F Ex 20 |
A Ex 20 |
S Ty 6 |
E Ex 20 |
R Gd 10 |
I Ex 20 |
P Rm 30 |
Res Rm 30 |
Pop Sh 0 |
Health: Karma: |
66 60 |
As are the vast, vast majority of his fellow GI Joes, Flint is but a normal human, lacking ascendant powers of any stripe. In other words, he has a completely mundane origin, bereft of occult shenanigans, genetic mutations, or any other freak, power-granting happenstance.
Known Powers:
Limitations / Enhancements:
Knife: since you never know when you'll need to cut something, Flint always has one of these implements at the ready. Made from Incredible (40) m.s. metals, this blade can be used to cut through materials of like m.s., and allows Flint to inflict Edged Attack damage in melee.
Sidearm: Flint carries this firearm as a backup for his shotgun, or whatever else he may be hauling around. It can discharge one round to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage, or Good (10) Shooting damage in a magazine-depleting, semi-automatic spread.
Shotgun: his weapon of choice, Flint can discharge birdshot with this firearm to inflict Typical (6) Shooting damage in a sixty degree arc, buckshot to inflict Good (10) Shooting damage to adjacent targets, or slugs to inflict Excellent (20) Shooting damage to a single foe.
Guns: one skill that Flint mastered during Army basic, this talent describes his ability to wield most any firearms. Whether it be a standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol, or even his trademark shotgun, Flint can use a gun at his Agility score +1 CS.
Leadership: Flint is a likable fellow, being friendly and charismatic despite his more... endearing qualities. This, combined with his keen tactical mind, equates to an effective ability to lead others, letting him add 100 points to any Karma pool he oversees.
Martial Arts type B: the other skill he learned during basic training, this talent represents Flint's ability to fight without armament. Whenever engaging in melee, Flint may attempt any unarmed maneuver (punch, kick, etc.) as though his Fighting was +1 CS in rank.
Military / United States: the source of his many skills, this talent serves mostly as a background for Flint. Nonetheless, he has learned military protocols and procedures like the back of his hand, and benefits from two additional military contacts thanks to this talent.
Piloting: for his second military specialty, Flint trained in the fine art of piloting helicopters. While he isn't trained in the operation of fixed-wing aircraft, the man's a demon at the stick of most any helicopter, and may attempt Control FEATs when flying one at a +1 CS.
Survival: Flint is a fully qualified Airborne Ranger and HALO jumper, and has been trained how to get by in virtually any environment, though he specializes in desert climates. Flint can find enough food, water, and shelter to survive almost anywhere on earth.
As a long-standing member of the GI Joe team, Flint can rely on his collective fellows in a pinch, should he need assistance; after all, the Joes look after their own. Furthermore, Flint has cultivated quite a few additional military contacts during his long military career.
Flint's first, iconic field uniform consists of a green and brown camouflage trousers, a short-sleeved, collared black shirt, green and black leather boots, brown leather gloves, a brown leather belt, green web gear to hold his shotgun shells, and a black beret.
Flint enlisted due to his fatigue with academic life, and is always up for an adventure. The man is bombastic, brash, and arrogant as all-get-out, but these are endearing qualities in those that know him, for he's also likable, charismatic, and a real stand-up kind of guy.
Real Name: Dashiell R. Fairborne, grade WO-2
Occupation: warrant officer, helicopter pilot, desert specialist
Legal Status: citizen of the United States with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single (widower in the Disavowed continuity branch)
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Tiger Force (GI Joe sub-team), Eco-Warriors (GI Joe sub-team), Night Force (GI Joe sub-team)
Height: 6'
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Weight: 180 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Flint has been described as having a 'lop-sided grin'.
It's hard to picture the man people know as Flint as an English literature major, much less a Rhodes scholar. While successful in the Groves of Academe, Flint became restless before long, and enlisted in the Army to experience more Adventure in life.
His scholastic diligence and sheer gumptiom subsequently helped him glide through Airborne School, Ranger School, Special Forces School, and Flight Warrant Officers School. Being so skilled at what he does, Flint wound up drafting and leading numerous rescue operations.
For security reasons, the details of these missions, including who he rescued and who he rescued them from, have yet to be revealed. However, it is believed that it was during one such missions that Flint met and impressed upon the GI Joe team's Duke just how good he was.
Not that Duke was associated with GI Joe yet, mind you. As soon as he was in a position to recommend new recruits for the anti-terrorist strike force, Duke convinced Flint to join the team, and he's proven time and time again that he was more than qualified for membership.
It's hard to see that at first, because Flint's something of a showboating loudmouth. He demonstrated this quite well on his first mission with GI Joe, which saw him brawling it up with Tomax and Xamot, the leaders of Cobra's Crimson Guard, on top of a roller coaster!
His swaggering bravado is often off-putting, at least until folks see that he's really rather likable - and can back up his bluster. One such person who took a bit longer to come around to his odd charms is the one and only Lady Jaye, who Flint immediately took a liking to.
After he risked his life to save the Joes from a surprise Cobra ambush on the Pit, she warmed up to the man's advances, and the duo then began a sort of on-again, off-again romance. This was bolstered by the fact that they tend to end up working together on missions.
They did so during most of GI Joe's major operations, including the Cobra Island Civil War, an extended mission in Sierra Gordo, and the infamous Battle of Benzheen, where many Joes lost their lives. But then, that's because their skills do complement each other nicely.
This changed for a time when Flint was chosen to lead the Eco-Warriors, a special team of Joes pulled together to combat the threat that the madman known as Cesspool posed to the world's environment, no thanks to his Plasmatox ™ process, which creates weapons-grade sludge.
The Joes had a hard time dealing with Cesspool, for destroying his equipment simply release more of his pollutants into the environment. They ultimately quashed the man's threat by siccing a series of prosecutors on him, who seized his assets - and thus ruined his business.
All good things come to an end, however. Late in 1994, the GI Joe team was deactivated by the government, which relieved Flint of his job as the Joes' executive officer. Naturally, the specific path his military career took at this point has yet to be revealed to the public.
(Historical Divergence)
While Lady Jaye went into semi-retirement, Flint continued on in the military, and the two were eventually wed. Flint became sort of famous after the Joe team's activities were partially declassified, and he even wrote a book about his experiences - though it didn't sell very well.
When GI Joe was reassembled a few years later, Flint and Lady Jaye were among the first to rejoin. They stuck with the group until Cobra was seemingly neutralized a second time. When following up on loose ends from Cobra's most recent fall, however, things got ugly.
Poking into rumors of the existence of yet another terrorist organization, the Red Shadows, Lady Jaye was killed by one of that group's operatives - while saving Flint's life, in fact. Naturally, this has had a terrible effect on Flint, who hasn't dealt with his grief very well.
After the Red Shadows were defeated, Flint was chosen to work on GI Joe's the third incarnation, though he has been... troubled... since his second return. While most of the team feels his pain, he's nonetheless become reckless and blinded with rage towards the terrorists he faces.
Flint eventually worked his way through enough of his fury to function effectively with the group, though he almost got pitched out before he finally managed this, and was on hand to witness Cobra's greatest plot unfold: the triggering of World War III itself!
While cut off from command and hunted by a gang of highly trained Cobra assassins, Flint and his fellow Joes managed to fight back and liberate the entire world before Cobra could sink its claws into it too far. They even managed to capture the Cobra Commander once more.
This caused remaining Cobra forces to scatter to the four winds, and Flint has stayed on to help tie up all of those loose ends. Besides, with world governments totaled by Cobra, someone has to help keep the peace until humanity can rebuild all of the damage Cobra caused!
* The only caveat to Flint's history is the exceptionally short appearance of an 'anomalous' version of himself in the recent past - hence the 'Anomaly' Flint references, below. This fellow precisely fit the description of the GI Joe Headquarters minder, Rock 'n Roll, at that time.
Was this a traveler from a variant timeline, or was Rock 'n Roll pranking Flint, like Double Blast himself may have been with Roadblock? The world may never know, when you get down to it, but it seemed important to at least mention this oddity for the sake of future reference.
1988 Variations
Flint's Tiger Force outfit is a variation on his first. It includes dark green trousers, a short-sleeved, collared brown shirt with black tiger stripes, gray leather boots and gloves, a green leather belt, green web gear to hold his shotgun shells, and a brown beret.
1991 Variations
Eco-Warrior Cannon: this cannon sprays a concentrated liquid that acts to neutralize the caustic, corrosive sludge utilized by Cesspool and his legion of Toxo- and Sludge-Vipers. This fluid neutralizes the effects of acids and like substances with Remarkable (30) ability.
Eco-Warrior Suit: this suit seals Flint off from the outside world. Made from recycled action figures, it offers him Remarkable (30) protection from toxins in the environment - mainly by preventing them from entering his system. It is equipped with these features:
* Environmental Independence: since his suit is airtight, Flint has to have an air supply! This comes in the form of an oxygen rebreather, which recycles Flint's air for a full day at a time (24 hours of breathable air before it needs refreshed, or Remarkable (30) rank).
* Helmet: in addition to providing Flint Good (10) protection against physical attacks striking his head, this gear also has a holographic display inside. This lets him see what the other Eco-Warriors are up to, and even monitors the fluid levels of his cannon!
Submachine Gun: this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
Flint's third, Eco-Warriors uniform, made from recycled action figures, is a neon green, plastic-based jumpsuit, coupled with a pair of bright orange gloves, a bright orange chest plate (that his gear hooked into), black, chemically treated boots, an an orange helmet.
1994 Variations
Rocket Launcher: after the Eco-Warriors disbanded, Flint replaced his Eco-Warrior Cannon with this, a rather large, shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. This powerful device fires laser-guided (for a +1 CS to hit) missiles that possess these vehicular characteristics:
C Gd 10 |
S Am 50 |
B Ex 20 |
Damage Rm 30 Edged Attack |
Submachine Gun: this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
XJT Baseball Grenades: during his stint as a desert combat specialist, Flint carried three of these in the event of an explosive emergency. These thrown explosives inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage to everything within the area they detonate inside.
After his hitch with the Eco-Warriors ended, Flint ditched the neon green suit. His new uniform consists of khaki pants, a khaki T-shirt with an orange vest on top, khaki webbing and shoulder pads, black leather boots, a brown leather belt, and a khaki desert cap.
2001 Variations
Air Conditioned Suit: when driving the Desert Striker into combat, Flint typically wears this, a high tech bodysuit that has been fitted with a miniature, chest-mounted air conditioner. This suit counteracts the effects of heat with Remarkable (30) ability.
Desert Striker: upon rejoining the GI Joe team after its reformation, Flint was given his own vehicle with which to fight the forces of Cobra: the Desert Striker. This heavily modified VAMP, retro-fitted for desert operation, is described in its own vehicular entry.
Flint adopted a high tech costume upon GI Joe's reactivation. This air-conditioned, khaki-colored jumpsuit is handy during short-term desert operations, and is coupled with black leather boots and gloves, and the bulky electromechanical cooling unit worked into the suit's chest.
2002 Variations
GI Joe Headquarters (v1): every couple of years, GI Joe puts together a new model of prefabricated, easily assembled fortresses to be used in the field, and 2001 was such a year. 'Anomaly' Flint was tapped to supervise this latest model, which is detailed in its own entry.
Submachine Gun: this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
XJT Baseball Grenades (v2): while manning the GI Joe Headquarters, 'Anomaly' Flint carried these in the event of an explosive emergency. These thrown explosives inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage to everything within the area they detonate inside.
'Anomaly' Flint wore a modification of Flint's fourth uniform, consisting of green trousers, a brown T-shirt, black leather boots, a gray leather belt, and gray webbing to hold various accessories - webbing which attaches to both his belt and gray shoulder pads.
Flint's seventh uniform is a modification of his first, including grass green and black camouflage trousers, a black short-sleeved, collared shirt, black leather boots, gold knee pads, green thigh pads, a brown leather belt, brown webbing and holsters for his gear, and a black beret.
2003 Variations
the Ground Striker (v2): Flint utilized this vehicle throughout 2003. This advanced, BTR vehicle can be field-configured between a 4x4 mode and a hovercraft mode with just a few minutes of labor, and is detailed much more thoroughly in its own vehicular description.
Submachine Gun (v1): this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
Flint's eighth uniform is a variation on his seventh. It consists of black and brown camouflage trousers, a short-sleeved green, collared shirt, green knee and thigh pads, brown leather boots, a brown leather belt, brown webbing and holsters for his gear, and a green beret.
His ninth uniform, worn when using the Ground Strike, is similar. It includes a dark green vest over a dark brown, long-sleeved shirt, bright green trousers with brown knee pads, brown leather boots, gloves, belts, webbing, and equipment pouches, and of course his black beret.
2004 Variations
Flint's tenth, Night Force uniform is a variant on his first. It consists of black and gray camouflage trousers, a green and black long-sleeved, collared shirt, black leather boots and gloves, a brown leather belt, green webbing to hold shotgun shells and such, and a black beret.
2005 Variations
Moray Hydrofoil: having a few laying around still, the Joes pulled their old Night Rays out of mothballs (those that hadn't been turned into Tiger Rays, at least), and put them to use in high speed aquatic combat. These deadly boats are described in their own vehicular entry.
Flint's eleventh uniform identical to his tenth. It consists of black and gray camouflage trousers, a green and black long-sleeved, collared shirt, black leather boots and gloves, a brown leather belt, green webbing to hold shotgun shells and such, and a black beret.
2008 Variations
Submachine Gun: this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
Flint's twelfth uniform is that of a Cobra - it's a disguise! It consists of bright blue trousers and a bright blue collared, long-sleeved shirt, with black leather boots, gloves, belts, webbing, and holsters, black and white knee pads, a black face mask, and a bright blue helmet.
2010 Variations
Submachine Gun: this weapon supplements Flint's shotgun in the field, and inflicts Typical (6) Shooting damage when firing a single round, Good (10) Shooting damage when firing a small burst of rounds, and Excellent (20) Shooting damage when firing continuously.
Parachute (v2): Flint is well-versed in the use of parachutes, thanks to the time he spent in Airborne School. He can open his 'chute to slow a vertical decent, reducing its speed to three stories per turn - assuming it has proper time to open.
XJT Baseball Grenades: Flint occasionally carries one or more of these devices, in the event that he faces an explosive emergency. These thrown explosives inflict Remarkable (30) Edged Attack (fragmentary) damage to everything within the area they detonate inside.
Flint's thirteenth uniform is somewhat different from its predecessors. It includes a short sleeved, green and black camouflaged collared shirt over a white T-shirt, like colored trousers, black leather boots, a black beret, and green belts, holsters, sheathes, and web gear.
His fourteenth, parachuting ensemble is similar in composition, if not hue, consisting of a short sleeved orange, collared shirt over a white T-shirt, orange trousers, a black beret, black leather boots, holsters, sheathes, and web gear, and an orange leather belt.
2014 Variations
Compound Z Antigen Rifle Cannon (v1): firing an experimental counteragent to Cobra's Compound Z, Flint's latest Eco-Warrior weapon is hoped to reverse the process that creates Cobra's zombies. It works with Remarkable (30) intensity against the insidious substance.
Eco-Warrior Suit (v1): this suit seals Flint off from the outside world. Made from recycled action figures, it offers him Remarkable (30) protection from toxins in the environment - mainly by preventing them from entering his system. It is equipped with these features:
* Environmental Independence: since his suit is airtight, Flint has to have an air supply!. This comes in the form of an oxygen rebreather, which recycles Flint's air for a full day at a time (24 hours of breathable air before it needs refreshed, or Remarkable (30) rank).
* Helmet: in addition to providing Flint Good (10) protection against physical attacks striking his head, this gear also has a holographic display inside. This lets him see what the other Eco-Warriors are up to, and even monitors the fluid levels of his cannon!
the VAMP, Mark 2a (v2, v3): during his various outings this year, Flint has had access to not one, but two different Mark 2a VAMPs. While each came in a different color scheme, both have the same basic features, as is described in their own vehicular entries.
Flint's fifteenth costume is a slight overhaul of his third. It is a neon green, plastic-based jumpsuit, coupled with a pair of bright orange gloves, a bright orange chest plate (that his gear hooked into) under black web gear, black, chemically treated boots, and an orange helmet.
His sixteenth ensemble is similar to his first. It includes a long-sleeved, collared black shirt over an olive drab turtleneck, green and brown camouflage trousers, black leather boots, holsters, and sheathes, gray leather gloves and belts, green web gear, and a black beret.
Flint's seventeenth uniform is a variation on the sixteenth. It consists of a long-sleeved, collared black shirt over a blue turtleneck, blue camouflage trousers, black leather boots and gloves, gray sheathes and holsters, brown and gray belts, gray web gear, and a black beret.
Extra Goodies:
GI Joe directories featuring a version of Flint:
1985 | 1988 | 1991 | 1994 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2008 |
2010 | 2014 |
* Note: 2002 saw two versions of Flint (Versions 6 and 7), as did 2003 (Versions 8 and 9), and 2010 (Versions 13 and 14). 2014, on the other hand, saw three (Versions 15, 16, and 17).
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