wet-Suit always carries explosives with him on missions. Once set, they detonate to inflict intensity 12 damage on anything within near missile distance, and are controlled by a handy wrist-band.
Flashlight (i): no matter what, Wet-Suit always has a flashlight on him at all times. His personal favorite is an 'upright' model with a convenient strap to hold it wherever he needs to. This flashlight is water-resistant, and provides him intensity 8 illumination.
KB-99 Survival Knife (s): though the rest of his equipment may change, Wet-Suit always carries a handy blade, usually contained in a boot strap for easy access. This blade is of m.s. 13 metals, can cut through items of like strength, and lets him inflict +2 slashing damage in melee.
Sidearm (a): Wet-Suit always carries a pistol in addition to his utility blade, at least while he's on the job with GI Joe. This weapon can be fired to inflict his Agility +4 in damage with a single shot, or his Agility +5 in damage with a semi-auto burst of ammunition.
Underwater Sled (i): most of the time, Wet-Suit has a small, submersible sled with him during underwater missions. If stealth isn't an issue, he can use it to glide through the water at intensity 1 speeds (30 mph), as opposed to his usual velocity.
Brawling (s): Wet-Suit is a well-trained combatant, and while he prefers to fight with hardware, he can brawl unarmed with the best of 'em. He fights dirty, and if he reduces an opponent to zero cards (Health) in unarmed melee, they'll fall into a coma.
Demolitions (a): his secondary military specialty, Wet-Suit is a natural saboteur. With enough time and equipment, he can destroy anything, though in a pinch he can rig together a spectacular demise for a vehicle or structure with almost no supplies at hand. Almost, anyway.
Guns (a): one of the talents that Wet-Suit picked up during his basic training, this skill represents his mastery of the firearm. Whether he uses a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Wet-Suit does so at a reduced difficulty level.
Martial Arts (a): Wet-Suit is well-versed in advanced combat techniques. He may attempt actions to strike others in unarmed melee, dodge attacks, or catch thrown weaponry at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.
Military / United States (w): a member of the United States Navy, Wet-Suit has this skill by default. It provides a handy origin for the rest of his skills, offers him two free (as of yet undetermined) military contacts, and gives him an intuitive understanding of military protocols.
Underwater Combat (a): trained as an undersea operative, Wet-Suit knows how to fight beneath the waves - you never know when enemy divers will come at you, after all. When attempting any combat action underwater, Wet-Suit resolves such actions without penalty.
As a long-standing member of the GI Joe team, Wet-Suit can easily rely on his fellows for assistance - he's proven his mettle and his worth time and time again. In addition to his Joe contacts, Wet-Suit also has several additional (undisclosed) military contacts in the Navy.
Soldier, with subtle hints of Demolisher: Wet-Suit is attitude personified, and enjoys being a Joe because it allows him innumerable opportunities to prove his mettle. He also loves blowing things up on the clock, as well, usually doing much more damage than is necessary.
Wet-Suit's first field uniform is a sea green wetsuit with a white patch on the chest, which covers his entire body save for his lower arms. This basic component is supplemented with an orange helmet, black boots, a black watch, and numerous gray straps to hold his various gear.
When on more stealthy missions, Wet-Suit wears a slightly different variation on this theme. This second wetsuit is silver in hue, save for a blue patch on his chest, as are Wet-Suit's boots and underwater helmet. He also wears black and green straps for his gear.
Wet-Suit may be mean to the bone, but he's also quite bright, being well-read in both the classics and the standard texts of modern military tactics. Which is amazing, considering that the level to which he has developed his toughness would seem to indicate a full-time occupation.
Real Name: Brian M. Forrest, grade E-5 (later E-6)
Occupation: Navy SEAL
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: married
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe
Height: 6' 1"
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Weight: 175 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none
While most folks are aware that Wet-Suit is bull-headed, bombastic, and stubborn, it isn't too well-known that he was always like that. Enjoying the sheer thrill of blowing things into itsy bitsy pieces, he was a natural for life in the military, and Wet-Suit enlisted in the Navy.
Proving just how bad he is by muscling his way through Navy training on sheer attitude alone, Wet-Suit got himself the full meal deal, quickly qualifying for SEAL training. While this tested Wet-Suit to the very limits of his endurance, the man ultimately passed with flying colors.
He didn't quit, after all - he's too darn stubborn for that. Put to work in various hot spots that needed attention, Wet-Suit excelled at his job since he loves blowing things up so much - he uses enough explosives to render even the largest structures and vehicles into scrap.
Tiny, tiny scrap.
Wet-Suit's job performance got him a position on the Joe team, which was a perfect fit for the man - being around the military's very best has only brought out his competitive edge, which shows when he gets into shouting matches with his Marine counterpart, Leatherneck.
While each is convinced of his own military branch's superiority, the duo are good friends, and have saved each other's lives more times than they can count. Either with Leatherneck or his fellow Joe SEALs, Wet-Suit served the team with distinction - until it was disbanded in '94, that is.
(Historical Divergence)
Having little else to do, Wet-Suit signed up for another Navy tour of duty. During this time he met and (in time) married his wife, Belinda. Though somewhat more reserved after this, Wet-Suit is still basically the same, terribly effective SEAL the Joes knew from the past.
Which is probably why the team invited him back for more when they formed back up again. Whether in an active or reserve status, Wet-Suit has remained with GI Joe ever since. Even if it means having to deal with Shipwreck and his lousy bird, Polly!
1992 Variations
Harpoon Gun (a): Wet-Suit has intermittently carried a harpoon gun on various missions, depending on his current needs, really. This gun, regardless of which model he's using, can be fired to inflict damage per a +5 weapon to whoever - or whatever - Wet-Suit hits.
Radar Unit (w): Wet-Suit occasionally utilizes a helmet-mounted, 360 degree radar unit. This device can pick up anything within near missile distance, in three dimensions, the data for which he can view on a wrist-mounted monitor, making it almost impossible to sneak up on him.
Underwater Sled (i): for awhile, Wet-Suit utilized a different sled while under the waves. He could stand on this one, instead of it pulling him through the water, and it had a built in torpedo launcher! The torpedoes fired at his foes from this sled inflict intensity 11 damage.
Wet-Suit went with a new look with his third field uniform. He adopted a mostly black wetsuit, one that covers all but his head. He complemented this with a neon yellow underwater helmet, and made all of his pockets, pouches, equipment straps, and holsters a similarly bright hue.
1993 Variations
Harpoon Gun (a): Wet-Suit has intermittently carried a harpoon gun on various missions, depending on his current needs, really. This gun, regardless of which model he's using, can be fired to inflict damage per a +5 weapon to whoever - or whatever - Wet-Suit hits.
Radar Unit (w): Wet-Suit occasionally utilizes a helmet-mounted, 360 degree radar unit. This device can pick up anything within near missile distance, in three dimensions, the data for which he can view on a wrist-mounted monitor, making it almost impossible to sneak up on him.
Underwater Sled (i): for awhile, Wet-Suit utilized a different sled while under the waves. He could stand on this one, instead of it pulling him through the water, and it had a built in torpedo launcher! The torpedoes fired at his foes from this sled inflict intensity 11 damage.
Wet-Suit's fourth field uniform is a variant on his third. Again utilizing a mostly black wetsuit, which covers all but his head, Wet-Suit accessorized with a neon orange underwater helmet this time, along with similarly hued pockets, pouches, equipment straps, and holsters.
1998 Variations
Harpoon Gun (a): Wet-Suit has intermittently carried a harpoon gun on various missions, depending on his current needs, really. This gun, regardless of which model he's using, can be fired to inflict damage per a +5 weapon to whoever - or whatever - Wet-Suit hits.
Wet-Suit's fifth uniform is another variation on his third. Utilizing a mostly black wetsuit again, which covers all but his head, Wet-Suit accessorized with a black underwater helmet this time, along with sea green belts, cornflower blue holsters, and gray gloves.
2001 Variations
Wet-Suit's sixth uniform is yet another recoloring of his original ensemble. His trademark wetsuit changed to silver (like his second uniform), with a white patch on the chest, though he wore a black helmet and black boots. He retained his gray equipment straps, however.
2002 Variations
Diving Gear (v1, v2) (a): a stark improvement on Wet-Suit's previous suits, this one has its predecessor's functions, as well as mini-jets that let him swim at thirty miles per hour (removing the need for his water sled), and provides intensity 8 (or +2) protection from injury.
Flare Gun (v3) (i): this device fires small flare cartridges. Though primarily useful for attracting attention (its flares emit intensity 8 light), it can also be used to set fires or burn people in a pinch (its flares emit intensity 4 heat).
Harpoon Gun (a): Wet-Suit has intermittently carried a harpoon gun on various missions, depending on his current needs, really. This gun, regardless of which model he's using, can be fired to inflict damage per a +5 weapon to whoever - or whatever - Wet-Suit hits.
Wet-Suit's seventh uniform is unlike anything he's used before. Akin to an armored underwater diving suit, it is primarily black in hue, with various metallic plates and padding, adorned with blue and yellow trim here and there, designed to reduce or prevent injury.
His eighth field uniform is a refinement of his seventh. The main difference between this suit and Wet-Suit's previous ensemble is simply cosmetic. In other words, its black components are now a watery blue in hue, and the metallic bits were painted gray to be less reflective.
Wet-Suit's ninth field uniform is another iteration on his first. It is a mostly black wetsuit, save for a blue patch on the chest, which is accessorized with various gray belts, straps, and holsters to help him carry all of his gear with him during missions.
2003 Variations
the Depth Charge (i): a powerful addition to Wet-Suit's aquatic arsenal, this BTR vehicle can be operated in two modes - a one-man submarine or a dune buggy; it is easily adjusted from one mode to the other in the field. The Depth Charge is described in its own entry.
Diving Gear (a): a stark improvement on Wet-Suit's previous suits, this one has its predecessor's functions, as well as mini-jets that let him swim at thirty miles per hour (removing the need for his water sled), and provides intensity 8 (or +2) protection from injury.
Wet-Suit's tenth GI Joe field uniform is another variation on his seventh. Akin to an armored underwater diving suit, it is primarily gray in hue, with various black plates and padding, both of which feature chromed trim, here and there, in places to reduce or prevent injury.
2009 Variations
Harpoon Gun (a): Wet-Suit has intermittently carried a harpoon gun on various missions, depending on his current needs, really. This gun, regardless of which model he's using, can be fired to inflict damage per a +5 weapon to whoever - or whatever - Wet-Suit hits.
Wet-Suit's eleventh field uniform is based on his first, a sea green wetsuit with a white patch on the chest, which covers his entire body save for his lower arms. It is supplemented with an orange helmet, black boots, a black watch, and numerous gray straps to hold his various gear.
2011 Variations
Submachine Guns (a): when working on land, Wet-Suit often carries firearms which inflict his Agility +4 in damage when firing a single shot, his Agility +5 in damage when firing a short burst of ammunition, or his Agility +6 in damage when fired fully automatic.
Wet-Suit's twelfth field uniform is one he wears when he isn't actually diving. It includes a long-sleeved, camouflage green collared shirt over a white T-shirt and under a green vest, camouflage green trousers, a camouflage green boonie cap, and black leather boots.
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of Wet-Suit:
1986 | 1992 | 1993 | 1998 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2009 | 2011 |
'Personality' snippet written by Larry Hama! Furthermore, 1986 saw two versions of Wet-Suit (Versions 1 and 2), while 2002 saw three (Versions 7, 8 and 9).
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