
Gd 10
Ex 20
Ty 6
Gd 10
Gd 10
Rm 30
Ex 20
Ex 20
Sh 0



Like most of his fellow Joes, Low-Light is but a normal human. Even if he seemingly possesses preternatural powers in the night, Low-Light lacks ascendant abilities of any stripe, whether granted by freak accident, genetic mutation, divine providence, or anything else.

Known Powers:



Flashlight: Low-Light always has at least one flashlight on his person; while he prefers his night-vision goggles, they can fail in the field. This device can produce Good (10) ranked illumination within his current area, handy for spotting things at night.

Grenades: since the beginning of his GI Joe career, Low-Light has carried several grenades in the field, in the event that he needed to blow up something big. These explosives detonate to inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage to Low-Light's target.

Knife: Low-Light's always got at least one of these handy at all times, sometimes several! Made from Incredible (40) material strength metals, Low-Light can use these blade(s) to cut through items of up to like m.s., or instead inflict Edged Attack damage in melee combat.

Night-Vision Goggles: this equipment, of varying hue, allows Low-Light to peer into the night with clarity closely approaching that of daylight. It enhances existing light / heat sources at Excellent (20) rank, giving him a considerable advantage in darkness.

Sidearm: Low-Light usually has a backup piece handy in the field, sometimes two! Either way, he can fire these semi-automatic hand cannons to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage with a single shot, or Good (10) Shooting damage in a semi-automatic hail of lead.

Sniper Rifle: an expert marksman, Low-Light carries this weapon with him on missions instead of a high-powered, automatic assault rifle. Utilizing armor piercing ammunition, Low-Light can dischrge this weapon to inflict Good (10) Armor Piercing Shooting with each shot.

Uzi 9mm: Low-Light carries one of these on him during missions, a small and efficient hand-cannon that can inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage with a single shot, Good (10) Shooting damage with a small burst, or Excellent (20) damage by expending a full magazine on his target.

Limitations / Enhancements:





Guns 2: Low-Light is regularly described as a master marksman - in fact, he was a teacher of Army recruits for years before GI Joe recruited him. As such, he can wield any guns (standard, semi-automatic, fully automatic, or anything else) at his Agility score +2 CS.

Martial Arts type B: an essential part of his Army training, this talent represents Low-Light's ability to defend himself in battle without weaponry. In unarmed melee, Low-Light can attempt any physical attack (punch, kick, etc.) as though his Fighting was +1 CS in rank.

Military / United States: the source for most of his other skills, this 'background' talent offers Low-Light an inherent understanding of military protocols and procedures. Furthermore, it provides him numerous additional military contacts, and basic leadership techniques.

Survival: Low-Light got lost in the wilds of North Dakota at a very young age, and remained so for several weeks. During this time, he learned by necessity how to survive outdoors, and can find enough food, water, and shelter to get by just about anywhere.

Teaching: his secondary military specialty, this talent describes Low-Light's ability to instruct others. While he is a competent teacher all around, he truly shines when showing folks how to either wield night-vision technology or how to shoot. There, he is truly in his element.

Tracking: an expert tracker, Low-Light can follow a target almost anywhere - even in the dark! When trying to follow a body, Low-Light must pass an Intuition FEAT roll (at +1 CS) to pick up the trail, only needing additional FEATs if the trail is somehow masked.


As a member of GI Joe in good standing, Low-Light can readily rely upon his fellow Joes for assistance in a pinch - especially since it's usually him saving their lives. Furthermore, the man has cultivated all kinds of military contacts, especially amongst his students, over the years.


Low-Light's original GI Joe field uniform includes dark gray trousers, a black T-shirt under a dark gray jacket with a red left shoulder pad, black leather boots, gloves, holsters, webbing, and sheathes, a black leather belt with a silver buckle, a black cap, and red-tinted goggles.


Low-Light is truly at home in the night. Upon overcoming his fears as a child, he's been proficient at everything in the dark, and seems to enjoy darkness better than light. He's as sneaky a night-time operative as you can get, and he makes no mistakes while on the prowl.

Real Name: Cooper G. MacBride, grade E-6
Occupation: night spotter, marksmanship instructor
Legal Status: American citizen with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Slaughter's Marauders (GI Joe sub-team)

Height: 6'
Hair: blonde (sometimes dyed black for camouflage purposes)
Eyes: blue
Weight: 175 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Low-Light has taken to sometimes wearing a full beard and moustache in his later years, whose color varies as much as his hair does.


Low-Light was something of a scaredy-cat as a child, being afraid of the dark, loud noises, and most animals. This meant he wouldn't have all that much of a good time on a hunting trip with his father, which included all of the above, and as fate had it, things went badly.

Low-Light vanished, you see. Completely. The authorities searched for him for three full weeks, and only found him when he returned all by himself - with an ear to ear grin, and a .22 rifle in hand. While he was lost in the woods, he totally overcame his fears, and grew to love the night.

He became quite the marksman over the years, even before enlisting in the Army, and is a self-trained expert in image-intensification technology. Fast-forward about a decade, and he was teaching marksmanship at Fort Benning, turning out rather competent gunmen.

His particular skill set earned Low-Light a place with GI Joe soon enough, and he fit in rather well. A night spotter and expert sniper, he's helped the team achieve its goals on numerous missions, quite a few of which were conducted in partnership with various intelligence agencies.

He's so good at what he does, in fact, that Sergeant Slaughter chose him to be a member of his team of Marauders. While this entailed getting a rather oddly colored uniform, Low-Light nonetheless proved his worth yet again on countless missions with this hard core squad.

Still later, possibly in a variant timeline, Low-Light was partnered with Ambush to hunt dinosaurs on Cobra Island! Whether they came about due to genetic experimentation or some other calamitous occurrence, these beasts needed to be dealt with, and Low-Light was elected to do so.

While he's performed all kinds of duties for GI Joe, the good times couldn't last forever, and the team was eventually disbanded for political reasons. Afterwards, Low-Light found a new home in the Army, working on cases with its Criminal Investigation Division.

(Historical Divergence)

In this capacity, Low-Light served with numerous exceptional individuals, even those who would eventually become new Joes upon the team's eventual reactivation! Though not one of the new team's initial operatives, Low-Light showed up as soon as he was asked to.

Sticking with the team through thick and thin, Low-Light participated in the battle against Cobra throughout World War III itself! With the GI Joe team busier than ever now that Cobra's backbone has been broken yet again, it's likely Low-Light is still hanging around.

He's good at finding those who like to hide in the dark, after all.

1989 Variations


Low-Light's second, Slaughter's Marauder's uniform is a recolored version of his first. The trousers and jacket are brown, light green, and dark green, with a blue left shoulder pad. He also wore blue gloves, a black leather belt and boots, a blue cap, and blue-tinted goggles.

1991 Variations


Helmet: as technology advanced, Low-Light replaced his night-vision goggles with a sensor-laden helmet. In addition to providing his head Good (10) protection from physical assaults, this headgear is equipped with a third generation night vision system.

Bolstering his night vision capabilities to Remarkable (30) in rank, the sensors in Low-Light's new helmet also offer him the ability to detect motion, magnetic fields, and heat sources as is necessary, doing so with Good (10) ability within Near distance.


Low-Light's third uniform is an all-new ensemble, comprised of black trousers, black leather boots, a long-sleeved brown shirt under a gray vest and gray wrist guards, a sea green leather belt, sea green knee pads, holsters, webbing, and sheathes, and black 'camo' paint on his face.

1993 Variations


Breastplate: in addition to his new headgear, Low-Light eventually added a titanium chest plate to his uniform. This breastplate offers the man Excellent (20) protection from attacks that strike him in the torso, significantly increasing his odds of surviving a given battle.

'Dino Stun' Tranquilizer Gun: when hunting dinosaurs on Cobra Island, Low-Light wields a modified tranquilizer gun. This weapon carries a tranquilizing payload that can knock out even the largest of dinosaurs, functioning at a whopping Monstrous (75) rank.

Helmet: as technology advanced, Low-Light replaced his night-vision goggles with a sensor-laden helmet. In addition to providing his head Good (10) protection from physical assaults, this headgear is equipped with a third generation night vision system.

Bolstering his night vision capabilities to Remarkable (30) in rank, the sensors in Low-Light's new helmet also offer him the ability to detect motion, magnetic fields, and heat sources as is necessary, doing so with Good (10) ability within Near distance.

SS-24 Marine Corps Grenade Launcher: on the rare occasions that he hunts dinosaurs, Low-Light makes use of this heavy duty weapon when his tranquilizer gun fails him. He can fire projectiles from this gun that inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage.

Of course, in addition to this capability, the SS-24 can also be fired as per a regular assault rifle. It can be used to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage with a single shot, Good (10) Shooting damage in a short burst of ammunition, or Excellent (20) Shooting damage when fired full-auto.

XL-66 Ripple-Fire Short Rifle: this miniature assault cannon inflicts a large amounts of damage - and weighs very little. It can fire a short burst of ammunition to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage, or a fully automatic spread to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage per blast.


Low-Light's fourth uniform is a variation on his third. He changed his trousers to brown, his long-sleeved shirt to blue, his vest and wrist guards to bright yellow, and his leather belt, knee pads, holsters, webbing, and sheathes to black. His leather boots are the same, however.

2001 Variations


Breastplate: in addition to his new headgear, Low-Light eventually added a titanium chest plate to his uniform. This breastplate offers the man Excellent (20) protection from attacks that strike him in the torso, significantly increasing his odds of surviving a given battle.

Helmet: as technology advanced, Low-Light replaced his night-vision goggles with a sensor-laden helmet. In addition to providing his head Good (10) protection from physical assaults, this headgear is equipped with a third generation night vision system.

Bolstering his night vision capabilities to Remarkable (30) in rank, the sensors in Low-Light's new helmet also offer him the ability to detect motion, magnetic fields, and heat sources as is necessary, doing so with Good (10) ability within Near distance.


Low-Light's fifth uniform is another variation on his third. Its trousers and long-sleeved shirt are dark blue, its vest and wrist guards are black, its belt, holsters, webbing, sheathes, and knee pads are blue-gray, and he dropped the face paint. Again, his boots remain the same.

2006 Variations


Low-Light's sixth GI Joe uniform is inspired by his first. It consist of a black vest over a gray jacket (itself worn over an olive drab T-shirt), gray trousers, black leather gloves, black and brown leather combat boots, a brown leather belt and holsters/sheathes, and a black cap.

2008 Variations


Low-Light's seventh GI Joe uniform is a variation on his first. It is comprised of a black vest over an olive drab jacket (itself worn over a similarly hued T-shirt), olive drab trousers, a black leather belt, black leather boots, gloves, and holsters/sheathes, and a black cap.

2011 Variations


Low-Light's eight GI Joe uniform is inspired by his first. It includes a black vest with a red shoulder pad over a gray jacket (itself worn over a similarly hued T-shirt), gray trousers, a black leather belt, black leather boots, gloves, kneepads, and holsters/sheathes, and a black cap.

His ninth, however, is a variation on his second. It consists a brown vest over a gray (itself worn over a similarly hued turtleneck sweater), gray trousers, a black leather belt, black leather boots, gloves, kneepads, and holsters/sheathes, blue shoulder pads, and a blue cap.

Extra Goodies:

Low-Light Universal Heroes Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Low-Light:

  1986 1989 1991 1993 2001 2006 2008 2011  

* Note: 2011 saw two versions of Low-Light being released (Versions 8 and 9).

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