Beach Head


Hand Size:
4 (25)


Like almost all of his fellow Joes, Beach Head is a normal human, lacking in super-human powers of any sort. He knows no magic, has mastered no psionics, and was never altered by freak accidents. No, he merely has his skills and indomintable will with which to fight Cobra!



Hindrances / Augmentations:



Binoculars (w): handy for spying on people, places, and things at a great distance, Beach Head carries these with him on most missions. Beach Head can use them to spot anybody within artillery distance, assuming that there's nothing blocking his line-of-sight to the target.

Grenades (i): Beach Head typically carries at least two XJT Baseball grenades while on the job. He can use these grenades to inflict intensity 10 damage to everything within near missile distance of where they detonate in - and can throw them anywhere within near missile distance.

Handguns (a): Beach Head usually carries two Colt M1911A1 handguns on him during missions, as a backup for his primary weapons. These guns can be fired to inflict +4 damage in a single shot, or +5 damage in a sustained, semi-auto burst of leaden doom.

Knife (s): Beach Head carries a blade on his person at all times, for you never know when you'll need a sharp edge. He can use this knife, made from m.s. 14 materials, to cut through items of like m.s. Furthermore, he can use it to inflict +2 damage in melee.

XF-7 Wasp Submachine Gun (a): Beach Head's standard weapon inflicts his Agility +4 in damage when firing a single shot, his Agility +5 in damage when perpetrating a semi-automatic discharge of lead, and his Agility +6 in damage when engaging in fully automatic fire.


Boxing (s): highly skilled in various survival skills, Beach Head can even fight well when completely unarmed. As such, he can divide his pre-card play action score between two unarmed melee attacks in a given exchange, the last of which will occur as a contingent action.

Demolitions (a): highly trained in the use of explosive devices, Beach Head has even earned the right to wear the Master Explosives Ordnance Disposal badge. As such, he should attempt actions to arm (or disarm) any manner of explosive / demolition device at a reduced difficulty level.

Education (w): Beach Head was a lane instructor at the Fort Benning Ranger school for a time, which has taught him how to instruct almost anybody in anything - no matter how much they may resist his efforts. With time, Beach Head can help anybody master a skill if they wish to.

Guns (a): one of those talents inherent to military training, this skill represents Beach Head's competence with all kinds of firearms. Whether he's using a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, Beach Head may do so at one difficulty level lower than is otherwise necessary.

Military / United States (w): the source of all Beach Head's other talents, this 'origin' skill also has its practical uses. It describes Beach Head's inherent understanding of military protocols and procedures, and gives him the skills necessary to lead soldiers into battle if he must.

Skill / Knives (s): to maintain sound discipline on recon missions, Beach Head has learned how to fight with knives - his spike-knuckled trench knife collection is almost as big as Snake-Eyes'! Beach Head can resolve knife-based melee strikes at a reduced difficulty.

Survival (w): a qualified Ranger, Beach Head has this skill as a general matter of course. He can basically get by in almost any environment with little (if any) tools, and knows how to scrape up enough food, water, and shelter to survive indefinitely (assuming an earth-based terrain).

Wrestling (s): when making a wrestling attack, Beach Head achieves a hold if he inflicts damage, and passes an average difficulty Strength (strength) contingent action. He can inflict the same amount of damage on each subsequent exchange that he can repeat this card play.


Peace of Mind, with a secondary calling of Soldier: while Beach Head may enjoy his job as a Ranger, much less being a Joe, his true love is in being the best he can be. The man simply isn't happy unless he's pushing himself to his very limits - or perhaps beyond.


Beach Head's original GI Joe field uniform consists of brown and dark green camouflage trousers, a green turtleneck sweater, a green balaclava, black leather gloves and boots, a black leather belt, and a black vest to store various items he needs on a mission.


Beach Head is highly motivated, and has a large tolerance for pain. He cannot stand slackers and other people who don't try their best, and will go out of his way to push them to fulfill their potential. He never, ever gets angry - he sees this as a waste of time.

Instead, he gets even!

Real Name: Wayne R. Sneeden, Grade E-6 (later E-7)
Occupation: ranger, instructor
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: Beach-Head, Beachhead
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Night Force

Height: 6' 1"
Hair: brown
Eyes: light brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Beach Head wears a goatee most of the time.


Beach Head is a fourth generation military man with overwhelming personal discipline. He likes marching ten miles before breakfast, and he enjoys sitting in the bush for three days, waiting to ambush an opponent. Most of all, he loves pushing himself to his very limits.

His policy of personal excellence helped him to win one prestigious Army position after another. First he became a Ranger, then an instructor at the Army's Ranger school at Fort Benning. He's earned numerous special awards due to his exacting service over the years.

His exemplary performance earned him a position on the GI Joe team, where he immediately saw combat on a mission to Cobra Island, designed to rescue an errant Ripcord from a reconnaissance mission gone wrong. He fought several Cobra Eels there, alongside Wet-Suit and Hawk.

After proving himself on this first mission, Beach Head became a mainstay on several vital Joe operations, including the Joe team's invasion of Springfield (a Cobra front) and the Cobra Island Civil War, not to mention several of the team's highly classified 'special missions'.

Beach Head served with the Joe team for the long haul, only leaving them when the group was disbanded back in '94. He returned to the 'regular' Army at this time, presumably performing duties similar to those he left behind when he was first admitted to the team.

(Historical Divergence)

Of course, this was not to last.

Though Cobra's thread had supposedly been defused, they returned with a vengeance, and almost took over the United States. Saved by a handful of Joes standing in their way, a newly reformed GI Joe team was greatly expanded after this, and brought Beach Head back into the fold.

His current duties involve training the team's new 'greenshirts', helping them to become as effective as the existing Joes are at fighting Cobra. And, since Sergeant Slaughter is now living the good life as a pro wrestler, he's helping his fellow, older Joes to KEEP in shape, as well!

1993 Variations


Body Armor (s): for several years, Beach Head wore a suit of body armor while working on Joe missions. This suit is fire-resistant at intensity 12 (or +3), has an armored helmet, and includes two (count 'em) bullet-proof vests, which provides his head and torso intensity 8 (or +2) defense.

Rocket Launcher (): for about two years, Beach Head carried a specially vented, shoulder-mounted rocket-launcher on particularly hairy missions. This device can fire at least two large rocket-propelled grenades before it needs to be reloaded, which inflict intensity 10 damage each.


Beach Head's second uniform is an all-new affair, including green trousers, a blue jacket under a teal, dual layered vest, a teal balaclava, a dark blue helmet, black leather boots and gloves, a black leather belt, and black webbing to hold various items he may need on a mission.

1994 Variations


Body Armor (s): for several years, Beach Head wore a suit of body armor while working on Joe missions. This suit is fire-resistant at intensity 12 (or +3), has an armored helmet, and includes two (count 'em) bullet-proof vests, which provides his head and torso intensity 8 (or +2) defense.

Rocket Launcher (): for about two years, Beach Head carried a specially vented, shoulder-mounted rocket-launcher on particularly hairy missions. This device can fire at least two large rocket-propelled grenades before it needs to be reloaded, which inflict intensity 10 damage each.


Beach Head's third uniform is a variant on his second outfit, consisting of blue-gray trousers, a dark blue jacket under a dark blue, dual layered vest, a blue balaclava, a dark blue helmet, black leather boots and gloves, a black leather belt, and orange web gear.

2002 Variations


the MUV (i): while he usually prefers to get down and dirty with opponents in person, Beach Head will occasionally make use of a special off-road vehicle, the MUV. This all-terrain, Jeep-like ride is heavily armed, and is described in greater detail in its own vehicular entry.


Beach Head's fourth GI Joe field uniform is like his first, and is comprised of brown camouflage trousers, a green turtleneck sweater, a green balaclava, a black leather belt, black leather boots and gloves, and black web gear, holsters, and pouches for his gear.

2003 Variations


Beach Head's fifth field uniform is a modification of his fourth. It includes brown trousers, a light green turtleneck sweater, a light green balaclava, a black leather belt, black leather boots and gloves, and black web gear, holsters, and pouches for his equipment.

2004 Variations


Body Armor (v2, v4) (s): though he didn't don a helmet this year, Beach Head nonetheless wore a bullet-resistant vest occasionally. This component of his uniform offers Beach Head's torso intensity 8 (or +2) protection against Shooting damage, and has saved his life several times.


When he joined the elite Night Force, Beach Head donned his sixth field uniform. It is comprised of black and gray camouflage trousers, a green and black long-sleeved shirt, black leather boots and gloves, a brown leather belt, green web gear, and a black balaclava.

Beach Head's seventh uniform is an all-new ensemble. It includes grass green trousers, a grass green, long-sleeved shirt under both a deep green collared T-shirt and armored vest, gray leather boots, black leather gloves, belts, and web gear, and a green balaclava.

His eighth, Tiger Force uniform is quite like his first, save for in hue. It consists of an orange turtleneck with black tiger stripes scattered throughout, brown trousers, black leather boots, gloves, and belts, Army green web gear, and an orange balaclava.

Beach Head's ninth uniform is similar to his seventh. It is comprised of dark tan trousers, a grass green, long-sleeved shirt beneath a deep green collared shirt and a brown armored vest, black and gray leather boots, gloves, belts, and web gear, and a green balaclava.

2005 Variations


Moray Hydrofoil (i): having a few laying around still, the Joes pulled their old Night Rays out of mothballs (those that hadn't been turned into Tiger Rays, at least), and put them to use in high speed aquatic combat. These deadly boats are described in their own vehicular entry.


Beach Head second Night Force field uniform is almost identical to his first. It includes black and gray camouflage trousers, a green and black long-sleeved shirt, black leather boots and gloves, a brown leather belt, green web gear, and a black balaclava.

2007 Variations


Crossbow (a): to more quietly dispatch foes at a distance, Beach Head has learned how to utilize a crossbow. He can fire this one-handed weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in piercing damage, and can typically fire and load it again within the same exchange.


Beach Head's eleventh uniform is a slight variation on his first. It consists of brown and green camouflage trousers, a green turtleneck sweater, a green balaclava, black leather gloves and boots, a black leather belt, and a black vest to store various items he needs on a mission.

2009 Variations


Crossbow (a): to more quietly dispatch foes at a distance, Beach Head has learned how to utilize a crossbow. He can fire this one-handed weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in piercing damage, and can typically fire and load it again within the same exchange.


Beach Head's twelfth uniform is a slight variation on his first. It consists of brown and dark green camouflage trousers, a dark green turtleneck sweater, a dark green balaclava, black leather gloves and boots, a black leather belt, and a black vest to store various items.

2010 Variations


Body Armor (s): though he didn't don a helmet this year, Beach Head nonetheless wore a bullet-resistant vest occasionally. This component of his uniform offers Beach Head's torso intensity 8 (or +2) protection against Shooting damage, and has saved his life several times.

Gas Mask (s): in the event that he has to face off with foes utilizing tear gas or something more lethal, Beach Head often carries a gas mask with him on the job. It can filter harmful chemicals out of his air supply with intensity 8 (or +2) ability.


Beach Head's thirteenth uniform is a new creation. It includes black chest armor over a black turtleneck sweater, black and brown camouflage trousers, a black balaclava, black leather boots, gloves, belts, holsters, and sheathes, and a black vest to hold various devices.

2014 Variations


Crossbow (a): to more quietly dispatch foes at a distance, Beach Head has learned how to utilize a crossbow. He can fire this one-handed weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in piercing damage, and can typically fire and load it again within the same exchange.


Beach Head's fourteenth uniform is another variation on his first. It consists of brown and green camouflage trousers, a green turtleneck sweater, a green balaclava, brown kneepads, black leather gloves and boots, a black leather belt, and a black vest to store various items.


Oddly enough, in one alternate future, Beach Head's son is a member of the elite law enforcement unit known as the COPS (Central Organization of Police Specialists). Beach Head's son, Wayne R. Sneeden the 3rd, worked with this group under the code-name 'Checkpoint.'

Extra Goodies:

Beach Head Saga System 13 Text File Download

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Beach Head:

1986 1993 1994 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2009 2010


* Note: 2004 saw four versions of Beach Head (Versions 6, 7, 8, and 9).

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