

Hand Size:
4 (25)


Like the majority of Cobra's seemingly endless roster of villains, Slice is but a normal human, lacking special powers of any variety. He is a member of the quasi-mystic, Arashikage ninja clan, however, and his martial arts ability seems almost fantastic in its effectiveness.



Hindrances / Augmentations:



Knives (s): Slice always has at least two short blades on his person. Whether it's a wrist-mounted stiletto or a wide butterfly battle knife, Slice can either utilize these weapons to inflict his Strength +2 in damage, or to cut through items of up to their m.s., which is 13.

Shuriken (a): his default ranged weaponry, Slice carries several of these standbys while working. These bladed implements can be flung by Slice to inflict his Strength +2 in slashing damage, and Slice typically has at least two of these things on hand.

Swords (s): whether katanas or his personal favorite, a heavy jab hook blade, Slice is never without a sword. He may wield these m.s. 13 implements to either cut through items of up to a like m.s., or to inflict his Strength +4 in slashing damage.


Boxing (s): Slice is a ninja! Thanks to his extensive training, he excels at hand-to-hand combat, even while unarmed. This allows him to divide his pre-card play action score between two such assaults, the second of which he may attempt as a contingent action.

Demolitions (a): while he isn't a saboteur on the level of Firefly, Slice is adept in the use of explosives. He should receive a reduced difficulty on attempts to arm or disarm such devices, as well as when attempting to set them in the best location to maximize their effectiveness.

Guns (a): despite his extensive hand-to-hand combat training, Slice also utilizes firearms from time to time. Whether it be a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Slice may hit others with discharged rounds with the benefit of a reduced difficulty.

Hurling (a): in lieu of attacking directly, Slice may use one's offensive energies against themselves! Upon a successful, average difficulty Agility (agility) action, Slice can throw melee opponents, redirecting their momentum in any fashion he desires.

Languages / English and Japanese (i): though born in Jonestown, within the United Kingdom, Slice has demonstrated fluency in English and Japanese, being able to read, write, and speak in both languages. He may know additional tongues, but they have not yet been demonstrated.

Martial Arts (a): Slice is a ninja! Thanks to his considerable training in this arena of combat, he may reduce the difficulty required when dodging attacks, catching thrown weaponry, or attempting unarmed melee assaults, by one difficulty level.

Martial Arts Weapons (s): thanks to the extensive training he received from the Arashikage ninja clan, Slice has the ability to competently utilize weapons of this sort (blowgun, crossbow, katanas, kris, nunchaku, sais, shuriken, and so on) without penalty.

Skill / Swords (s): supplementing his ability with conventional martial arts weaponry, Slice has drilled down on his sword use. In combination with the above skill, Slice may ultimately wield swords of any stripe at two difficulty levels lower than is normally necessary.


While he's a rogue member of the Arashikage, Slice likely retains numerous contacts from that band of martial artists. Furthermore, while Cobra itself isn't necessarily a reliable contact, several members of that group may be more useful in a pinch, his partner Dice in particular.


Greed, with a secondary calling of Demolisher: while he's often a brute in combat, not bothering with particularly delicate or artistic assaults, Slice is primarily motivated by the weight of his wallet. He will undertake just about any task asked of him, as long as the money is right.


Slice's first known costume includes a red uwagi with black spots towards the waist and cuffs, worn over a black undershirt, loose-fitting red trousers with black spots around his hips, red shoes, black leather gloves and ankle guards, a black sash, and a metallic face mask.


Slice isn't especially intelligent, but he is quite perceptive. That's one of the mental traits that ultimately saw him recruited by the Arashikage into their ninja clan, even if that ended badly. In other words, Slice isn't a criminal mastermind, but he's a top-shelf criminal.

Slice excels at working with others, and has developed strong bonds with fellow Cobra ninja Dice. He's nowhere near as loquacious as the former, but the personalities of the two mesh well, allowing them to accomplish more together than they manage individually.

Real Name: unrevealed
Occupation: ninja mercenary
Legal Status: citizen of the United Kingdom with a considerable criminal record, both there and abroad
Marital Status: unrevealed
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: Cobra, formerly of the Arashikage ninja clan

Height: 5' 9"
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Weight: 165 lbs.
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Slice occasionally wears a pencil moustache.


Most of Slice's history is enigmatic. He was born in the United Kingdom, yet wound up joining the Arashikage ninja clan. How he achieved this, much less why he ultimately went rogue from that organization, has yet to be revealed. But Slice found working for himself far more satisfying.

He nonetheless wound up in Cobra's orbit when recruited by the self-proclaimed Red Ninja Master, hired to attack Destro's Silent Castle. Working alongside other rogue Arashikage, the so-called Red Ninjas, this was when Slice met his eventual counterpart, Dice, for the first time.

This plot failed in the end, and when the Red Ninja Master unmasked himself as Firefly, Slice was subject to Cobra's Brain-Wave Scanner. His loyalty technologically enforced for quite some time, Slice did Firefly's bidding until that villain lost his leverage against Cobra Commander.

Once that faded, and Slice and Dice broke away from Firefly's high tech brainwashing, the two ninjas found gainful employment within Cobra proper. Working directly under the Commander, Slice and Dice replaced Storm Shadow in the organization until that ninja, too, was Brain-Waved.

Suddenly feeling extraneous, Slice and Dice left Cobra's employ for a time. What he did during this time has yet to be revealed, but after developing a smooth working relationship with Dice, it can be assumed that the two continued their work as ninja mercenaries together.

As do most of its operatives, Slice eventually returned to Cobra for various reasons, though Dice did not immediately accompany him. For a time, he worked alongside Slash, a ninja trained by Storm Shadow himself, but resumed his relationship with Dice upon his similar return to Cobra.

1993 Variations


Axe (s): something of a backup for his swords, should the use of these weapons be curtailed, Slice can readily hack up a body with this bladed implement. He can chop a foe with this powerful tool to inflict his Strength +3 in slashing damage.

Bo Staff (s): though he tends to prefer swords or knives, Slice can wield the bo staff with competence. He can use this weapon to inflict his Strength +4 in damage, causing either bashing or slashing damage, depending on how he strikes his foes.

Spike-knuckled Haladies (s): supplementing his usual complement of knives, Slice occasionally carries two of these weapons with him in the field. They inflict the same damage as a regular knife, but the extra blade issuing forth from their handles allow more versatile combat options.


Slice's second costume features an orange uwagi with black spots towards the waist and cuffs worn over a black undershirt, loose-fitting orange trousers with black spots around his hips, orange shoes, black leather gloves and ankle guards, a black sash, and a metallic face mask.

1994 Variations


Axe: something of a backup for his swords, should the use of these weapons be curtailed, Slice can readily hack up a body with this bladed implement. He can chop a foe with this powerful tool to inflict his Strength +3 in slashing damage.

Bo Staff (s): though he tends to prefer swords or knives, Slice can wield the bo staff with competence. He can use this weapon to inflict his Strength +4 in damage, causing either bashing or slashing damage, depending on how he strikes his foes.

Inviso-Power Suit (i): an upgrade to his third costume, this uniform is equipped with optic devices that act to effectively render its wearer invisible, at intensity 10. The origin of this experimental technology is as of yet unknown, but it may be based on Zartan's designs.

Spike-knuckled Haladies (s): supplementing his usual complement of knives, Slice occasionally carries two of these weapons with him in the field. They inflict the same damage as a regular knife, but the extra blade issuing forth from their handles allow more versatile combat options.


Slice's third costume is an inviso-power suit! While often invisible, it consists of an ice blue uwagi worn over an ice blue undershirt, loose-fitting ice blue trousers, ice blue shoes and ankle guards, black leather gloves, a black sash, and a metallic face mask.

2002 Variations


Slice's fourth uniform costume is a variation on his first, comprised of a red and gray uwagi, worn over a red undershirt, loose-fitting gray trousers, gray shoes, black leather gloves, red and white leather ankle guards, a red and black sash, and a metallic face mask.

2004 Variations


Partial Armor (s): Slice's new style of costume offers some protection from injury! Its chest padding provides him intensity 4, or +1, protection against physical attack, while its kusazuri (armored skirt) gives his hips intensity 8, or +2, protection against conventional assault.


Slice's fifth costume is an all-new affair. It features a white uwagi beneath black chest padding, loose-fitting white trousers, black and tan leather gloves, black shoes, tan ankle wrappings, a brown leather belt and bandoiler, red kusazuri, a red and white mask, and black goggles.

2005 Variations


Partial Armor (s): Slice's new style of costume offers some protection from injury! Its chest padding provides him intensity 4, or +1, protection against physical attack, while its kusazuri (armored skirt) gives his hips intensity 8, or +2, protection against conventional assault.

Sickle (s): Slice occasionally carries these distressing weapons with him into melee. Made from strength 11 materials, Slice can use these hooked blades to inflict his Strength +3 in slashing damage, or he may use them to assist with difficult climbs.

Uzi 9mms (a): usually too conspicuous for ninjas to utilize, Slice may discharge a single round from these weapons to inflict his Agility +4 in damage, a short burst of such to inflict his Agility +5 in damage, or fire them continuously to inflict his Agility +6 in damage.


Slice's sixth costume is like his fifth. It features a white uwagi beneath black chest padding, loose-fitting white trousers, black and tan leather gloves, black shoes, tan ankle wrappings, a brown leather belt and bandoiler, red kusazuri, a dark red and white mask, and black goggles.

2015 Variations


Tekagi (s): occasionally, Slice makes use of claws with three long, thin blades extending from their wrist-strap. These items can be used to inflict +2 damage in melee (they are of m.s. 12), but are mainly intended to assist him during difficult climbs.


Slice's seventh uniform is a close variation on his first, including a red uwagi and trousers featuring black spots on the cuffs and torso, worn over a black undershirt, red shoes, black leather gloves, black knee and ankle guards, a black sash, and a metallic face mask.

Extra Goodies:

Slice Saga System 13 Text File Download

Cobra directories featuring a version of Slice:

  1992 1993 1994 2002 2004 2005 2015  

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