Strength 7d |
Agility 7a |
Intellect 8c |
Willpower 9b |
Hand Size: Edge: |
5 (30) 3 |
Like the vast majority of the men and women associated with Cobra, James McCullen Destro XXIV is naught but a normal human, lacking any sorcerous training, psionic discipline, or even mutant powers. He is, however, a purveyor of advanced military hardware, a significant portion of which he tests out himself, on a regular basis. Thus, one could easily consider Destro a high tech villain.
Hindrances / Augmentations:
Beryllium Face Mask (s): something of a family heirloom, this face mask covers Destro's entire head, front and back, and offers the man intensity 12 (+3) protection against any physical attacks that strike him there, having been built to last. Originally, the mask was simply a protective piece and family badge of honor, but James has recently added the following devices to his distinctive headgear:
* Computer Link / Heads-Up Display (i): Destro's helmet can readily link to any equipment designed to communicate with it (usually his own MARS devices and his various strongholds). It can do so with intensity 10 ability, acquiring all manner of tactical information as is needed. This information is broadcast in front of Destro's eyes as a sort of holographic display.
* One-Shot Laser (a): James has built a gotcha into his helmet, in the form of this highly effective laser. Though it can only be fired once before its power supply is drained, this weapon can inflict damage as would any other +5 weapon to anyone or anything James is looking at; the laser is emitted through the left eye lens on Destro's helmet. Few (if any) people know of this secret weapon.
* Ultravision (w): in addition to the impressive array of information that he can gather via his computer link, James can also gain unique data regarding his environment thanks to a special filter in his helmet's lenses that, once activated, allow him to see into the ultraviolet spectrum. This helmet option functions at intensity 5, giving him full night vision, as well as the ability to see some otherwise invisible things.
Laser Pistol (a): a special weapon of his own design, years ahead of conventional firearms, this device is essentially a field-portable laser emitter - in a convenient pistol form. This weapon, when fired at a foe, can inflict damage per a deadly, +5 weapon with every shot, eight of which the pistol can make before it must be recharged. The gun itself is of 8 material strength.
Machine Gun (a): never a man to be caught unarmed, James always has at least one machine gun handy while he's on a mission, whether or not he has other hardware to back him up. This gun can be fired to inflict damage as a +4 weapon in a single shot, a +5 weapon in a semi-automatic burst, and acts as a +6 weapon in a fully automatic hail of lead.
Wrist Rockets (i): while this weapon system was only officially a part of Destro's first uniform, he wore these launchers all the time due to circumstances beyond his control. These wrist harnesses can fire four very small rockets at an opponent, rockets that can be targeted with Destro's heads-up display (for a +1 to hit), and inflict intensity 10 explosive (energy) damage upon his foes with each strike.
Advanced Guns (a): supplementing his extensive knowledge of firearms, this talent describes Destro's ability to effectively utilize highly advanced weaponry. Whether it be a hypervelocity rail gun, a directed energy weapon, or some other obscure, experimental implement of destruction, Destro can use the device at one difficulty level lower than is usually necessary.
Boxing (s): while he's quite good with firearms of all sorts, James is also highly trained in the fine art of fisticuffs. No slouch in hand-to-hand combat, Destro can divide his pre-card play action score between two unarmed melee attacks - whether they be punches, kicks, head butts, elbow smashes, or knee drops - the second of which will occur as a contingent action.
Business / Finance (w): while he is a skilled designer of weapons, a leader of fighting men, and a tactical genius, James also has a keen eye for business, in that he can sell just about anything if necessary. Furthermore, James has an intimate knowledge of the financial world's inner workings, and as such, he can bring his Willpower to bear on any action dealing with money or other financial matters.
Electronics (i): James has embraced the world of electronics, and as such, he is able to construct all manner of advanced weaponry. With his extensive resources, he has brought a large array of high tech weapons into the world, and he doesn't show any sign of stopping now. He may reduce the difficulty of an action involved with the construction, repair, or design of electronic circuitry by one difficulty level.
Engineering (i): though he has a well-versed understanding of high tech toys, Destro's skill as a weapon designer is based in his natural skill as an engineer. Whenever he's attempting to build something, be it a weapon, vehicle, or structure, James may reduce the inherent difficulty of the necessary action by one difficulty level, no matter how large an item he's trying to put together.
Guns (a): an essential skill for a man who sells guns for a living, James has learned the ins and outs of virtually every conventional firearm known to man - it's a living, after all. As such, he can utilize any standard, semi-automatic, or fully automatic rifle or pistol at one difficulty level lower than is typically called for. Furthermore, he can easily maintain and repair any gun in need of service.
Leadership (w): a confident, competent general, James has literally been raised in an environment that encourages excellence - martial or otherwise. As such, James broadcasts an air of effectiveness that others seem to instinctively pick up on, allowing him to lead them to victory. If James is leading a group, members of said group can add +1 to all their actions while following his directions.
Martial Arts (a): in addition to his ability to box, James can also bring various martial arts styles to bear while in combat. In effect, this allows him to utilize either his Strength or Agility in unarmed melee, even for the purposes of trumping, and also lowers the difficulty of any action meant to reduce falling damage, catch weapons thrown at him, or to strike another while unarmed.
Military (w): though he's never served as a member of an officially recognized national armed force, James was taught the strictest military discipline by his father - discipline that has served him well in his career to date. As such, James knows the military mindset quite well, and in addition to being able to lead a group of fighting men into battle, he can pose as a member of virtually any armed force if need be.
Piloting (a): as a part of the education imparted upon him by his father, James learned how to fly various aircraft as a general matter of course. When in the pilot's chair of an aircraft, James can make any necessary flight actions at one difficulty level lower than is usually necessary, and he even receives this bonus while involved in air-to-air combat!
As the leader of the MARS corporation, Destro has a vast array of contacts in military, political, and business circles, as the man is incredibly powerful (in both martial and financial terms). As a member of Cobra, Destro can also claim that organization as a fairly reliable contact, as long as he's in Cobra Commander's good graces. Finally, Destro is on good terms with several members of the GI Joe team.
Exemplar, with a hint of Greed and World Domination: James is the twenty-fourth man in a long line of Destro family arms dealers, stretching back hundreds of years. As a symbol of historical pride, he wears his mask in his daily dealings, and sells weapons to the highest bidder to continue the family tradition. Naturally, he can't help but take advantage of the many opportunities Cobra offers him!
Destro's first uniform is quite distinctive, consisting of a pair of black leather trousers, a black leather jacket with a large red collar (which he usually wore halfway open), a control harness on his chest to operate his wrist rockets, a pair of black leather gloves, a pair of black leather boots, a black leather belt, a red holster to contain his laser pistol, a family crest-bearing medallion, and his trademark beryllium face mask.
Destro is a very honorable, stand up kind of guy. He's involved with shady folks as an occupational hazard, but doesn't let them sully his personal ethics any. Don't let that fool you, however, for the man is in the international arms business, and has no qualms about delivering items to people that they'll use to kill each other. Heck, he often sells his wares to both sides in a conflict!
Real Name: James McCullen Destro XXIV
Occupation: international terrorist and arms dealer, former leader of Cobra
Legal Status: Citizen of the United Kingdom (Scotland) wanted by various authorities for his actions
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: Cobra, the Iron Grenadiers, MARS
Height: 6' 4"
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Weight: 215 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none
James got his start in the international arms trade when, as a teenager, he began to accompany his father, James McCullen Destro XXIII, on various sales throughout the world. It was on one such deal, in Vietnam, that James first met the Baroness, whose father had just been killed by two Vietnamese operatives. She mistook an American Gi as the killer, however - a mistake which would haunt her (and James) later.
Oblivious to the future, James eventually got really good at what he did, and took over the family business within a few years; it is unknown whether or not his father died or simply retired. Regardless, once he was in charge of the Military Armaments Research Systems corporation (or MARS, the family business), James took advantage of a unique opportunity, in the form of Cobra.
You see, this budding little terrorist organization was in need of new hardware, and with their almost limitless budget, James made a veritable fortune supplying them with all the destructive devices they ordered. In time, however, the leader of this group, the one and only Cobra Commander, asked James to assist him directly in the administration of his organization, and he did indeed join Cobra proper.
Donning the family mask at last, James began calling himself Destro, and after adopting a unique combat uniform, he became Cobra's field commander, leading Cobra Commander's troops into battle. Of course, when it was revealed that James and the Baroness knew each other before they worked for Cobra, the Commander's overdeveloped sense of paranoia kicked in - and how!
Believing that his two confidantes were going to attempt to usurp his control of Cobra - and rightly so to some extent - Cobra Commander then brought Major Bludd into Cobra, with the secret mission of eliminating Destro! When the mercenary made his move, Destro managed to avoid the fate that the Commander wanted for him, but the Baroness was severely injured in his stead.
Bludd survived the aftermath of his assassination attempt, however, and the Commander convinced Destro that Bludd was acting alone, wanting the Baroness for himself. Though he swore to kill the man, Destro nonetheless let Bludd's treachery slide when he and the Baroness turned up at Cobra headquarters after the Commander himself was captured by the Joes. Naturally, nobody wanted to rescue him, either.
In fact, the trio of Cobra high-ups planned on taking over Cobra in the Commander's absence. However, Cobra Commander did get away from the Joes with the timely assistance of his bodyguard, Storm Shadow, and avoided death at the hands of the triple threat's minions, Firefly and Wild Weasel, thanks to the one and only Zartan. Soon after, however, Cobra Commander would betray Destro yet again.
Destro decided to get even with the Commander, and eventually take control of Cobra away from him, but over time, his inherent sense of loyalty kept him from taking advantage of various opportunities to kill the man, including an attempt by Major Bludd and the Baroness to kill the Commander - with his own son! Not one to abide by patricide, he simply couldn't allow this assassination to proceed.
With time, the two villains managed to put their differences behind them for a time, and Destro even helped to save Cobra for the Commander when the Joes invaded and demolished Cobra's American headquarters, Springfield. Soon after that, he even sided with the man, to a point, when the ambitious genetic construct known as Serpentor tried to weasel control of Cobra away from him.
Shortly thereafter, Destro and the Commander were buried under the Pit when Cobra attacked it in retaliation for the Springfield strike, and were believed to be dead. Once they escaped from their predicament, Destro went into retirement from international terrorism, returning to Scotland to devote his full attention to the family business. However, Cobra followed him there - or rather, preceded him.
You see, Serpentor hired Major Bludd to impersonate Destro, to get ahold of his copies of Terror Drome blueprints. With the help of several Joes, Destro defeated this plot - and Major Bludd - and was able to recover his family fortunes. In time, however, Cobra started to get into the international arms business too, which caused Destro to retaliate by forming his own army: the Iron Grenadiers!
These guys caused Cobra all kinds of trouble, both before, during, and after the Cobra Island Civil War. More disciplined and better equipped, the Grenadiers gave Cobra a run for their money. Furthermore, after Destro was reunited with the Baroness (who'd thought him dead until the end of the Civil War), he managed to take over Cobra itself for a time, setting up a much more efficient hierarchy.
Soon enough, however, Destro's involvement in Cobra affairs came to a close, after the Baroness almost died in a plot to kill Snake-Eyes, the man she thought had killed her father so long ago. When Destro went into semi-retirement with his one true love after this calamity, he left his distant relative, Darklon, in charge of MARS while he and the Baroness... got to know each other again.
While this occurred, the original Cobra Commander retook his organization, disposing of a very large amount of traitors in the process. He was preoccupied with various ends for over a year, but his inherent paranoia once again pegged Destro as a threat to his continued business. As such, the Commander put a ten million dollar contract out on Destro's head - and all kinds of unsavory folks tried to collect on it.
With the help of the Joe team, as well as Zartan and Cobra Commander's son, Destro managed to escape this plot, though that wasn't all the Cobra Commander had in store for his former field commander. You see, while he was hunting for Destro, Cobra Commander had captured the Baroness, and used his Brain-wave Scanner to turn her against Destro. Her programming compelled her to kill Destro soon after her rescue.
This plot also failed, and for a while Cobra Commander apparently dropped his grudge against Destro. A few years later, though, he picked it back up again, and he and Destro fought viciously over Destro's castle in Trans-Carpathia. The structure passed between the two military commanders' hands several times during this conflict, though Cobra Commander ultimately won out in the end, thanks to Dr. Mindbender's work.
This work, in which the evil Doctor had implanted a mind control chip inside Destro's brain, came to light after Cobra Commander cloned the man back into existence. Using the implant, Cobra Commander brainwashed Destro into serving him again, effectively turning him 'evil' once more. This fate was shared by Zartan, the Baroness, and several other folks that were formerly in Cobra's service soon after.
Having rebuilt his command structure and taken over what he wanted to be his new headquarters, Cobra Commander had apparently won in the end - especially after the GI Joe team was deactivated shortly thereafter. However, the Joes engaged in one last mission against their nemeses, spiking their computer networks with a powerful virus that, among other things, lessened the influence of the Brainwave Scanner.
(Historical Divergence)
Shortly after this, Destro and the Baroness left Cobra's employ again, though the Commander wasn't too worried. After all, the Joes were no longer in his way! He proceeded along his own plans at this point for a time, making MARS even more powerful than before, until he was felled by his own son with a nano-weapon of his own design. Destro eventually shook off this bug, but took too long.
By this time, his son had assumed his identity and had gotten him on the Commander's bad side anew. Defusing him by willingly offering his services to make up for this, Destro again joined Cobra - however reluctantly. Destro then helped that villain in all manner of schemes, until such a time as he could arrange the capture of (who he thought was) Cobra Commander, thus taking over Cobra again.
This ended when the Commander revealed he'd switched places with Zartan and let him be captured, and renewed his control over Cobra. The Commander then blew up a plane holding the Baroness and Destro's unborn child, which broke the man. Destro then rotted in a prison for a time until the Commander was once again knocked out of Cobra's control, this time thanks to an assassination attempt by the Red Shadows.
Escaping at this point, Destro began to operate his empire out of a submarine, thinking the dark depths suited his mood. This changed once he realized the Baroness was not in fact dead, and that Cobra Commander had taken his (now born) child. Agreeing to 'anything' the Commander demanded to get his baby back, Destro signed over MARS, and even gave his older child, Alexander, to Cobra Commander.
Thinking himself done with the matter, Destro was horrified to see that Cobra Commander triggered World War III with the new technologies that MARS gave him. This is why, when the Joes asked for his help in stopping the madman, Destro agreed. As part of the agreement, though, Destro had to turn himself in to the authorities after Cobra Commander was dealt with. Seeing it as his only option, Destro relented.
So, once the Joes finally managed to defeat their nemesis, they indeed took Destro into custody, though the Baroness escaped, along with his young child. Whether the Joes put Destro somewhere as inaccessible as they did Cobra Commander himself remains to be seen, but it's a good bet that Destro will be spending a very, very long time behind bars. Unless one of his subordinates rescues him, that is.
1988 Variations
Ceremonial Sabre (s): when he formed the Iron Grenadiers, James decided that he needed something of a regal weapon to carry when leading his troops into battle. This sabre, of material strength 13, can be used to cut through items of like material strength, or to inflict damage as would a +3 weapon to anyone foolish enough to combat him in melee.
the Despoiler (i): another weapon that James adopted upon forming the Iron Grenadiers, this rocket powered hovercraft serves as both a personal conveyance and a chariot to lead him into battle. Unlike historical chariots, however, the Despoiler is armed with a large array of anti-personnel ordnance, and it (along with the Despoiler itself) is described in the Despoiler's own entry.
After he created the Iron Grenadiers, Destro altered his uniform somewhat. He still wore the black leather trousers, boots and gloves, though he quit wearing his family crest-bearing amulet, and donned a new jacket - one that bore golden spikes on the right shoulder. Also, he changed his signature mask to a golden color along with his belt, and donned a flashy red cape to lend an imperial air to his appearance.
1992 Variations
Razor Disk Launcher (a): a bizarre contraption that Destro picked up once he rejoined Cobra, this large weapon fires razor sharp, armor piercing steel disks at people. These implements of destruction inflict damage as would a +7 weapon, and are meant to be used against enemy armor, though in a pinch, they'd cut a person up an real good.
Once the Iron Grenadiers were out of the picture for a time, Destro adopted a third uniform, one that somewhat resembled his first. He returned to his original, silver face mask, and again donned his family crest-bearing amulet. His new leather jacket had a rather large red collar like his first (and he again wore it partially open), and he changed his leather gloves and belt to a bright red in color.
1993 Variations
Lightning Dagger (s): adopted after he was brainwashed by Doctor Mindbender's 'evil' implants, James started carrying around this mirror of the evil Doc's own personal blade when he rejoined Cobra. Of material strength 13, this short, yet jagged knife can be used to cut through materials of like strength, or can be used to inflict damage per a +2 weapon upon Destro's opponents.
Robotic Battle Armor (i): built from stolen plans detailing advanced GI Joe armor technology, this suit of Cobra battle armor is a powerful foil for the standard Joe Star Brigade armor suits. Fully space-worthy, and armed with a very, very large rocket launcher, this suit is exceptionally dangerous in Destro's hands, and is fully detailed elsewhere, in its own equipment entry.
At some point in time, Destro utilized a rather large suit of powered, space-worthy battle armor. This power suit was primarily red in color, though it had a chromed left hand, upper left arm, belt buckle, and lower legs, while it also had black shoulder pads and a black right arm, which wasn't an arm so much as an articulate rocket launcher. Of course, Destro's glass helmet showed his silver face mask underneath.
1997 Variations
Razor Disk Launcher (a): a bizarre contraption that Destro picked up once he rejoined Cobra, this large weapon fires razor sharp, armor piercing steel disks at people. These implements of destruction inflict damage as would a +7 weapon, and are meant to be used against enemy armor, though in a pinch, they'd cut a person up an real good.
After returning to his regular, non-powered uniform, Destro eventually altered its coloration somewhat. He changed his black leather jacket to a burgundy hue, and gave it a black collar. In addition to donning a red shirt under this jacket, he also made his boots much taller than before, being black on the bottom and burgundy over the knees. Of course, this is the second version of Destro's current alterations.
His fashion sense obviously suffering due to the effect of Dr. Mindbender's mind control implants, Destro actually had the upper thighs of his leather pants, as well as his black collar, covered in a sort of leopard pattern instead of their current hue. He apparently realized his critical fashion error and changed out the leopard pattern soon enough, but this may be a sign of his implants slipping up.
2001 Variations
After having served with Cobra again for a time, Destro adopted a sixth uniform, one that largely resembled his third. This outfit consists of his original, silver face mask, and again includes his family crest-bearing amulet. His leather jacket has a rather large red collar like his first (and he once again wears it partially open), and he has changed his leather gloves and belt to bright red in hue.
2002 Variations
the Dominator (v2) (i): this curious vehicle, also of Destro's design, is a strange combination of a tank and a helicopter; it can quickly move from one function to the other in battle, as is needed. While this was originally manned by his expert drivers / pilots while he maintained the Iron Grenadiers as a force to be reckoned with, this revamped vehicle is now flown by Destro alone. Check it out in its own entry.
Flak Jacket (s): some time after his return to Cobra, James began to wear a beryllium steel, bullet-proof armor piece under his stylish leather jacket. This handy defensive implement provides James intensity 12 (+3) protection against physical attacks that strike him in the torso. Having been built to last, this rather durable, bullet-resistant vest has already saved Destro's life more than once!
Lightning Dagger (v1) (s): adopted after he was brainwashed by Doctor Mindbender's 'evil' implants, James started carrying around this mirror of the evil Doc's own personal blade when he rejoined Cobra. Of material strength 13, this short, yet jagged knife can be used to cut through materials of like strength, or can be used to inflict damage per a +2 weapon upon Destro's opponents.
Destro adopted an all-new field uniform rather in 2002. This one consists of black trousers with a white 'Destro' logo on the right leg, black leather boots with blue trim and steel toe guards, a silvery flak jacket under a black leather jacket with an oversized collar and blue shoulder pads, metallic arm bands, black gloves with silver, Cobra-labeled arm guards, and his silver face mask.
His next outfit is one that he wears when driving his Dominator. It consists of gray trousers with a white 'Destro' logo on the right leg, gray leather boots with red trim and steel toe guards, a silvery flak jacket under a gray leather jacket with an oversized collar and red shoulder pads, gray gloves with red, Cobra-labeled arm guards, and his trademark silver face mask.
Destro's ninth field uniform is another variant of his seventh - and is almost identical, in fact. It includes dark blue trousers, dark blue leather boots with solid blue trim and steel toe guards, a silvery flak jacket under a dark blue leather jacket with an oversized, deep blue collar and deep blue shoulder pads, silver gloves with black Cobra-labeled arm guards, and of course his traditional family mask.
2003 Variations
Revolvers (a): a departure from his usual, high tech firearms, these weapons are more of a stylistic choice than a practical one. Destro can fire these hand cannons to inflict his Agility +4 damage each, but has been known to wield them two handed so that he can have many shots before having to worry about a reload. He can fire them simultaneously for a +1 to damage, though he does so at an increased difficulty level.
Shotgun (a): when his revolvers simply won't do the job, Destro breaks out the assault shotgun. He may fire birdshot with this weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in damage in a 30 degree arc, buckshot to inflict his Agility +5 in damage to a target and everything adjacent to it, or solid-core slugs to inflict his Agility +6 damage to a single target.
Destro's tenth costume is a serious departure from his previous outfits. It primarily consists of a tight black turtle neck sweater, burgundy colored, loose-fitting trousers, gray leather gloves, and black leather boots. He has accessorized this costume with his trademark silver family mask, a silver medallion with his family crest on it, and a gray belt with twin holsters for his revolvers.
2004 Variations
Grenade Pistols (a): quite literally a pair of hand cannons, Destro can use these weapons to staggering effect in combat - though preferably at a distance. Each can fire a projectile at Destro's foes which can detonate to inflict intensity 10 damage each. Each pistol can hold six such explosives, and can hit anything within far missile distance of Destro's current position.
Shotgun (a): when his other weapons simply won't do the job, Destro breaks out the assault shotgun. He may fire birdshot with this weapon to inflict his Agility +4 in damage in a 30 degree arc, buckshot to inflict his Agility +5 in damage to a target and everything adjacent to it, or solid-core slugs to inflict his Agility +6 damage to a single target.
Destro's eleventh uniform is another completely new affair. This costume includes a gray jacket with a high collar over a red turtle neck sweater, loose fitting black trousers, black leather combat boots, flared black leather gloves, an oversized black leather belt over his coat, a red strap to help him carry gear, and of course his infamous beryllium steel head mask.
2005 Variations
Flak Jacket (s): though rather ostentatious, Destro's protective jacket is nonetheless a fully functional component of his uniform. This handy defensive implement provides James intensity 12 (+3) protection against physical attacks that strike him in the torso. That and, more importantly, it leaves no doubt who is in charge of the Iron Grenadiers!
Revolvers (a): a departure from his usual, high tech firearms, these weapons are more of a stylistic choice than a practical one. Destro can fire these hand cannons to inflict his Agility +4 damage each, but has been known to wield them two handed so that he can have many shots before having to worry about a reload. He can fire them simultaneously for a +1 to damage, though he does so at an increased difficulty level.
Though he has delegated command of his Iron Grenadiers to others, Destro nonetheless leads them into battle on occasion. When he does, he often dons a new ceremonial uniform, which includes his gold-plated helmet, a black flak jacket with gold-colored plating on the front, black leather boots, gray leather gloves, red holsters for his pistols, a gray leather belt, and black leather trousers.
2008 Variations
Ceremonial Sabre (s): when he formed the Iron Grenadiers, James decided that he needed something of a regal weapon to carry when leading his troops into battle. This sabre, of material strength 13, can be used to cut through items of like material strength, or to inflict damage as would a +3 weapon to anyone foolish enough to combat him in melee.
Revolvers (a): a departure from his usual, high tech firearms, these weapons are more of a stylistic choice than a practical one. Destro can fire these hand cannons to inflict his Agility +4 damage each, but has been known to wield them two handed so that he can have many shots before having to worry about a reload. He can fire them simultaneously for a +1 to damage, though he does so at an increased difficulty level.
Destro's thirteenth costume is a variation on his second, Iron Grenadiers uniform. It includes dark blue leather trousers, gray boots, gloves, and holsters, a dark blue jacket that bore golden spikes on the right shoulder (which was worn over a red shirt), and a brilliant red cape. Of course, Destro also wore his beryllium steel mask / helmet as always, though this time out he had it plated in gold.
His fourteenth costume is another variation on his second, and very close in content to the twelfth. It includes dark blue leather trousers, gray boots, gloves, and holsters, a dark blue jacket that bore golden spikes on the right shoulder (which was worn over a red shirt), and a brilliant red cape. Of course, Destro also wore his beryllium steel mask / helmet as always, though this time out he had it colored in black.
Destro's fifteenth costume is yet another variation on his second, Iron Grenadiers uniform. It includes black leather trousers, black boots and gloves, red holsters for his revolvers, and a black jacket that bore golden spikes on the right shoulder (which was worn over a red shirt). Of course, Destro also wore his beryllium steel mask / helmet as always, though this time out he had it in its original chromed look.
2010 Variations
Flak Jacket (s): when operating in the extreme polar reaches, Destro wears a bullet-proof armor piece under a thickly padded, cold weather jacket. This handy defensive implement provides James intensity 12 (+3) protection against physical attacks that strike him in the torso. Almost impossible to see under inclement conditions, this partial armor greatly improves Destro's survivability!
Frost Cannon (a): a prototype of his own design, Destro has taken to wielding this weapon in the field during Arctic and/or Antarctic missions. It can fire a burst of liquid that, upon exposure to the air, will freeze around a target. The resultant ice is of material strength 10, and inflicts like cold (energy) damage to its foes upon potentially stopping them in their tracks.
Survival Gear (w): in addition to being able to produce his own ice on demand, Destro carries a variety of mundane equipment that allows him to survive under extreme cold conditions. This gear include ice axes, a drill to reach liquid water (or at least to tunnel through deep ice some), protective clothing that offers him intensity 12 (+3) protection from cold, and snowblind goggles (like screened senses for his vision).
Destro's sixteenth costume is a dedicated cold weather uniform. It consists of black, padded leather boots, insulated gray trousers, black leather knee pads, a dark gray and red padded jacket with a fur-lined cap, itself over a black armored vest, gray leather gloves, a gray leather belt, his signature beryllium steel helmet, and a visor built to reduce the effects of glare in icy conditions.
2011 Variations
Body Armor (s): when Destro means business, he dons a suit of advanced body armor and goes to town. While it does not enhance his abilities, this mechanically assisted suit of heavy armor at least supports its own weight, along with that of Destro's minigun. For as long as Destro has equipped this exosuit, he benefits from intensity 12 (+3) protection against physical or energy assault.
Minigun (a): supported by stabilizing arms attached to his body armor, this rotary-barreled heavy machine gun is the sort of armament you would expect on aircraft! It can be fired to inflict his Agility +6 damage in a short burst of ammunition, or his Agility +7 damage when 'mowing the lawn' in a fully automatic, sustained burst of fire.
Having stolen GI Joe combat armor plans almost twenty years previous, it was a cinch that Destro would advance the technology in the interim. His seventeenth uniform is, in fact, a mechanized armor suit. Worn over red Kevlar ™ trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, Destro's metallic exosuit covers most of his body, save for his black leather boots and gloves, which are also lined with bullet-resistant materials.
2014 Variations
Grenades (i): a minor addition to his original, iconic look, Destro stores several grenades on his left wrist, opposing the wrist-rockets resident on his right wrist. He can detach these explosives and fling them anywhere within the range his normal Strength provides, at which point they will detonate to inflict intensity 10 edged (fragmentary) damage within near missile distance of where they explode.
Extra Goodies:
Cobra directories featuring a version of Destro:
1983 | 1988 | 1992 | 1993 | 1997 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 |
2008 | 2010 | 2011 | 2014 |
* Note: 2002 saw three versions of Destro (Versions 7, 8, and 9), as did 2008 (Versions 13, 14, and 15).
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