

Hand Size:
5 (30)


Unlike the vast majority of the GI Joe team, Snake-Eyes is possessed of several powers, all of which are quasi-mystical abilities acquired after extensive training with the Arashikage ninja clan. Furthermore, he's about the deadliest man in the world, armed or unarmed.


Mystical Powers (w): the prodigal son of the Arashikage ninja clan, Snake-Eyes can be considered a master ninja. In addition to his almost super-human fighting prowess, he has to date demonstrated these supernatural, ninja trained powers:

* Clarity (w): a rare and potent meditation technique, the Arashikage Mind-Set allows one so trained in it to free themselves (or another, on contact) from any sort of brainwashing or other mind control. This ability works at intensity 15.

* Sensory Link (w): Snake-Eyes shares a psychic bond with his sword-brother, Tommy Arashikage, otherwise known as Storm Shadow. This bond works on a global level, and likely has an intensity of at least 20, allowing one to sense when the other is in trouble.


Blades (s): Snake-Eyes always has at least one of his two ninja blades on hand. Made from folding layers of hard and soft metal in on themselves hundreds of times, they have an effective m.s. of 20, and inflict his Strength +4 in slashing damage.

Body Armor (s): most versions of Snake-Eyes' costume seem to incorporate some level of protection from injury, mostly in the form of Kevlar of some sort or another. This protection should be considered intensity 4 (+1) in nature - enough to stop many conventional bullets.

Eyewear (s): all of Snake-Eyes costumes incorporate some manner of eye cover, whether they be darkened goggles, a gridded visor, or even a nifty face plate or full helmet. Either way, these items offer him intensity 12 screened senses for his vision.

Grenades (i): Snake-Eyes is typically armed with several grenades, of either incendiary or fragmentation type. Either inflict intensity 10 damage within near missile distance of where they detonate, the first inflicting energy damage and the later inflicting slashing damage.

Knives (s): in addition to his twin swords, Snake-Eyes usually carries at least one spike-knuckled trench knife on his person. He can use this in melee or as a thrown weapon, inflicting his Strength +2 in damage with each lethal attack either way.

Shuriken (a): Snake-Eyes often has several thrown weapons on him, and if they aren't knives, they'll invariably be shuriken. Snake-Eyes can use these to inflict his Strength +2 in slashing damage to his foes, as long as they are within near missile distance of his person.

Survival Gear (s): Snake-Eyes usually has a backpack full of survival gear, and what he doesn't have there, he carries on accessory belts. Such gear includes a compass, flashlight, night vision goggles, emergency rations, and various maps to help him complete a mission.

Uzi 9mm (a): his preferred firearm, Snake-Eyes can wield this small and efficient hand-cannon to inflict his Agility +4 damage with a single shot, his Agility +5 damage with a small burst, or his Agility +6 damage by expending a full magazine on a target.


Monstrous: Snake-Eyes' face is horribly burnt, mangled, and otherwise scarred, thanks to a series of attacks upon his person. Anybody looking upon his bare face is likely to be repulsed, and edge zero humans have zero Willpower for the purpose of resisting the urge to flee on sight.

Physically Disabled - Mute: Snake-Eyes, thanks to the injuries that have scarred him so, cannot speak. When he attempts to do so, he usually inflicts extreme pain on himself, and the resultant sound is an unintelligible gurgle or scream - hence his reliance on sign language.


Boxing (s): in addition to his ninja-trained martial arts prowess, Snake-Eyes can brawl with the best of 'em. This skill allows him to divide his pre-card play action score between two melee attacks, the last of which will occur as a contingent action.

Detective / Espionage (i): ever the stealthy, commando type, Snake-Eyes is good at this kind of work. Surveillance missions, information gathering operations, and even old-fashioned, hard-boiled detective work is his cup of tea.

Guns (a): while he is a veritable master of hand-to-hand weapons, Snake-Eyes is also more than competent with guns - any gun. As long as it has a trigger, Snake-Eyes may wield any firearm at one difficulty level lower than is normally required.

Martial Arts 2 (a): Snake-Eyes is a master ninja, one who would've inherited control of the Arashikage ninja clan if not for Zartan's evil actions. In addition to the standard benefits of this skill, Snake-Eyes trumps with either his Strength or Agility while engaged in unarmed melee combat.

Martial Arts Weapons (s): while he naturally prefers a sword or knife in combat, Snake-Eyes is well-versed in the use of virtually all oriental weapons, be they nunchaku, sais, or whatever. He wields these items at one difficulty level lower than is normally required.

Military / United States (w): Snake-Eyes began his life of mystery as an enlisted man, spending at least one tour in Vietnam. As such, he knows military protocol like the back of his hands, and can easily interpret military plans and give soldiers effective commands.

Resist Domination (w): a portion of Snake-Eyes' ninja training involved his learning how to control his mind as well as his body. As such, attempts to control Snake-Eyes' mind are made at one difficulty level higher than would otherwise be required.

Skill / Knives 3 (s): though his sword-brother may be the best bowman on earth, Snake-Eyes is possibly the best knife fighter on the planet. While using a short blade, Snake-Eyes is allowed the use of an autotrump in combat, making him a virtual killing machine with one in hand!

Skill / Swords (s): Snake-Eyes' skill with the sword is only slightly less pronounced than that with a knife. He has taken out entire platoons of people with his swords, usually all at once, and makes attacks with such weapons at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.

Survival (w): more than anything else, Snake-Eyes is truly skilled at keeping himself alive. Regardless of the environment, situation, or even what appears to be his obvious destruction, Snake-Eyes invariably comes out on top. He's creepy that way.

Thrown Objects (a): thanks to his incredibly keen reflexes, Snake-Eyes can use virtually anything as a thrown weapon (from bricks to bottles), and benefits from a reduced difficulty when attempting to throw or catch such any object, a bonus that is cumulative with the skill below.

Thrown Weapons (a): Snake-Eyes is a demon with projectile weapons, no matter how they operate - knives, shuriken, or anything else. When throwing something at an opponent, the ninja can strike them at one difficulty level lower than is normally necessary.

Trance (w): Snake-Eyes has the ability to slow down his metabolic processes to the point that he appears dead. Anyone checking this must pass an average difficulty Willpower action to see through this deception. While in such a trance, Snake-Eyes needs little or no air or food to survive.


As one of the original members of the GI Joe team, Snake-Eyes knows virtually every Joe, and is on good terms with the vast majority of them. He is also on good terms with surviving members of the Arashikage clan, not to mention a good friend of the Eskimo mercenary, Kwinn.


Peace of Mind: Snake-Eyes is a mysterious man, but it is well known that his life has been shattered dozens of times by tragedy. While he is always honing his body and mind into an incredibly lethal weapon, he constantly strives to make peace with those loved ones that are now gone.


Snake-Eyes typically has a black motif to his various outfits. His first uniform consists of a black Spandex ™ bodysuit, covering him from head to toe, adorned with accessory laden, black leather straps and belts. It also has black goggles and a black metal face plate.


Snake-Eyes is an extremely complex, complicated individual.

Mysterious to the core, he was an enigma even before he hooked up with the Arashikage ninja clan. He is nonetheless extremely loyal to his friends, and is willing to go to any lengths to protect them and his country from the forces of tyranny.

Real Name: unrevealed / classified
Occupation: GI Joe commando
Legal Status: US citizen with no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none
Group Affiliation: GI Joe, Ninja Force (special Joe team)

Height: 6' 1"
Hair: blond
Eyes: blue
Weight: 175 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: other than his hideously scarred and burnt face, none.


Very little is known about the history of the man known to the world as Snake-Eyes. Details about his background and personal life are highly classified, though it is known that he grew up somewhere in the United States with his twin sister, Terri, and supposedly had a relatively normal childhood. When he turned eighteen, however, Snake-Eyes enlisted in the US Army.

During this time, the Vietnam War was raging in Asia, and as such, Snake-Eyes found himself there. On one such mission, he (along with Tommy Arashikage and Lonzo Wilkinson) were in Saigon when their jeep driver was killed by two Vietnamese men on a motorcycle. Following the murderers, the three men found they'd struck again, killing the visiting Baron Eugen DeCobray in a nearby warehouse.

It turned out that these two guys were North Vietnamese agents, and Snake-Eyes did away with them. However, the Baron's daughter discovered her father dead, with Snake-Eyes standing over the body, and assumed that he was responsible for the deed - even after arms dealer James McCullen Destro the 23rd proved his innocence at the scene of the crime. This would come back to haunt him later.

Later, while on long range recon patrol with Tommy, Lonzo, Wade Collins, and two other men, Snake-Eyes uncovered an encampment of NVA soldiers, and a terrible firefight ensued. After Collins and the other two men were apparently killed, Snake-Eyes, Tommy, and Lonzo fled to their extraction point, though during this trek Snake-Eyes was downed by enemy gunfire.

While Lonzo assumed him a goner, Tommy went back and, defying all probability, managed to dodge each and every burst of gunfire intended to kill him and, once he'd picked his friend up, Snake-Eyes. Thanks to deft gunplay by Lonzo and the men in the helicopter that arrived to collect them, the men made their way to safety and, thanks to his wounds, Snake-Eyes was returned to America.

However, things were not to be as happy as were planned. When Snake-Eyes' family came to pick him up, they were struck and killed by a disturbed, drunken Vietnam vet on the road. Having nothing to keep him in America, Snake-Eyes took seriously an offer Tommy had made him back in Vietnam, an offer concerning his family business and, after packing up his things, made his way to Japan.

Once he arrived, however, Snake-Eyes found that his friend's 'family business' was, in fact, the Arashikage ninja clan! Deeming him worthy of their training, the ninja clan made him one of their own, and spent over three years training Snake-Eyes in their martial ways. Snake-Eyes was so proficient in his training, in fact, that the leader of the clan, the Hard Master, had plans for him.

Plans to make him the heir of the family business, despite the fact that Tommy was currently in that position. This never came to be, though, as enemies were moving against Snake-Eyes even then. You see, the brother of that veteran who killed Snake-Eyes' family was sort of funny in the head, and decided that somebody had to be to blame for his brother's death - and that somebody was Snake-Eyes.

In order to get his personal, irrational justice, this man hired two assassins to deal with Snake-Eyes personally: Firefly and Zartan. Firefly failed to properly infiltrate the ninja clan, or so he said. He passed the buck to Zartan, who (after a year of preparation) disguised himself as Tommy and, while the Hard Master demonstrated a technique called the 'cloak of the chameleon', made his lethal move.

Having been deceived by the cloak, Zartan thought that the Hard Master was Snake-Eyes, as he was imitating the sounds and mannerisms of the war hero while teaching said technique. While it appeared that Tommy was the killer of the Hard Master, the ninja lord himself cleared Tommy of the crime before his death, though nobody believed this. After all, it was Tommy's arrow that killed him!

You see, Zartan had stolen an arrow Tommy used earlier in the day while practicing 'the ear that sees', and fired it in his attempt to kill Snake-Eyes. Being disguised as Tommy, he was seen leaving the scene of the crime, which was the exact time that Tommy himself disappeared from the Arashikage compound. That was, of course, because he was pursuing the Hard Master's killer.

Having lost another family, Snake-Eyes returned to the States, holing up in solitude in a cabin in the High Sierras with no one to keep him company but a wolf, Timber, who sort of adopted him. His sullen retreat was eventually interrupted when his old Army buddy, Lonzo, showed up with one Colonel Abernathy, and tried to recruit him into a special force being assembled by the military.

This force, the nascent GI Joe team, currently consisted of thirteen experts in various aspects of the United States military, and was designed to combat various terrorist threats, up to and including those who made use of nuclear weapons. As the team trained for its many duties, Snake-Eyes grew close to another team member, Scarlett, who was fascinated by his cool mystique and force of personality.

On the team's first actual mission, an attempt to rescue one George Strawhacker from middle eastern terrorists, Snake-Eyes was terribly burned thanks to a helicopter crash en route, his face and vocal chords mangled virtually beyond repair. However, Snake-Eyes insisted that the mission continue as planned, even though Scarlett herself was down for the count (having received a concussion in the crash).

Upon arriving, Snake-Eyes, Lonzo (under his new code-name, Stalker), Grunt, and Rock 'n Roll found out that the 'middle-eastern terrorists' were, in fact, agents of the terrorist group calling itself Cobra! Though this was a rather unpleasant surprise, the team didn't let this stop them, despite several gunshot wounds to the contrary, and managed to save Strawhacker from an untimely end.

It turns out that Snake-Eyes insisted on continuing the mission because Strawhacker was his sister's former fiancée. At any rate, having at least made some peace with his past thanks to this, Snake-Eyes stayed on with the Joe team despite his injuries. Of course, since he didn't want to show his mangled self to the general public, he took to wearing a black mask while on duty, and a rubber face mask otherwise.

The next significant mission that Snake-Eyes took part in was the rescue of Dr. Burkhart from Cobra, an operation that began a conflict between GI Joe and Cobra that has lasted since 1982 until the present day. During this time, Snake-Eyes has seen action in countless missions against Cobra and various other, minor terrorist outfits, several of which have had a deep impact on his life.

You see, after a few years, Snake-Eyes encountered the Cobra ninja calling himself Storm Shadow. It turns out that his name directly translated into Arashikage in Japanese, and investigating this, Snake-Eyes found out that Storm Shadow was, in fact, his sword-brother, Tommy! Tommy had apparently joined Cobra to discover the identity of the Hard Master's killer.

Some time later, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett found themselves attacked by several of Cobra's Crimson Guardsmen, led by a man who turned out to be Wade Collins - one of his fellow LRRP men thought to be long dead! Wade tried to kill Snake-Eyes and Scarlett, but failed miserably. Undaunted, of course, he came back to plague Snake-Eyes and Stalker several months later.

You see, while visiting the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC, the two Joes discovered that Wade's name wasn't on the list of the dead, at which point he showed up out of nowhere and pulled a gun on them. Explaining what'd happened to him, Wade gained the sympathy of the two Joes, who convinced him to leave Cobra and to finally live for himself - a generally happy ending.

Several years later, with Snake-Eyes' help, Tommy discovered that the Hard Master's killer was Zartan, thanks to direct threats on Cobra Commander's life - though the Commander didn't bother to mention that it was he who hired the assassin to kill Snake-Eyes to begin with. The two ninjas then tried to kill the mercenary shape-shifter, but he escaped at the last minute to fight another day.

Having failed to gain vengeance, Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow then tried to escape from Cobra Island, where Zartan was hiding out, but Storm Shadow was gunned down in cold blood by the Baroness. Before he could die, Storm Shadow entered a special trance that allowed him to slow down his metabolic processes, in the hope that he could somehow be revived by Snake-Eyes at a later date.

He was revived, of course, but not by Snake-Eyes. You see, the insane Doctor Mindbender used Storm Shadow's body as one of the ingredients in his genetic cocktail to create the perfect Cobra soldier - Serpentor! Being so used managed to revive Storm Shadow, though he'd lost touch with his humanity, and had the memories of earth's greatest conquerors swimming around in his head.

Needing help in sorting this out, Storm Shadow came to Snake-Eyes for help, and his friend gave him the keys to his (now wrecked) cabin to let him take the time he needed. Glad that the two were true friends again, Storm Shadow left for the time being, hoping to get his head back together eventually. While he did so, Snake-Eyes continued on with the Joe team.

Eventually, Snake-Eyes tried to get his face rebuilt via plastic surgery. However, the Baroness found out that he was the man she'd blamed for her father's death long ago, and attacked the hospital he was in while he was being operated on. During the attack she shot Scarlett in the head and tried to make off with Snake-Eyes, but he escaped capture while Destro once more proved that Snake-Eyes was innocent.

Placated, the Baroness ended her assault, though the damage was done - Scarlett had been rendered comatose by her attack. Scared to lose yet another friend, Snake-Eyes couldn't leave her side, though Storm Shadow returned to get his mind off things, mostly by dragging him off to perform another mission in the eastern European nation of Borovia. His face was mangled yet again around this time.

Returning from Borovia, Snake-Eyes found Scarlett to be okay, and was (needless to say) very happy about this turn of events. He and his love stayed on with the Joe team for several more years, until things simply started to wear the two down, and after a mission that got them mixed up with both Cobra forces and the evil Cybertronian known as Megatron, the two martial artists took a break.

Returning to Snake-Eyes' cabin, he and Scarlett stayed there until Storm Shadow was captured and brainwashed by Cobra Commander and Doctor Mindbender. Sensing that his sword-brother was in trouble thanks to his psychic link with the man, Snake-Eyes then returned to action, without Scarlett, to rescue him. This turned out to be trickier than he thought.

You see, to replenish his ranks, Cobra Commander had in fact brainwashed Billy (his own son), the Baroness, Destro, Storm Shadow, and Zartan to be on his side once again, thanks to Doctor Mindbender's Brainwave Scanner, and these folks (minus Zartan and Destro) managed to fight Snake-Eyes off - even if he still beat the snot out of Cobra Commander for his troubles.

Though the GI Joe team was decommissioned for a time shortly after this, the threat that Cobra represents worldwide eventually required that it be reformed yet again.

(Historical Divergence)

When Hawk began to reassemble the Joes, Snake-Eyes was among the first to return to the fold, with Scarlett right behind him - even if the duo had come to an impasse in their relationship over the years.

Snake-Eyes continued on with the team until its second, supposed deactivation, during which time it had actually been reformed into a leaner, meaner and much more covert action group. This of course fell apart when Cobra Commander initiated World War III, and the entire GI Joe roster from years past was activated anew to quite literally save the world from his latest mad plot.

Once Snake-Eyes and his fellow Joes managed to not only stop Cobra from conquering the world but subsequently destroying it with nuclear weapons when it became apparent they were losing the battle, the team managed to capture the Cobra Commander at long last, seemingly disbanding Cobra in the process. Of course, the team wasn't about to settle down and retire yet again.

Since the entire world had been left in a chaotic mess, the GI Joe team was left with the task of holding things together while various governments rebuilt their power structures, the United States included. Naturally, Snake-Eyes has stayed on during this process, helping the team to root out remaining Cobra holdouts and other terrorist whack-jobs active to this very day!

1985 Variations


Snake-Eyes' second costume was also a black Spandex ™ bodysuit, and was adorned with gray leather straps that hosted a gun holster, grenades, a sword holster, a holster for his Uzi, and various other odds and ends. It also had a gridded, 'v' shaped visor over his eyes.

1989 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Blowgun (a): Snake-Eyes once made use of a two foot long blowgun, allowing him to fire darts at an opponent. These darts can be tipped with knock-out drugs or a potent toxin, both functioning at intensity 10; the darts themselves are only +1 weapons.

Nunchaku (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' third suit resembled his first more, save for it had added Kevlar ™ padding, as well as twin knives strapped on the front, silver goggles, arm bracers, and a silver accessory belt. It may've been less stealthy, but it was more protective.

1991 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Grappling Hook (a): on some missions, Snake-Eyes uses a back-mounted launcher that fires a grappling hook. This thing is capable of shooting a hook about ten stories high, and penetrating any surface of up to 10 material strength (though it usually wraps around something).


Snake-Eyes' fourth costume changed his look considerably, adding a blue Kevlar ™ jacket over the black bodysuit, as well as blue boots and blue stripes down the sides of his legs. It also has a gray accessory-laden vest, night vision goggles, and an unpainted steel face plate.

1993 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Claws (s): used in his later years, these strap-on claw gauntlets allow Snake-Eyes to inflict deadly damage on an opponent with a punch, as opposed to the usual, non-lethal harm. They are likely of at least 10 material strength, and are essentially +2 weapons.

Nunchaku (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' fifth costume reverted to a primarily black suit, with only a dark blue belt, holsters, accessory straps, and arm pads standing out from the dull black fabric of his Kevlar ™ skin weave. Also, he added a tight black face-mask / helmet, similar to Destro's.

1994 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Claws (s): used in his later years, these strap-on claw gauntlets allow Snake-Eyes to inflict deadly damage on an opponent with a punch, as opposed to the usual, non-lethal harm. They are likely of at least 10 material strength, and are essentially +2 weapons.

Inviso-Power Suit (i): an upgrade to his fifth costume, this uniform is equipped with specialized optic devices that act to blend its wearer into the background with intensity 10 ability. The origin of this experimental technology is unknown, but may be based on Zartan's designs.

Nunchaku (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' sixth costume is like his fifth; a primarily black suit, with only a dark blue belt, holsters, accessory straps, and arm pads standing out from the dull black fabric of his Kevlar ™ skin weave. Also, he added a tight black face-mask / helmet, similar to Destro's.

The only real difference is that it is embedded with experimental, 'inviso-power' devices that allowed Snake-Eyes to blend into his environment rather easily. It is believed that these devices were based in part on Zartan's optic technology.

1997 Variations


Snake-Eyes' seventh and eighth uniforms ditched his ninja equipment and reverted to its original form, that of a black Spandex ™ bodysuit, one adorned with black (or brown) leather belts and straps holding various accessories. It also had black goggles and a black metal mouth plate.

2000 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Nunchaku (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' ninth uniform is a variant on his third. It is a primarily black body suit, covered by a black Kevlar ™ vest with twin blades strapped onto the front. Flourishes include blue belts, shoulder / hip pouches, goggles, and wrist bands, and a Joe logo on his right leg.

2002 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Nunchaku (v3) (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.

Shotgun (v4) (a): Snake-Eyes sometimes brings a shotgun along for the ride. It can be fired to inflict his Agility +4 damage in a 30 degree arc (birdshot), his Agility +5 damage to adjacent targets (buckshot), or his Agility +6 damage to a singular foe (slugs).


Snake-Eyes started off 2002 with his tenth field uniform. It includes a black body suit, black leather boots with silver toe guards, black leather gloves, blue ankle and wrist guards, a gray leather belt, gray webbing for his gear, a black visor over his eyes, and black sword holsters.

His eleventh uniform, used occasionally, is a variation on his tenth. It includes a black body suit, black leather boots with silver toe guards, and black leather gloves, but he changed the ankle and wrists guards to an emerald green hue, and changed the gray components to brown.

Snake-Eyes' twelfth uniform is again based on his third. It's a black body suit with a GI Joe logo on the left leg, accessorized with a Kevlar ™ vest with two blades sheathed on the front, black boots, black gloves, black webbing, a mirrored visor, a gold belt, and gold wrist bands.

His thirteenth uniform is all new. It includes a gray body suit, adorned with black leather boots and gear pouches, a black leather belt and sword sheath, black wrist pads, black webbing, purple thigh pads and gloves, a purple (left) shoulder pad under his webbing, and a silver visor.

Snake-Eyes' whirlwind 2002 fashion show ended with a variation on his thirteenth uniform. It's a 'stealth' version of his previous suit, with everything changed to black. All save, of course, for his silver knee pads, various silver buckles, his gray (left) shoulder pad, and his silver visor.

2003 Variations


2003 saw Snake-Eyes using two uniforms similar to his first. His fifteenth consisted of a black Spandex ™ bodysuit, covering him from head to toe, adorned with brown leather straps holding grenades and other accessories. It also had black goggles and a black metal mouth plate.

His sixteenth costume was similar, but started with a navy blue Spandex ™ bodysuit, covering him from head to toe, adorned with olive drab leather straps holding grenades and other accessories. It also had dark blue goggles and a dark blue metal mouth plate.

2004 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

BTR Fortress (v2) (i): one of Snake-Eyes' many assignments this year was, when necessary, the manning of a small BTR reconfigurable field fortress. This handy, readily reassembled pre-fab facility had many features, and is detailed further in its own entry.

Laser Rifle (v3) (a): this standard-issue laser rifle is a refinement of the original wielded by Flash, and was tested by Snow-Job extensively. It can be fired as a +5 weapon with every deadly blast, and can fire ten shots before its energy pack needs to be swapped out.

Ninja Lightning Cycle (v4) (i): this high speed, high performance motorcycle is built with everything a ninja like Snake-Eyes needs: durability, velocity, and of course a concealed missile launcher towards the front. It's described better in its own vehicular entry.

Nunchaku (v1) (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' seventeenth field uniform includes gray loose-fitting trousers, black leather boots, a gray jacket with a blue collar with side fasteners instead of a zipper, gray leather gloves, black wrist guards, black leather belts and webbing to hold his equipment, and a gray face mask.

His eighteenth costume is like the previous one, including gray loose-fitting trousers, gray leather boots, a gray jacket with a gray collar with side fasteners instead of a zipper, gray leather gloves, gray wrist guards, gray and gold leather belts and webbing, and a gray face mask.

Snake-Eyes' nineteenth costume is a strange affair, including olive drab trousers, brown leather boots, a black winter jacket covered by brown webbing for his gear, a black leather belt, tan leather gloves, a black face mask, and of course a visor to protect his vision.

His twentieth uniform is another variation on his seventeenth. It includes black loose-fitting trousers, black leather boots, a black jacket with a blue collar with side fasteners instead of a zipper, black leather gloves, black wrist guards, black leather belts and webbing, and a black face mask.

Snake-Eyes twenty first uniform is identical to his first. That suit consists of a black Spandex ™ bodysuit, covering him from head to toe, adorned with gray leather straps holding grenades and other accessories. It also had black goggles and a black metal mouth plate.

His twenty second costume, on the other hand, is vaguely like his fourth. It includes a gray Kevlar ™ jacket over his black bodysuit, black leather boots, and desert-camouflage trousers. It also has a gray accessory-laden vest, night vision goggles, and a black steel face plate.

2005 Variations


Snake-Eyes' twenty third uniform is like his thirteenth. It's a black, skin-tight body suit, adorned with black boots, black thigh pads, a gray leather belt, black gloves, black wrist pads, gray webbing, various gray gear pouches, a green (left) shoulder pad under his webbing, and a silver visor.

His twenty-fourth uniform is all new. It includes dark brown trousers, a dark brown, long-sleeved shirt under a dark brown vest, a dark brown face mask, a silvered visor, black leather boots and gloves, black knee pads, and brown holsters and webbing to hold his combat gear.

Snake-Eyes' twenty fifth costume is like his seventeenth. It includes loose-fitting black trousers, black leather boots, a black jacket with side fasteners instead of a zipper, black leather gloves, black wrist guards, black leather belts and webbing, and a black face mask.

His twenty-sixth suit was another variation on his fourth. It includes a black and gray jacket, as well as black leather boots and snow-camouflage trousers. It also has a black and green accessory-laden vest, gray leather gloves, night vision goggles, and a black steel face plate.

Snake-Eyes' twenty-seventh uniform is yet another variant on his fourth. It consists of a black Kevlar ™ jacket, as well as black leather boots and urban-camouflage trousers. It also has a gray accessory-laden vest, black leather gloves, night vision goggles, and a black steel face plate.

2008 Variations


Snake-Eyes' twenty-eighth uniform is a winter outfit, as he seems to find himself in so many Arctic missions. It includes Army green trousers, a black hooded, insulated jacket, thick brown leather boots and gloves, a black face mask, and black and silver goggles.

His twenty ninth uniform is really his second 'costume', as this was seen in a flashback to his days as a ninja student. It consists of loose-fitting gray trousers, a two-toned gray vest over a gray short sleeved shirt, gray boots and wrist guards, and a gray mask.

2010 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Kusarigama (v2) (s): this unusual weapon is like a nunchaku, save for the fact that its chain is longer, and it ends in a hook instead of a blunt instrument. This weapon can be used to inflict Snake-Eyes' Strength +2 in slashing damage anywhere within near missile distance of his person.

Nunchaku (v2) (s): Snake-Eyes has, on occasion, made use of a special, three piece nunchaku. Linked by chain, these three hard wooden sticks can be used to reach a target within close combat distance of Snake-Eyes, and act as particularly painful +3 weapons.


Snake-Eyes' thirtieth uniform is something new. An all black affair, it consists of a long-sleeved shirt beneath a combat vest, trousers, leather boots and gloves, a face mask with a grilled visor attached, and various belts and holsters.

His thirty first uniform is similarly different than before. It includes a black short sleeved shirt beneath gray chest armor, black wrist guards, black trousers beneath black leg pads, a gray face mask, a black visor, black leather boots and gloves, and various belts and holsters.

2011 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

Kusarigama (v2) (s): this unusual weapon is like a nunchaku, save for the fact that its chain is longer, and it ends in a hook instead of a blunt instrument. This weapon can be used to inflict Snake-Eyes' Strength +2 in slashing damage anywhere within near missile distance of his person.


Snake-Eyes' thirty second field costume is a strange hybrid of his first and second. It includes a black long-sleeved shirt beneath black web gear, black trousers, black leather boots and gloves, black belts and holsters for his gear, and either a grilled visor or goggles covering his eyes.

His thirty third uniform is another nod to his ninja days. It consists of black trousers beneath black armored shin guards, a black long-sleeved shirt beneath black chest armor and arm guards, brown sandals, black sheathes for his blades, and various intimidating 'ninja' masks.

2013 Variations


Snake-Eyes' thirty-fourth field uniform looks a whole lot like his nineteenth. It includes olive drab trousers, brown leather boots and gloves, a black long-sleeved shirt under a black vest, a black leather belt, a black face mask, and of course a grilled visor to protect his vision.

His thirty fifth costume, on the other hand, is similar to his eleventh. It consists of a long-sleeved, green shirt under a black vest, black trousers, black knee pads, black gloves, black leather boots with green shin guards, green webbing, a black and gray face mask, and emerald goggles.

2014 Variations

Additional / Substitute Equipment:

the Ghost Hawk (i): a variation on the old-school Sky Hawk, Snake-Eyes' Ghost Hawk is especially modified for use in Arctic climates. It is otherwise identical to the standard model of this vehicle, however, which is described more deftly in its own entry.


Snake-Eyes' thirty-sixth uniform includes a bit more color than usual. It includes a dark purple turtleneck sweater beneath a black and metallic blue jacket, dark purple trousers, black leather boots, gloves, and holsters, black knee pads, a black face mask, and a grilled chrome visor.



Hand Size:
2 (10)

Snake-Eyes' sort of adopted 'pet', this wolf is pretty much savage to anybody but Snake-Eyes, Hawk, Scarlet, Stalker, Spirit, and Storm Shadow. Timber possesses +3 Teeth, which he uses to lethal effect if necessary, and can naturally make use of the Tracking skill, thanks to his enhanced sense of smell and hearing (compared to normal folks).

Extra Goodies:

Snake-Eyes Saga System 13 Text File Download

Snake-Eyes Imagery

GI Joe directories featuring a version of Snake-Eyes:

1982 1985 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 2000 2002 2003

2004 2005 2006 2008 2010 2011 2013 2014

* Note: 1997 saw two versions of Snake-Eyes (Versions 7 and 8), 2002 had five (Versions 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14), 2003 saw two (Versions 15 and 16), 2004 had six (Versions 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22), and 2005 saw five (Versions 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27).

2008 had two versions of Snake-Eyes (28 and 29), as did 2010 (30 and 31), not to mention 2011 (32 and 33), much less 2013 (34 and 35).

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